Monday Musings - Episode 185 - Joy of Giving
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Monday Musings - Episode 185 - Joy of Giving



28th November 2022

I shall start the new discussion with a meaningful sloka from Valmiki Ramayana.

I already covered a long strategic discussion between Rama and Bharatha in the middle of the forest on various ‘leadership skills’. They are great leadership lessons covered in saraga 100 of Ayodhya Kand of #ValmikiRamayan. Please read Monday Musings episodes 150 and 151 to enjoy the learnings. That is a long and intriguing discussion.

We are going to see a sloka now which comes in the same forest and in the same scenario, couple of sargas later, in sarga 105.?This is a ‘life secret’ told by Bhratha to Rama.

??????? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????????? |
??? ??? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? || Valmiki Ramayana 2.105.7

tasya?= his;?sujiivam?= good life;?yaH?= who;?nityashaH?= upajiivyate = is relied upon;?paraiH?= by others;?yaH?= whoever;?upajiivati?= is dependent on;?paraan?= others;?tenatu?= however;?durjiivam?= difficult life

Translation – O Rama, a purposeful life is led by one on whom others rely on, the life of one who depends on others is worthless

This might look a simple statement but great truth whether it is personal relationship or business dealing or customer retention or job satisfaction.

A relationship will remain strong and enjoyable as long as you continue to offer more than what you get. Offer more without calculating and anticipating what you would get in return. Long term relationships cannot be built based on terms and conditions.

Any relationship requires ‘give and take’. True. What you give to a relationship should be more than what you expect. That is the secret for sustainable relationship.


Give more attention than you demand. Give more love than you crave. It’s in the giving we receive.

There are a few universal truths and this is one of them. If you will accept, embrace, and employ them, your life will be easier and happier.

A farmer or a gardener understands this foundational truth very well. The yield is not based simply on the amount invested. The more you nurture your plants, the more fruit or harvest they will produce. You must give before you can expect the yield.

This applies to your relationship with your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends – everyone. Give more than what you take, and the relationship will boom. Love more than what you long for, the relationship will be enjoyable.


Same formula applies in a job as well. Well, everyone works for the salary and nothing wrong with that. The problem arises only when someone works only for the salary. Think of your contribution in the job before thinking about what you get from the job.

Does it apply only to the employees? No, applies equally to the employers as well. If you want to retain talent, focus on what you offer to the employees more than what you get from them. Not necessarily only as compensation - Job satisfaction, Development, etc.

As you pay more attention to the people around you by being honestly interested in their lives and attentively listening to them when they talk to you, they will reward you by giving the same back to you. As you genuinely love and care for others, they will be more loving in return.

Regardless of what other people do, adopt the mindset of giving, nurturing and adding value to the lives of those around you. The results, though often not immediate or what you might expect, will eventually come as you develop your giving skills.


Don’t worry about losing when you give more. Research has shown that you will end up gaining in the end. Most marketers use this technique by giving free products to consumers and end up selling more and more.

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Customers like to receive, and when they do they return the favor by spending their money with you. In modern times, we call this ‘The Law of Reciprocity’.?

#ZigZigler the late and great motivational speaker summed it up well when he said,

“You will get all you want in life if you help other people get what they want.”

What you give to your customers could be little, inexpensive but must be thoughtful and what they would cherish like an eBook, special report, a free training, or a sanguine business advice. The business will boom as long as the free offer has some value to the customer – and that there are “no strings attached.”

Remember, the more you give, the more you get. I do this for my customers and they reciprocate with their trust and their business. You can also try.

Can you be sure that everyone will reciprocate? We start with the belief that everyone will reciprocate. What happens if they don’t reciprocate??Does not matter. We will remain happier that we gave more than what we took and that is more important.



This week's good news column is based on this week's theme ie 'Joy Of Giving'. is a market place portal specially designed to bridge the givers with those who genuinely need help. Helps more to experience the 'Joy of Giving'. Pool of volunteers from shall help those who have a genuine interest to GIVE to identify and extend the help to the needy.

There is a 'SAVE LIFE' campaign currently running in to save the life of the only son of a family who is suffering from chronic diseases. You can contribute and enjoy the feeling of 'Joy of Giving'. helps voluntary organizations who do good service by promoting them digitally. Paalamglobal lists the organizations in the portal and help the organizations to reach out to the volunteers digitally. Voluntary organizations can contact [email protected] for free digital promotion service.


My book #COVID2121 is slated to be released during the second week of December-2022. Editorial review completed and the book has gone for interior design. Please read the preview and book your advance copy from

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COVID2121 Story Timeline

It is a thrilling story of eventful fortnight between 14th April 2121 to 27th April 2121. The story starts with hope and excitement on a fine Tamil New Years day of 2121, fear and despair during those dreadful fifteen days and ending up again with hope on 27th April 2121. Read the time chart above and wait to read the full story in another two weeks.


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Compiled and posted by Jaganathan T ( every Monday as a motivational newsletter, MONDAY MUSINGS in LinkedIn. Subscribe to MONDAY MUSINGS to read every Monday.


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