Karen E. Peyton??
“You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” ~ The Wizard of Oz ??
There are also many great facts about money that, if known about will make your life significantly easier. Yet most people have no idea about them.?
Number one, money is not actually the root of any evil. But the lack of a constant flow of money is the root of many evils. Money is a tool created by man like utensils were, to make certain tasks easier. Just like a hammer, shovel, or fork, only the person using it can determine how it is used. A person’s misunderstanding of money, how it works, what it can do for them, can make them blame money for their problems, Instead of their lack of knowledge.?
Money will not change who you are...
It will only amplify who you are because money is just a tool, a very powerful tool. It will allow anyone to do what they really want to do, and that's what allows them to show their truth.?
It's not good to have the attitude that you don’t respect money, considering the fact you need money to eat, to live, and to keep a roof over your head. Having a lot of money puts you in the position to be able to help yourself help your family and help a lot of other people. But that is not the common thought people have about money, unfortunately. That would be like not respecting the brakes on a vehicle. Without breaks, we would be in all kinds of trouble. All tools are great if thought about intelligently, and used correctly.
So, in many cases getting rich is the best way to help the people around you your community, and humanity at large. On the other hand, having no money is a big source of stress, causing problems in relationships, health, careers, and so many other areas. When you don’t have money, you affect the lives of your family, friends, colleagues, community, and even the strangers around you. If you don’t have money on purpose, that is not very respectful of other people's quality of life.
Learning how to manage your money and make it grow is the solution, not the avoidance of money, or hatred towards it. Wanting to live a life that doesn’t burden others, is a way to keep them out of danger, and doesn’t take time, and money away from the projects they are doing.?
When you can take care of yourself financially, you can take better care of your family, and also you’ll be of help around your community. It helps to create less stress and more peace. Who doesn’t want to be the reason for more peace??
Money is an Excellent Servant But a Terrible Master.?
Most people trade their time for money. And if you get yourself into a position where you depend on only one source of income that's closely tied to your time, money will likely control your life. People simply do not understand that having to trade your time for money, is likely to make them?A Slave?to money, as they get stuck in the rat race.?
On top of it, if you only make money by trading your time for it, every purchase you make is equal to a certain equivalent amount to your time. The next time you consider buying something that you might not even need, consider if it's actually worth the time that it would cost, or if it will really actually make you happy. This is why it is so important to avoid unnecessary impulse purchases and to consider whether any purchase is actually worth it.?
Learning how taxes work and optimizing your taxes is also a great great way to make sure more money ends up in your pocket. That is why so many people say that time is money.?
While it is impossible to buy back the time that’s passed, you can use your money to free up the time that is yet to come and make your money work for you now, instead of you working for money. Bear in mind that money works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and it never gets tired or sick. That’s why money makes an excellent servant!
Your Actions Are What Makes You Wealthy.?
If you distributed all of the money in the world even Across all people, it would very soon return right back to where it was distributed from. The reason is the wealthy will continue doing what they did to get wealthy, and the poor would continue doing what they do to stay poor. So the outcome would be unavoidable.?
This is the reason why the poor don't need more money To fix their money problems. Poor need proper financial education, And more importantly, they need to apply that knowledge and practice, in order to become rich. Giving them more money would likely just result in them squandering more money.?
Blaming others for your own financial state will not make you any richer, only actions will. A financial education will make sure those actions are the correct ones, which will drive you towards financial independence.?
We will use the analogy of weight. Let's say we would redistribute weight around to all people so that everybody was at the average weight. That means all women would be at the average weight, and all men were the average weight. Those that had six-packs before the distribution would keep doing what they did to get, and keep those six-packs, and those that had a big fat round, fluffy bodies would continue doing what they did to get those Big Fluffy bodies. And you can apply that same outcome to money.
The Truth About Most wealthy people is, they’ve earned their wealth.?
Winning the lottery is not the way most people become wealthy. And, for the majority of people, Inheritance is not the way they become wealthy either. In fact, 80% of millionaires are self-made first-generation millionaires.?
There are generally three skills you need to learn and be at least decent in all of them In order to acquire and maintain your wealth. They are making money, saving money, and investing money.?
Most millionaires get two become one by being very good at saving money. They are at least average at making it and at least average at investing it. Becoming very good at investing it, and average at the other two, is another way to becoming rich, but it might take you a little while longer, and there is the risk no one wants to talk about. So, if you invest, make sure you understand and practice diversification. There are millions of people over the centuries that didn’t understand or practice diversifying their portfolios. Just as they were about to retire their investments were wiped out. With no time to start over, they were left with having to become greeters at Walmart or Uber drivers, instead of enjoying their retirement.
Bear in mind there's only but so much money available for you to save because you can only cut back on your expenses up to a certain point. This is why increasing your income and learning how to create second streams of income are both very important in speeding up your journey to achieving financial Independence. People that are exceptional at making money are usually very good at providing lots of value to others. So keep in mind, a positive impact that you can provide on other people’s lives by solving their problems is the best way to increase your income.
High Income Itself Will Not Make You Wealthy?
Even if you find a problem to solve, you solve it and provide a great amount of value to people, or you simplify the way to entertain a lot of people. Then, as a result, you end up making a lot of money, you can also spend it all and end up still being broke, even if you’ve made millions.?
It’s not how much you make that makes you wealthy It's what you get to keep instead. Lifestyle and inflation can be really hard to alter. That’s why you see many former athletes, movie stars, and lottery winners who had multiple millions of dollars in their hands and they went broke. You must live beneath your means to grow wealth.?
If you are making a million a year but you're also spending a million a year or more, you're?
just living high. And losing your source of income can make you go bankrupt almost immediately if you don’t have savings and or investments. Sorry to break it to you but most snobs that you see around are actually not wealthy, just pretenders.?
A lot of people say, Life is short, I could die tomorrow. You’re more likely to lose your job or get ill tomorrow instead. So make sure to keep a steady percentage-based savings. If this causes you to feel like you're missing out on too much then increase your income, and that will fix the problem.?
You should also buy mostly assets instead of liabilities, In order to remain wealthy once you get a good enough income. A quick reminder, an asset is something that makes you money or increases in value, while, a liability is something that costs you money or depreciates in value. In fact, you can turn your liabilities into assets just by knowing the right techniques, tools, and having a great financial advocate in your corner. One thing most people don’t tell you is that you can turn your money into an asset. That would mean you use it as collateral, using other people's money just like a bank or lender does. Wouldn’t you want to make money like a bank does?
Money Can Buy You Freedom?
You don't need the government to tell you when you can retire. The only thing you need is enough assets to be able to live off of them for the rest of your life. The miracle of compound interest is a wonderful thing and to make sure it works for you and not against you is very important. Do get out of debt as soon as possible and have your money work for you instead of somebody else, otherwise, it will work against you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.?
On the other hand, the sooner you start saving correctly in the right vehicles, the more time you have for the compounding to do its magic. There is a very easy and simple rule of thumb that tells you how much money you need to retire early and It's known as the 25 X rule. The 25 x rule states that you need to have 25 times your yearly living expenses saved in order to Retire early using the 4% rule.?
Then you need to calculate your living expenses and then multiply them by 25 to get the amount that you would need to retire early. Increasing your savings rate is a great way to reach the target amount at an early age.?
Multiple sources of income are a great safety measure on the journey. having some of those sources provide passive income is another safety net on top of that.?
There is one tool that stands out in its reputation and results to achieve these goals. It's a tool that protects your savings from litigation and taxation. It gives you access to your money in the form of an asset that continues to earn as you use it. And it allows you to retire comfortably without having to share your savings with the government or pay penalties.
The only thing you need is income, the desire to be wealthy, and the determination to make it happen. If you have those three things, let’s talk.