Money is Energy. Money Matters.
Jacquelyne Ellis
Professional Intuitive . Animal Communicator . Teacher . Spiritual Coach
April is traditionally tax filing month, and I had a whole piece ready to share with you about that. But the virus and lockdown gave us a delay on filing, so taxes are on the back burner for lots of folks right now.
But alas, money (and concerns around money) are front and center for almost everyone – those with and those without, alike.
Given that, I thought it might be a good time to take a few steps back and look at money as energy. Because that is, at the most fundamental level, what it is. Now, I realize that can sound very airy fairy. And I’m all about practicality. So, let’s unpack it a bit…
The idea that money is energy is in the same big tent as everything is energy – that all our experiences are multi-layered, and that energy is more toward the subtle (and more causal) end of life as we know it.
Our day to day experience of money can make it easy to forget that it’s energy. We engage with money much as we do other tangible, physical goods. We count it. Sometimes we save it. We trade it. We watch our balances go up and down.
We relate to money, often. Pretty much daily. For lots of folks, particularly those in financial distress, money is the primary “significant other” in their lives.
And lately, so many people feel concerned about what is going to happen to their money, and to money in general. We’re in uncharted territory dealing with this pandemic, on so many levels. Money included.
So, it’s a good time to get a bigger perspective – and reign yourself in if your mind if attuning to panic.
For starters, a reminder: You are not your money. Lots of folks base their identity on their bank account balance, their income, or their debt. They’re rich. Or poor. Or struggling. Whatever. They confuse their ideas about money and financial status with their personal sense of self. It’s not a good idea, and it’s simply not true. You are way, way more than a dollar figure, a number or a label.
Our language around money is odd, too. We talk about making it, earning it, and manifesting it. But very few of us are in the business of printing money, and most people “deserve” much more than they could ever get paid.
There’s also an inherent unfairness when it comes to money. I’d be willing to bet that most folks making minimum wage are working much harder than those who are receiving hundreds of thousands a year.
We also buy into the dream of inheriting money. Or winning the lottery. We want to strike it rich! But, viewed from the perspective of energy, there’s no exchange. It nearly guarantees a lack of real connection to the energy of that money.
I’ve seen it again and again… Being given money (when you had nothing to do with generating it) can actually be a handicap. 99% of my “wealthy” clients still worry about money. They ask the same questions and have the same security issues as those who live and work paycheck to paycheck. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
For nearly all of us, money will come and go through our hands throughout our lifetime. And that’s just fine. We don’t own money. It’s just energy. It is the agreed upon medium of exchange for goods and services in most of our societies.
Here are some truths about money that I’d like you to ponder:
- Money wants to play where it is welcome.
- Hoarding or clutching money out of fear hinders its flow.
- Resentment towards those who have money will cause you unhappiness and again, hinder the flow.
- Most of us are required to work to support ourselves, to pay for our housing, food, expenses and pleasures. If this reality makes you feel bitter or resentful, that resentment energy will keep money away.
Now, here’s something you may not have thought of before. The concept of retirement is actually pretty new. Most of our grandparents could not have conceived of it. People worked as long as they were able to – and they didn’t worry about retirement accounts. So, if you have a retirement account, good for you. If you don’t, I suggest you reign in any shame or panic around that. (It may help to realize that in this you have something in common with the vast majority of other people on the planet.)
If you want to take a deeper dive into exploring the energy of money, here are some suggestions.
? Consider your parent’s “money story”- what they believed about work and money. What did you hear growing up? What is your money story?
? Write a letter to money, or have a long talk with it, as if it were a being. It may not be alive, but it is certainly something you are “in relationship” with. How is that relationship going? When was the last time you really checked in? (And I don’t mean just adding up numbers. I mean a deep dive check-in. Go down into the roots of your own being – and have a chat with the energy of money from that place.)
? If you are one who carries guilt around having money (or if you would feel guilty if you did have a lot of it), I suggest you create and work with a vision for yourself. Imagine having far more than you could possibly use yourself, and every day dream about giving it away, sharing it, and investing in the people and projects you believe in. See yourself doing good with the energy of money.
? For those of you who still write checks, add “Joyfully” or “Happily & easily” just before where it says Pay to the order of…. Or put a happy symbol on your checks. Add the energy of love and flow to the mix.
? You can also write “Thank you!” with any payment. Take a moment to pause and be grateful for whatever you are paying for. “So glad to have indoor heating! Here ya go electric or gas company. THANK YOU!” Hot running water on-demand? THANK YOU, water company!
? You could try making up a song about money. “I love money and money loves me…” Or “Money money everywhere, even in my underwear….” (That one’s for those of us who have a habit of tucking extra bills in our bra.) It may sound silly, but it’s actually a great way to add light and make space to move in what is so often a serious and heavy topic.
There are two final thoughts I’d like to close with.
1) Remember your source. It is not your job, your boss, or your clients. And it’s not your spouse or partner. No. They may be channels through which money appears to come. But the real truth is that YOU ARE SOURCED. You are supplied from the Beyond. We all are. Invoke that reality – and grow your trust in that. Tell your spiritual support team that you expect to see and feel tangible evidence of supply… Ask for obvious physical demonstrations that you are being supported right here, right now. (And open your eyes to see it.)
2) Realize that “financial security” is not likely to happen. It’s a false premise. Money cannot make you secure. It may appear so, but in truth security is a way of being that has nothing to do with money. Now, that does not mean you cannot live a prosperous and happy life. You can. It takes a shift of focus. Keep your aim on creating a life you enjoy (not on making a living). Focus on financial freedom, on creative fulfillment, or whatever is your personal version of sacred joyful expression. Do NOT focus on perceived lack orneed or getting more just to have more. That is a losing game, guaranteed. Shift your focus… Security? Forget it. Freedom? Yes!
If you want to explore more about money, check out Money Karma in my digital downloads shop. I’m putting it on sale (50% OFF) for the next few months because I think lots of folks could benefit from it.
If you want a deeper and more personal dive into your money story, join me for a Money Karma Intuitive Talk. The next one is May 17.
Note: Tax Day has been bumped out to July 15 – so I’ll circle back with my bit about Money & Taxes in a few months. Until then, stay well, keep breathing, and enjoy playing with the energy of money.