No Money. Give Right Education
Nowadays if you are studying well whether you are poor or not doesn't matter it is the grit that puts you on top. Today there are a lot of ways to study with the help of sponsors and the government is also helping the poor to climb up the ladder and achieve a lot. Days are changing in favor of the meritorious students. So need not rely on money
In fact, if you are ready to take up the challenge. a lot more awaits you. cheer up.
It is the responsibility of all educated people in society to educate the poor voluntarily one day every week. Our Education is of no use to society if our assistance in this regard to help the Poor to have Quality education is not rendered. They also come forward to get assistance from us.
What to tutor?
if one tutored a helpless child towards engineering or towards something else then it’s totally cool, but what if we think differently about what to tutor?
Suppose let us take a situation of a child being poor and not able to spend money on his education. If we take the case of an orphan then there are orphan houses to help them. If the child is begging or so then we should hand over him to orphan houses. What's your role in his education is, if you help the orphan house getting funds then they will collectively make education accessible to the children in the orphan house.
Suppose the poor kid has parents and it is just like their parents can’t afford money to spend for their child’s education. If you really want to help that kind of kids that you are aware of, then try to educate their parents about the true power of education then they may listen to you and make their children’s education possible. If at any point of their struggles, they need help then help them or guide them out of the situation.
Suppose the poor kid you are talking about is having a home, parents, work (like had some education and joined some laborious work or so) but wants more in his life. Then help that kind of teenager if they seek help from you by teaching them about business and investment. After all, it is money that we are talking about. So by teaching him about investment and some business ideas then you may change a little in his life and he is the one who should guide his life as a successful investor and having good life so that he can provide education to their children.
Don't give money. Give education to the poor children. Education will help them to swim on their own with more confidence.