Money — How To Attract It By Envisioning Your Wealthy Self

Money — How To Attract It By Envisioning Your Wealthy Self

As the timeless proverb goes; “my people perish for lack of vision”. Do you have a clear vision of your best self in your imagination? If you cannot mentally see the self that you are becoming, how do you expect to become it? Let us reflect on how you can use the process of envisioning to create the wealth you desire.

You have probably heard that success is 95% mindset and 5% strategy. As shocking as that may sound to you, it is a very modest way of putting it. Science now tells us that the observable universe is less than 0.0001% matter and more than 99.999% Space. This Space is what has been termed the Quantum Vacuum and it is filled with energy and consciousness. Going a step further, we know that our universe is just a tiny speck within a boundless infinity. That means that in a very literal sense, that which is invisible is the only Reality, while the visible is mere shadows. The magic of life is to master the domain of Causation. When we do, the outer effects take care of themselves like magic. Now, you will find a million gurus for each tactic that you want to use to make money or succeed in life. But there is only a handful of us who have the gift to take you on the deeper journey. It is the road less traveled that makes all the difference. I will be recommending some carefully selected resources that you can work with to apply these lessons and create the results you want. But first, let us work on the real cause of all the phenomena in your life — YOU!

We saw in the 1st Universal Principle that all is The One, and The One is all that is. That all things in existence are the self-expression of one reality that gives birth to all things, contains all things, animates all things, and absorbs all things back into itself. In the 2nd Universal Principle, we saw that this Oneness is Spirit in nature. That is, there is a transcendent non-material reality beyond the material universe. This transcendent Spirit is the Source-Matrix that we called The One in the 1st Principle. Having convinced ourselves that Reality is One and that this Oneness is Spirit, we now come to the 3rd Principle.

Spirit is the immaterial or non-physical dimension.?But Spirit is not just the Pure Energy Field that physicists often allude to. If you pay attention to the complex organization of the universe and the infallible and precise laws that govern it, you will not need anyone to convince you that the universe is the product of an intelligent presence. In other words, Spirit is Intelligence in nature. Spirit is a living Presence. The livingness or movement of Spirit is what we call Consciousness, Thought, or Awareness.

If All is One, and the One is Spirit, and Spirit is a thinking Presence, what is Spirit Thinking about? There is nothing outside of Spirit, so what can Spirit think of? The answer is an obvious one. Since God is all there is, God can only think of Himself. This notion gives birth to the concept of Self-Contemplation. God is the Universal Consciousness or Divine Mind whose process of Self-Contemplation gives birth to all that is. Creation is the culmination of creative thought.

By examining your conscious activity, you can gain an understanding of the conscious activity of God. Being the image or individualization of God means that all that is happening in your consciousness is a replica of what is happening in Divine Mind. The process by which you create your personal reality is the same process by which God is creating His universe.

Did you get that? The creative process that gives rise to the galaxies and oranges is the same creative process that gives rise to your personal experiences (health, job, money, relationships, etc.). One is taking place on a universal scale and the other is taking place on a personal scale, but the two are one. If you take hold of this one truth and run with it, you will not really need the rest of this course.

Your life obeys Newton’s third law of motion, the law of inertia which states that “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external unbalanced force.” You have a natural tendency to continue in the same pattern of behavior unless a life-transforming event occurs. This life-transforming event can take the form of a moment of illumination or the form of a crucible moment.

A moment of illumination occurs when you suddenly have a flash of insight, probably from reading a book, watching a movie, listening to a sermon, taking a course like this one, or from any other encounter that inspires you beyond your usual level of awareness.

A crucible moment comes in the form of a tragedy that shakes you to your core. Sometimes it is a personal tragedy such as the death of a loved one, a disaster, a near-death experience, or any event that causes you to re-evaluate your sense of being at a deeper level. Crucible moments force us to wake up from our spiritual sleep, but we do not need to wait for crucible moments. We can choose the path of illumination and wake up by our own free-will.

Through flashes of illumination or through crucible moments, desire is born. When the desire within you becomes more powerful than your current habitual way of being, your inertia is broken. Your desire inspires ideas in your mind. The overall idea about the reason for your being or the change you want to create in the world is called your purpose. Out of a purpose, a goal is born.

Your goal is the grand achievement that you will leave as a mark of having achieved your purpose. As we saw earlier, your purpose is the WHY of your existence, an intangible feeling that gives meaning to your life. On the other hand, your goal is the WHAT of your existence, the tangible accomplishment that symbolizes that you have lived your purpose.

For example, I could state that my purpose is to make the world a better place by inspiring people to embrace their divine identity, manifest their unlimited potential, and fulfill their glorious destiny. The goal through which this purpose will be materialized is to reach 1 billion people with my inspirational writings. As you can already see, a goal is audacious. In the business world, it is often said that a goal should be BIG, HAIRY, and AUDACIOUS. It should be big enough to outlive you, hairy enough for you to feel it and get uncomfortable, audacious enough to keep your imagination awake, and in fact, make people scream “impossible!”

In her recruitment advert of December 30th, 2018, Fien Rosette, the Founder and CEO of Kayvey Nutri Foods, wrote, “We are on a journey to reduce malnutrition to 0% in our communities.” That is a goal, an audacious goal. If you ask her what is her purpose, she will probably say, “to ensure that no child dies again of malnutrition in Africa”. In subsequent sections of this series, I will train you on how to break down your goal into objectives that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound).


Edwin C. Barnes was a tramp who nurtured the dream of becoming a business associate of Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of his time. Read the story of Barnes and see if you can uncover the secret by which his initial wish was translated into reality. Look back at your life and see if you can find one idea, no matter how small, that you turned into a reality. Trace the path of that idea and show how the secret applied by Barnes came to your aid, even though you may not have been aware of it.

Reflect on this all day, then come back in the evening and fill your response in the text box below and submit.

Translate your inspiration into results. This free training will show you how you can create an online business even if you have no capital or tech skills. Work from home in any part of the world and enjoy the life you have always dreamed of. Join the thousands of people of all ages who are using this proven system to earn $1000 or more every week without having their own products.?CLICK HERE TO START YOUR FREE TRAINING.


It is through active learning that the ideas you have just received will sink into your subconscious mind and orchestrate the results you are looking for. Here are three things you can do to engage with this content:

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Copyright Notice:

? Esoh Nji Godfrey, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

This article was originally published in 2018 as part of a coaching program within the Godfrey Esoh Network. Thousands of people have experienced amazing changes in their lives with the help of this content and it is our prayer that you will too. You are permitted to share and reuse this free version in any way that helps other people to benefit from these transformational lessons, so long as you cite the original author. For further inquiries, please contact the author at?[email protected]


The author is neither a licensed financial advisor nor a physician. This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment, business, or medical advice. For all medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider. For financial advice, please consult your licensed financial advisor.


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