Monetize your old Covidien Endomechanical Inventory today !

We haven't used that item in years !  Where did that come from ?  We'll never use that !

Isn't if funny how long we hold on to things ?  That ragged old t-shirt with holes in the wrong places, bit it's still so comfy .....  That Webber charcoal grill that we can't get rid of even though we only use the gas grill anymore.  I could go on and on.  It happens every day in every hospital in America.  We're a society of hoarders and we just hate to let go of stuff.  That's costing your hospital money and efficiency.

Listen, our team has been at this for 19 years.  No gimmicks, no games .... simply helping hundreds of hospitals recoup tens of millions of dollars on products that they simply won't ever use.  Our team will pay your facility the most we can to help you clear your storeroom, cabinets, shelves, drawers and wherever else you've got inventory from Covidien, Ethicon and Applied Medical just clogging up your workspace.   We have customers around the globe begging us to find them more.  Be part of the global movement to reduce the amount of surgical products being wasted and get to know WestCMR today.

It happens .... you've lost a surgeon, you've stopped doing a certain procedure at your facility, or you've simply inherited a bad inventory situation.  Just take a minute and contact me and I promise to put you in contact with a member of our team that will impress you and over deliver. I am most easily reached at [email protected].

We want your old staplers, mesh, reloads (especially the old Covidien roticulator series that start with 0304xx) .... try us. 

At WestCMR, LLC we're committed to reducing Healthcare costs globally.  

By the way, we're always looking for new customers.  Start saving with us today by visiting  

Randy Ware is the Founder and CEO-Emeritus of West Coast Medical Resources, LLC and Principal in Ware Consulting, LLC.


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