Money — Conquer Your Fears And Get Rich

Money — Conquer Your Fears And Get Rich

Everyone wants to make money, but most people never take action because they are paralyzed by fear. What are the fears that are stopping you from taking action and creating the wealth you desire?

You have probably heard that success is 95% mindset and 5% strategy. As shocking as that may sound to you, it is a very modest way of putting it. Science now tells us that the observable universe is less than 0.0001% matter and more than 99.999% Space. This Space is what has been termed the Quantum Vacuum and it is filled with energy and consciousness. Going a step further, we know that our universe is just a tiny speck within a boundless infinity. That means that in a very literal sense, that which is invisible is the only Reality, while the visible is mere shadows. The magic of life is to master the domain of Causation. When we do, the outer effects take care of themselves like magic. Now, you will find a million gurus for each tactic that you want to use to make money or succeed in life. But there is only a handful of us who have the gift to take you on the deeper journey. It is the road less traveled that makes all the difference. I will be recommending some carefully selected resources that you can work with to apply these lessons and create the results you want. But first, let us work on the real cause of all the phenomena in your life — YOU!

The fruit ripens, falls to the ground, dies, and a new plant germinates out of it. When you watch a germinating plant, it is then that it occurs to you that the fruit was not living for itself nor was it an end in itself, no matter how beautiful and glorious it was. The fruit was the embryo of a forest. It was the means through which the tree will propagate itself infinitely. Humanity is God-in-embryo. Your physical birth is your first birth. Your growth and maturity is not an end in itself but the perfection of the Divine Seed. The physical person is only half-human. The full human is the Divine Humanity that is born at the moment of germination — the second birth or spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening is the experience that I refer to as Transformation. To be transformed means to give birth to your ultimate self which is the God-Man or God-Woman you are destined to be. The story of Jesus Christ is the blueprint of the spiritual evolution of all humanity. This is what we mean when we say that Jesus is the prototype of humanity. That which He is, is what you are here to become.

Becoming aware that you are the embryonic or seed form of God enables you to remember that there is a plan that is unfolding in your life; a plan that is bigger than your wildest dreams. The next time you ask, “what is God’s plan for me?”, it will be nice for you to remember that God does not run a retail store from which he dishes out money, spouses, jobs, visas, and cars. The blessing that God gives to you does not come in material form. The material things are within your free will to select and use, to the degree that you exercise your faith. Whether you sleep on a golden bed or on a bamboo bed does not really make a difference, because material things have no eternal consequence. The one thing you should be seeking is that one thing that when you possess, endows you with everything else. Yes, there is one gift within which all other gifts are contained. There is only one plan that God has for you. God’s plan for you is for you to possess GOD’S MASTER PLAN. What then is God’s Master Plan? Here is how to understand it:

Your Biological Code (Genes) is the alphabet that God uses to write the story of your biological life, i.e. your body. Your Mental Code (Beliefs) is the alphabet that God uses to write the story of your social life, i.e. your experiences. This Genetic Code and this Mental Code both exist within the Universal Spiritual Code. This Spiritual Code is the pattern, blueprint, or alphabet that God uses to write the song of creation. This God Code by which creation unfolds is called in the Gospels “The Word” (John 1:1), better understood in its original Greek, “Logos”.

It is this same God Code that Paul later talks about as “The Secret that was hidden for generations but is now revealed”. The Master Plan of God is the “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Cf. Colossians 1:26–27). Note that hope in this text is not a mere expectation as is often interpreted. THE HOPE OF GLORY means the pattern, blueprint, template, or plan of glory. When The Master Plan of creation is yours, you become the master architect of your life, able and free to create anything that you need.

Taking hold of the Master Plan, or becoming a Transformed being, or experiencing your second birth, is the ultimate success you are seeking for. He who has this, has everything for all things are contained in it.

Let us now help you understand the nature of the forces that have been stopping you from taking action toward your dreams, and what you can do about them.


How many times have you had an inspired idea, gotten excited about the prospects of that idea changing your life, made plans to begin, only to wake up the next day and start postponing action till you finally forget it? Procrastination is like the prostitute of creativity. It makes you wake up every morning with a brand new idea that looks exciting than the one of yesterday. Since today’s idea appears more exciting, you use it as an excuse to forget about the idea you started working on yesterday.

Before you know it, years have passed and you are still talking about doing something rather than actually doing something. If you recall our lesson on desire, you will see that procrastination is actually the manifestation of inertia. Your current situation is your comfort zone because you have been in it for so long. When you think of changing your life, as soon as the initial excitement dies down, the law of inertia plays its role and keeps you in place. The only medicine against procrastination, therefore, is action.

Fear of Rejection.

Our family, peers, and significant other have a very strong mental and emotional hold on us. In our adolescence, peer pressure formed the most powerful force in our development. Many humans grow old and die without ever-growing beyond the adolescent stage of psychological development. Therefore, their reference system for decision-making is what their family and friends will say or think or react. If they sense disapproval, they immediately dump the idea.

They may be trying to do the thing physically, but their subconscious minds have already rejected it. So they set themselves up for failure, and when they fail they actually feel relieved. You know that feeling. The need for approval will always keep you down because 99% of the time, the people around you will advise you against your move, with the good intention of trying to protect you. This is why I prefer showing results rather than sharing plans.

After the idea has worked, everyone will like to be a part of it. When it is just an idea in your mind, it is dangerous to share it, except with mentors and action people whose support you can bank on. Have you noticed that people tend to experience a higher rate of success when they travel away from home? It is because traveling is one way of breaking that bondage of emotional dependence and need for approval. What Napoleon Hill calls “fear of loss of love” is the worst expression of the fear of rejection. Our loved ones are the people we have the strongest emotional attachment to. The thought of losing them because we have chosen a venture that they do not support, is one of the most crippling fears. He who conquers this fear has conquered a great chunk of life.

Fear of the Unknown.

Fear of the unknown, or the feeling of uncertainty is one other reason why people do not take action. You know those people who were born in Bamenda, attended secondary school in Bamenda, got their university degree in Bamenda, and are looking for work only in Bamenda. Those people who have been jobless in Bamenda for five years, if you ask them why they have not gone to work in Douala they will tell you they do not have anyone in Douala. That is the only reason.

In other words, they cannot dare make a move to a place where they do not have a safety net. Subconsciously they need baby-seaters everywhere they are. It is fear of the unknown that makes people prefer living in an abusive relationship than to get out. It is fear of the unknown that makes people keep the job they hate rather than get out. As with the case with procrastination, the only way to conquer this fear is to step out into the unknown that you fear.

Fear of Success.

The fear of success, as surprising as it sounds is another gripping fear that keeps people from taking action. Sometimes, success means that you will move out of town, you will leave your friends, you will get into the spotlight, you will take on more responsibility, and so on. Your attachment to your friends makes you fear a life without them, or a life in which you are successful and they are not. You start wondering about the things you normally do together and how ‘miserable’ your life will be if your new status prevents you from doing those things.

If you are the type that likes comfort and ease, you will subconsciously reject a possible promotion or contract that you have an opportunity to get but which entails more responsibility and more hard work. The promise of more money, prestige, and power may not be strong enough to uproot your emotional attachment to laziness. So, you will always look for an excuse to dodge the opportunity. Do you remember those applications you compiled but never submitted only to later find that someone less qualified than you got the job, contract, or scholarship? It is all in your mind. Becoming aware of this kind of fear gives you the opportunity to examine your actions and excuses and unveil the real motive behind them.

Fear of failure.

The fear of failure is probably the most common fear that is known to all. The rational mind is programmed by the fight-flight response. The survival instinct is the evolutionary protective mechanism of every life form. Whenever a new idea comes up that signifies a movement from your comfort zone, your adrenaline rush sets in, and the fight-flight response is triggered. When your rational mind conjures up all possible scenarios of what may go wrong, the purpose is to get you to forget the idea. When you forget the idea, your mind has faithfully fulfilled its mission of protecting you. Do you get the trick? All the scenarios that your mind conjures up are scare tactics constructed randomly from images in your past, other peoples’ experiences, circumstances in your environment, etc.

There is no reality to them. If you understand this protection mechanism, you will not obey it all the time. What you need to do is take each thought examine it for any merit it may contain, then include in your plan an intelligent strategy for handling that eventuality if it shows up. We will see more on this in the strategic planning section.

How to flip your fears.

There is a certain kind of fear that you can use to conquer all other fears. Have you ever imagined that you may die and the world will forget you as if you were never here? The desire for immortality is inherent in all of us. We spend all our lives trying to leave something through which we will continue to live after our bodies are gone. This is why we make babies, write books, take photographs, carve our names on the ceilings of our dorm rooms or on buildings, and try to leave a legacy when we can.

So, instead of fearing all the other things, always ask yourself this one question, “what will be my legacy if I leave the world tomorrow?” If your passion to not die and be forgotten is stronger than everything else you fear, you have won.


What you need to do today is to practice step 5 of the Napoleon Hill Formula. Follow the instructions and sample on converting your desire and plan into an affirmation. When you finish writing your affirmation from the present moment forward, there is an extra step you should take. Flip the time scale and imagine yourself living in that moment where you are enjoying the fulfillment of your desire. From that place, now transcribe your affirmation into the present tense. Feel free to do this exercise over and over till you find the words that resonate with your inner being. Spend the whole day on this.

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Copyright Notice:

? Esoh Nji Godfrey, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

This article was originally published in 2018 as part of a coaching program within the Godfrey Esoh Network. Thousands of people have experienced amazing changes in their lives with the help of this content and it is our prayer that you will too. You are permitted to share and reuse this free version in any way that helps other people to benefit from these transformational lessons, so long as you cite the original author. For further inquiries, please contact the author at?[email protected]


The author is neither a licensed financial advisor nor a physician. This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment, business, or medical advice. For all medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider. For financial advice, please consult your licensed financial advisor.


