Money is not always the answer to your problem!
Thanks to all who believe as I do that kindness, integrity, humility and generosity are most important for the sake of our planet, especially at this time. Mainly, because of all the money grubbing madness going on today.
Money has never made people happy. These unholy money Mongers are only happy it seems when they are continually making their ill gotten gains without a care for the rest of the World. I will never understand why those with millions, or nowadays billions, believe they know what's best for those not dancing within their financial arena.
We may not posses their filthy lucre (money, especially when gained in a dishonest or dishonorable way). However, we do have the resources and the wisdom to know what is really needed in order to be healthy, happy and wise. And soon those who only choose manipulation as a way to get what they want, not what they need, will soon realize that money is not enough to maintain a healthy, not just wealthy, lifestyle.
To all who understand my meaning, know that we have, "Universal Wisdom", on our side to show us the way to maintain our integrity.