Mondays, don't have to be creepy
Sindhuja Rai
Helping Leaders Double Their Team Performance Working Half The Time I?? 10 K Leaders Transformed I Master Coach, Facilitator, Certified Leadership & Life Coach I Managing Partner @ Mpower Consultancy
Getting back at work after a relaxed weekend on a Monday morning is a creepy thought as you know the week end will be far away...Are you wanting to also live from a weekend to weekend and not just during the 2 days that count as a weekend?
We've all been there, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Connecting with yourself as a person is as important as much as knowing what you must do everyday as a leader. In fact if the first step is not in place, second will not appear!
If you're like most of our clients, you've tried other things: workshops on leadership, retreats, team building exercises, therapy, maybe even counselling. But it feels like nothing works.
The hard truth is that it's not always what you do as a leader with your team that needs to change, but how YOU work with yourself.
We help leaders find calm within themselves, manage stress and overwhelm, and connect better with their teams and people in their lives - without having to sacrifice their success or careers.
Our clients learn a better way to live and lead their lives while fulfilling their leadership goals.
If you want to say goodbye to the Monday Scares and experience the same calm and peace that our clients found working throughout the week, we encourage you to book a call with our team.
We've got some spots open this week.
Let's work together to rediscover what truly matters.
Talk Soon,
Sindhuja Rai
Founder + CEO Coach, Mpower