Money as a Basic Human Right: Peace is a Coin Away

Money as a Basic Human Right: Peace is a Coin Away

Money as a Basic Human Right: Peace is a Coin Away.

Eder Zanetti.


The inclusion of money in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a way of recognizing its importance to people's lives and the need to make money available as a foundation for world quality of life, freedom and peace. Article 3 may include: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty, money and personal security. The fundamental right to money is attained when every human being, alone or in community, has the adequate physical and economic conditions at all times to guarantee his freedom and dignity. "

Imagine a brotherhood of humans sharing the world, without ambition, hunger or war. The will of the people is the basis of the authority of the government, aimed at the promotion of individual rights and freedoms, regardless of the condition of birth or wealth. This brotherhood can exist once money is considered a basic human right.

Money as human duty has a negative result that can be reversed when considered as a right. Money as a human right guarantees access to other basic human rights, leading the individual to participate effectively in society and their relationship during the trajectory on the planet.

The right to life (including water), freedom (including locomotion and residence) and personal safety, be recognized as a person before the law, protected against interference or attacks. Have a nationality, contract marriage (adults, free consent) and found a family (protected by society and state). To exercise these rights, the expenditure of financial resources is fundamental.

The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, of opinion and expression, without interference, of peaceful assembly and association. The right to take part in the government of your country, to have access to public service, social security, and economic, social and cultural rights indispensable to your dignity (including food) and the free development of your personality. Adequate investments guarantee compliance with these fundamental rights.

The right to work on fair and favorable conditions and protection against unemployment, with a fair and satisfactory remuneration, compatible with human dignity and a standard of living capable of assuring him and his family health and well-being. The necessary budget has to be available for this to be a reality.

All children are entitled to free instruction, at least in elementary and fundamental degrees, which is compulsory, aimed at the full development of the human personality and at the same time strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. To participate freely in the cultural life of the community, in the enjoyment of the arts and in scientific progress and its benefits, including the protection of moral and material interests. All this has an associated cost and guaranteeing access to money as a human right makes everyone have equal opportunities to enjoy the planet.


Every human being shall be subject only to the limitations determined by law so as to ensure due recognition and respect and to satisfy the just requirements of morality, public order and the welfare of society. Considered innocent until proven guilty, receiving effective remedy for acts that violate fundamental rights, without being arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled. Money as a human right keeps the need to obey laws as well as institutions intact, and increases the number of those who enjoy the results of temporary use of the planet.

The human being cannot be held in slavery or servitude, subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, with a punishment more severe than that which, at the time of the practice, was applicable to the offense. He shall not be subject to interference with his private life, family, home or correspondence, nor to attack upon his honor and reputation, arbitrarily deprived of his nationality, or the right to change his nationality arbitrarily deprived of his property, or bound to be part of an association. External debts and accumulated savings over decades and centuries do not have a physical relationship with the planet - environmental, are the result of modifiable social and economic institutional arrangements in any time and situation.

While human rights include established foundations for first-order mediations, such as biological reproduction, exchange with nature, exchange systems, rational allocation of resources or forms of social regulation, society has functioned around mediations of second order, essentially capital, labor and State, which promotes exchange value above the value in use. The strengthening of money creates an unequal society that threatens the quality of planetary life. Humans need to have equal access to money as a means of ensuring the preservation and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services (Natures Contributions to People NCP) and social inclusion, the value of exchange and use of money must be brought closer to mediations of first order. The human being is the fundamental link between the natural resource base and capital, fundamental rights and guarantees need to ensure access to money as a means of allowing access to other fundamental rights and guarantees in the United Nations Charter and in the constitutions of countries.

Humans must have equal rights of access to money as a means of preserving peace. Peace and money are intimately connected, and have a direct relationship between them, that is, the more money, the greater the tendency toward pacification. By integrating the provision of adequate money, peace initiatives are strengthened, and at the individual level, the tendency is to increase the guarantee of well-being and freedom. A joint effort is needed to ensure that the lack of money is no longer a cause of conflict. The inequalities caused by money place different nations in positions formed by individuals with different faiths, and who have their capacity of movement as a society reduced by their lack.


Gender and payments equalities are steps for money equality, avoiding the obligation that leads to difference. The concentration of income pollutes the economic system of the planet with its ideology of money, which creates distance, dispute and war, and is the currency that can end the separation between people. The concentration of income creates the barriers, seeks to avoid equality. Peace will decrease profit, give up differences. Peace can be promoted with money transformed into a human right, accessible to all, everywhere, all the time. A world in which, from an economic point of view, everyone is equal.

Money represents the unit used to measure the influence of the economy on people's lives, just as the amount of drinking water portrays environmental quality and the number of people the human population. Money has an economic role, water an environmental function and individuals are the social components of the sustainability equation. Capital, environment and society in harmony for a full development. The world is reaching 9 billion people and the amount of money in the economy has grown at similar rate, it is necessary that the natural resource base grow to the same extent.

Financial capital seeks growth facing the economic problem of providing individuals with infinite desires of consumption, from a limited universe of available resources - the economy, the environment and society in a dynamic process. Money is the economic instrument to guarantee access, and to exclude from access, the available and limited natural resources - in this sense money is an economic force. The amount of money a person or organization possesses determines their economic strength, the ability to influence at least this third part of everyday life. The natural resource base, the environment will be responsible for others about 30% influence and the extent of its greatness has been the object of great global interest. Some environmental measurements include equivalent liters of water, tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and square meters of area. The assessment of the Green Internal Product of individuals, municipalities, states and countries is a way of measuring the influence, or environmental force of natural capital. People represent the social force driving human activities, and the growth in the number of individuals, portrays their power to influence a third of everyday life. A very large population increases the number of individuals seeking to satisfy their infinite desires of consumption, based on the availability of money, so there is an increase in the amount of money, and there must be an increase in the available natural resource base, to maintain the balance. The income hubs, harmful to the planet, believe that the solution is to take the population and the money to another planet. We take bad care of a planet, let's repeat the mistake in a million of them. The solution may be to continue destroying and moving to other locations (the controlled burning carried out by traditional communities follows the same logic) or to improve the quality of our planet, a spacecraft that has been going through the universe for a long time - compared to the companies concerned in offering space in cocoons, for money.

If the money is produced in excess and the population is very large, the tendency to influence the environmental function is increasing. Raising money and population without increasing the natural resource base creates an imbalance in the basis of sustainability. The concentration of money by individuals or countries implies a considerable economic force to limit access to natural resources, leading to loss of environmental quality and generating social exclusion at the local, subnational, national and global levels. The amount of money has a direct influence on the decision-making capacity of human activities.

Natural ecosystems need to be valued so that the Earth is paid for the time we use it - our lifetime. During the time we spend on the planet we use its resources and we need to compensate this rent for maintenance, not only to guarantee access for other people, but for the Earth, the planet. The world has about $ 350 trillion in private equity and accumulated money (countries' GDP, external debt, private property), money that is directed to different agencies and individuals according to a highly unbalanced economic system with violent concentration in some points. This unbalanced organism results in environmental damage at a planetary level, with high levels of social exclusion generating reactions at other points. The planetary organism suffers from the concentration of money that has sufficient strength to influence the functioning of the environmental system and the capacity for social articulation of people.

With this picture there is about $ 35 trillion remaining in terms of natural capital, that is, there is 10 times more money than planet - and this money is highly concentrated. The concentration of money causes a hectare of land in New York to cost $ 260 million and the same area in the Sahara Desert or the Amazon has a value of $ 1. Of the global income close to 90% goes to 1% of the people - those who concentrate income; that is, when money becomes a basic human right, something like 99% of the world's population will benefit, and a minimum of people will continue to have what they always had, only that without the privileges to control the destinies of the rest of the individuals in the world.

If money ceases to exist as an obligation and becomes a basic human right, few people in the world will be affected, and the value of natural capital would be increased by at least 20 times, surpassing the amount of money and thereby their ability to secure the wealth of future generations. Today, the planet clearly belongs to a small group that accumulates money. It is the people responsible for establishing this scale of values, which determine the indebtedness limits of countries, states, municipalities and people. In this system people who accumulate money today can have eternal debts while those who have less money must pay fees to the former, a mechanism that leads to concentration of income and economic and social exclusion on a planetary scale, with direct consequences on environmental degradation. The challenge of virtual currencies reinforces the need for money to be a human right. Without ballast, borders or language they signal a future where the most important thing is to stop issuing money or working for it. Having enough money and everywhere at all times, individuals eliminate a daily burden of economic pressure on the shoulders of society and the environment.

For the functioning of the economic organism, money can be compared to blood in the body of individuals. It is the money that circulates and takes the proteins and carbohydrates obtained in food and digested through the work of the stomach, the center of exchange of the financial system. The financial agents of the stomach of the individual, capture the gross resources and deduct fees and taxes, directing to the different organs and tissues the nutrients, or the money, corresponding to what is necessary for its proper functioning. In a human body, excesses are eliminated to avoid harming the operation of the whole, taking with it all the waste of the processes involved. The concentration of money in certain points of the economic organism implies effects similar to trauma, obesity or stress that lead to an irregular functioning of the whole organism in imbalance. The concentration of money is making the planet sick. The accumulation of money, its excess or lack at any point, as with blood, can lead to organ failure and eventual loss of the individual as a whole. To stay productive, the body requires healthy eating and physical exercise, which aim to strengthen the balance. To avoid accumulating money in the financial body, its excess must be eliminated, taking with it the set of inputs related to its production. To keep the planetary organism in balance, we must treat the planet's environment and include all people, eliminating the excess of money by transforming it into a human right, available in sufficient quantity in all places. Otherwise, the imbalance in favor of capital can lead to bankruptcy of whole societies and eventual loss of environmental quality at the global level.

Each one spends a certain amount of time on this planet, and while laws assign ownership through a public registry, there is not enough monitoring time to ensure that this property is being used in a way that contributes to the best possible outcome for the planet. Ultimately, life on earth depends on the proper management of the planet as a whole and any use that results in the detriment of environmental quality, which is harmful to all humans, other than plants and animals. The strength of the money and the remedies it uses for the social organism to ignore its negative effects results in loss of the planet's environmental quality and increase social exclusion, threatening the health of the global society. The concentration of money acts as a painkiller, making us forget the real problem that is hidden by the elimination of the pain sensation. Similarly, concentration of income provides momentary joy as the global organism develops cancer. The lack of payment for the use of Planet Earth and its adequate maintenance, only remunerating the financial capital, causes that the hegemony of the economy results in the devaluation of the natural capital. A power relationship that keeps natural capital hostage to financial capital. With the transformation of money into a human right, the possibility of concentration of financial capital ends, and there will be a return of balance in favor of natural capital and people, promoting the necessary balance for sustainability at all scales - local, subnational, national , regional and global.

Money makes life flourish and thrive, generating the capacity for philanthropy and dividing the results of wealth back into society. The money allows investing in gray and green infrastructure to ensure the perenniality of the species and way of life. Individuals with enough money can devote themselves to developing their individual virtues and abilities, improving behavior, and contributing to building a better planet. Money allows the promotion of dignity, peace, trust and friendship among people. Money promotes opportunities for the overall development of honesty and social inclusion, rescuing the dignity of individuals everywhere. With the abundance of money people can be dedicated to the development of the best in itself, contributing to this so that society as a whole is benefited. The availability of money allows you to make your aspirations a reality, generating a personal satisfaction in the development of the work. Money enables the development of peaceful societies aimed at promoting a favorable global environment. Being available in sufficient quantities, money has little influence on day-to-day decisions. The human relationship is determined mainly by the empathy between people, groups and societies when the money it is a right. In societies with sufficient availability of money the income of all citizens is large and similar, reflecting conditions of equality, dignity and fraternity. Individuals with adequate amounts of money have access to all the fundamental human rights and other benefits of contemporary society, environment, and economy. The unlimited availability of money diminishes the differences and contrasts between social groups and promotes cooperation and integration as a growth alternative.

With enough money will be optimized the production and use of factors to transform wealth and develop society, resulting in improved infrastructure, logistics, environment - water, biodiversity, transport, energy, solid waste management, liquid effluents and gaseous emissions, land use, education, culture, tourism, security, industry and health. Excessive accumulation of money causes immense poverty on the other side, preventing the cyclical movement for social growth from being executed. Lack of cyclical social movement increases the risks of population dissatisfaction, especially at the base of the pyramid. The means to establish the dynamic equilibrium of society passes through the direct transfer of money through its recognition as a basic human right. Money is virtual, which facilitates the adoption of a financial policy of distribution at the local, subnational, national and global levels - it can immediately reach everyone and be used anywhere. The internet has created a virtual community with democratic access to all citizens who receive more and more members, where the digital coins begin to work. Pioneers of virtual society accumulate large amounts of money from the global economic body, the influence of population increase on the growth of financial availability and environmental consequences. In this case, the virtual environment seems to be able to grow indefinitely, bringing the whole population and global economy easily, converted to bits, algorithms and other concepts of the digital universe. The influence of the virtual world on the planet's environmental reality will be related to the ability of natural resources to grow indefinitely in the same proportion as the digital world. From the point of view of the global organism, the virtual world represents an economic activity aimed at generating money and its influence must be limited in this horizon, guaranteeing access of all population and a healthy environment within the natural borders. Lately money as an obligation has driven the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence phenomenon, aimed at reducing people's dependence of financial systems - a natural movement of income concentrators. Without the presence of humans money comes to dominate the whole world, now run by machines, for which the environment matters little. The abandonment of this planet to the machines results as a consequence of the greed of some money concentrators and its disinterest for humanity. They are using money as an obligation as a way of destroying civilization. The more money, more robots and artificial intelligence.

The money that appears in one place came out of another. The accumulation of money makes it lack another point. When money is being grouped in a particular location in another location it becomes unavailable. The concentration and accumulation of money occurs without there being a physical match. Natural capital is not remunerated in the same way as financial capital, although life depends much more on the former. The amount of money circulating around the world equals many times the value of the entire earth's surface, that is, there is enough money to buy the planet several times, but we only have this one. There are financial arrangements and armies for maintaining the imbalance, bitter remedies that attack the symptoms without reaching the problem. The human population as a whole will benefit from the transformation of money into a basic human right, provided in sufficient quantity and quality for everyone everywhere. How about living on a planet with clean air, clean water and abundant biodiversity, where money belongs to the essential human rights class? Money as an obligation has not produced positive effects.

Money as a human duty must avoid the contagious spread of poverty and its consequences, otherwise its negative contribution to social development will result in environmental damage - people deprived of the basic rights due to lack of money need to seek in natural resources extraordinary sources to compensate for the excessive appreciation of financial capital. Money as a human duty has produced inequality, with concentration and maldistribution; money as a human right is a cure for an organism weakened by the constant pressure it suffers from the 1% concentrators. Money as a human duty has been the biggest cause of death, and the ambition for accumulation of money has driven the development of global climate change and mass extinction. Money as a human duty dictates profession, vocations, fashion, behavior, dreams and every aspect of everyday life. Money as a human duty has produced hatred, humiliation, betrayal and killing among people. Money as a human duty has limited planetary advances in all sorts of areas, making of itself as a goal, while those that people truly carry within their hearts are considered fantasies, leisure, and illusion. Money as a human duty has offered opportunities for the global development of corruption and intolerance. Money as a human obligation causes the individual to be conniving with outrageous situations. Being a human obligation money, people are forced to get it first, then to be able to arrange their routine actions, usually involving deviations of conduct facilitated by compulsory money. Money as a human duty gives birth to the financing of violence aimed at ensuring a harmful behavior, the defense of deviations from the conduct of compulsion. Money as a human duty has been the fuel of wars and various conflicts and disagreements around the world. Money as a human duty determines how relationships begin, develop and eventually end, it has the power to influence all people in any part of the world. Money has been used to build relationships and monitor their behavior over the years. Money as a human duty has generated the worst income distribution in history, robbing people of their dignity, promoting inequality, and reducing the freedom and quality of this freedom for the vast majority of the world's population. Money as a human duty failed to promote fundamental human rights for the vast majority of the global population, while delivering extraterrestrial satisfaction to a few. Money as a human duty promoted concentration of income and poverty, obesity and hunger, creditors and debtors, War.

More than the intervention of religious to make death a gateway to the promise of an eternity of sources of milk and honey and virgins, the reality of the day to day of money brings from faith to bureaucracy, the power to perform miracles. Through faith it is possible to perform miracles like giving back vision or movements, while with money the miracle comes from the ability to command society. Omnipresent, money as a human duty causes the holder of capital to coordinate the functioning of the local social body. The social organism of each family unit, neighborhood, municipality, state, region and country is formed by the citizens, and the citizens' dependence on money causes relations to develop around this natural enmity, with fundamental rights restricted to the duty of accumulate money.

Relations between nations need to develop in a climate of mutual friendship, promoting fundamental human rights for all citizens. The dignity and worth of people must be equal for all - men and women - in order to achieve better standards of quality of life and freedom. Money presents itself as an instrument for the realization of these principles, and therefore must be included among the universal rights of human beings, as well as with water and sanity, food and others. The right to money must be guaranteed to fully comply with the satisfaction of all other human rights of men and women.

Money must be available, affordable, provided sustainably, and equally for men and women. Money must become a property of human beings at the same time as they gain a legal identity and become part of society. Just as it is necessary to guarantee the other fundamental rights and guarantees, money must be guaranteed by the state, and a planetary agreement is necessary to establish an equal division of financial resources by all inhabitants. The amount of money available in the world, the ability to maintain a sustainable level of production without compromising the natural resource base and the values considered appropriate for each human being should be defined together. Likewise, the contributions that all countries, according to the amount of money they have, populations and their natural resource base, must contribute to guarantee the adequate supply of money to all human beings, without distinction, must be defined.

 The right to money is a fundamental right, insofar as it exists even without guarantee or intervention by the State and Governments, and must be reflected in global agreements and national, subnational and local laws as a means of protecting all persons equally. The state has an obligation to respect individual efforts to raise money, protect citizens in their pursuit of money and ensure the means to facilitate access and provide the money needed to meet individual demands. The money must be sufficient, safe, accessible and accepted in all places and generating conditions of effective contribution of the citizen to the society, as a form of retribution.

The inclusion of money in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a way of recognizing its importance to people's lives and the need to make money available as a foundation for world quality of life, freedom and peace. This inclusion must occur in Art 3o. to the following content: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty, money and personal security. The fundamental right to money is attained when each human being, alone or in community, has the appropriate physical and economic conditions at all times to guarantee his freedom and dignity.”

Accumulation of money can be avoided as a monthly amount is made available and zeroed at the end of the period, returning to the initial value. Without accumulation of money, the accumulation of debts will also cease to exist - obligations that cross generations. All possible debts are also reset periodically. Without having to worry and deal with money as a human duty and taking money as a human right, people can devote themselves to their own development and improving living standards for everyone. The result will be a planet with clean air, clean water and abundant biodiversity, with happy humans who recognize, respect and cultivate. A brotherhood of humans sharing the world, without ambition, hunger or war.




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