"Money Down the Drain"
Samir Roger Makarem
"Mission to Empower" .... Co-founder and Soft/Human Skills Corporate Training Consultant
One of the very first lessons that I had learned back in my early college years in economics is that "Bigness becomes costly." And, there has never been a time where this lesson resonates more accurately than today. It is so unfortunate, especially in this day and age, when all you hear about is cost-cutting strategies being implemented by almost every company in the world, only to witness extravagant amounts of money, by those very same companies, being wasted on nonsense sh*t that barely adds any value to the overall business. Nothing but money down the drain! I guess it's time for a lot of CEOs out there to go back to Economics 101 and hopefully learn a few lessons on how to manage money and spending. Yikes!
With all my love...
Sometimes it seems that the top echelon of the organization firmly believe that what they preach, on cost cutting to their employees, does not apply to them. They do not 'walk the talk'. They claim that the organization has not made profits - but quietly claim bonus for themselves and give each other salary raises while keeping the salaries of their employees stagnant.