A #MondayMotivation Like No Other
It would be nice if this were another 'I was privileged to...' or 'I am honored to…' Regular LinkedIn post. Yet, I count it an honor and privilege that you take your time to read till the end of the article, for a dose of #MondayMotivation, written from my heart.
The global protests couple of months ago scores an A+ in raising awareness of the issue at hand. But on addressing the root cause of the problem, to make a lasting change and impact on the masses, it scores an F.
Yes, I notice that most affected by the topic of the protests have toned down the rhetoric about it, either due to the fear of committing career suicide, or perhaps, it is just sheer indifference. Oh, my assumptions and I!
A conversation I had two Thursdays ago, between the asterisks ** below, proves to me that the few of us that care a lot and feel a lot about the issue, like Cephas Williams, must take on the burden to continue the rhetoric to the best of our abilities, regardless of the personal consequences of doing so.
As she takes the picture,
She asks: What kind of black man are you?
Me (eager to give a rant about my belief that to use the prefix 'black' or any other color to tag someone is a misnomer from ignorance, I chose the inquisitive route and asked): What do you mean?
She: Well, I don't know a 'Blackman' that looks, moves, and talks the way you do.
The compliment made me blush. Usually, when I get compliments about my uniqueness, I am quick to retort because "I am FISAYO, Olajide Fisayo." But, for some reason, I remembered my mum's advice, "Fisayo, try to stay humble and kind, it gives you more options to respond than react." Then I responded
Me: Because there's no such thing as a Blackman…
She (interjects): What do you mean? I am sure you are not oblivious to the #BLM
Me: Oh, yes, that. But my meaning is more backed by reason, rather than trends on social media or the news.
She: What do you mean?
Me: Well, for one, when we all arrived here on earth, we came as babies, ignorant and helpless. And transiting from our ignorance and helplessness, we had to learn words that were prevalent in the era we were born. And the world black as a prefix to describe someone is the ignorance common in the age we are born.
She: Hmmmm, well said like a philosopher priest...
Me (interjects): I am no priest, but I do fancy myself as a philosopher at times.
She (smiles): Okay. While I understand what you're saying, are you going to deny the existence of systemic rac…
Me (interjects): Make no error. Please don't misconstrue my words to think that I claim that the adverse effects of systemic stereotypes don't exist or are unreal.
She: Then help me not misconstrue your words. How do you expect our actions to be beyond the knowledge we inherited in the age we are born?
Me: Wow, you ask me like I have all the answers!
She: C'mon, you know what I mean.
Me: No, I honestly don't.
She: Well, you said earlier that our use of the 'black' prefix to describe someone is due to the ignorance of the upbringing in our time. So my question is: How do we, no! Let me make it personal, how do I dispel that ignorance in me? I proudly call myself a black woman.
Me: Hmm, that's a profound question.
She: Well, since I know you, the more difficult the task, the more attractive you find it. (she winks at me.)
Me (looking to the sky, thinking): Well, for one, it's a personal choice you must make. From experience, I see it depends on your choice to shake off the ignorance in your upbringing and education in your time. And, after that comes the hard work of self-educating your ignorance, which our human nature shirks from doing.
She: Okay, I see you're checking your time. I wouldn't want you to arrive late for your appointment. So here's my last question. Do you have an example other than yourself, of someone who shook off the ignorance in their upbringing in the era the person was born?
Me: Thanks for thinking positively of me, because I know for a fact that there are a plethora of my prejudices that need I to re-educate.
She: Modest much, you! You sure are steps ahead of most. So give me an example, and you can be on your way.
Me: Well, it will be easy for me to name the names of Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Hellen Keller, and Rosa Parks. Their tales will not pertain to our time. So I will call Richard Branson (dyslexia turned billionaire) and Les Brown – research more about his story. And, I will leave you with one of his favorite quotes:
"Never let someone's opinion of you become your reality."
**The End**
For Jacob Blake | #JacobBlake
#elsonslessons #Phesighyo #fisayoolajide #thetemperedradical