Monday Muses~the concern of unintended consequences

Monday Muses~the concern of unintended consequences

Late last week I caught up with a member of the injured worker community, *Sally reminded me that there were days when she struggled to get out of bed or get out of the house; it was the text messages from other members of the injured worker community who supported her, held the framework of her world in place, they turned up with no other reason other than to share their care and concern and one member of the injured worker community who would turn up and take *Sally and her dog to the nearby dog park. All of it was required because she was just so emotionally overwhelmed not by her physical injury but the impact of the workers compensation process. She told me that there were times when she could not even turn her computer on because there would be emails from a new case manager demanding attention to parts of the works compensation process. [At one time her eldest son took over running her claim and responding to the emails] If it had not been for the support that *Sally received from others within the injured worker community she would have slipped further into PICS -post traumatic care syndrome.

I am far from an expert on PICS, however the conversation with *Sally did cause me to ponder just how many others within the injured worker community feel the same feelings of being overwhelmed. *Sally was doing everything that was needed to heal after her workplace physical injury, the cause of the emotional pressure came directly from the workers compensation process.

We all have been talking about the need to remove and reduce the amount of pressure and to where possible streamline the process for 25+ years. *Sally was fortunate in that the injured worker community rallied around her right when she needed to know that others saw her and cared for her and needed her to be a part of their lives.


Over the last months I have been updating each of you regarding with tampering of IME Reports,; I have told you about the dance I have been doing with the required and varied authorities along with the struggle to gain traction with the authorities who are meant to have oversight.

All the while I have refrained from naming names in the public space simply because I can't afford that legal battle, however I have provided names to the required authorities because that is the right and only thing to do.

Some of the messages I have received were professional and supportive others have been less than pleasant. Until this morning no one had asked a direct question regarding where to gain access to the information I have provided to the correct authority, because it is just accepted that I am not going to speak openly.

This morning query was along the lines of which of the medico-legal providers is referred to in {slightly redacted} Hansard Now that may not seem all that important or even more than just a person with far too much time on their hands and likes to trawl back through Monday Muses. Except this person has provided IME services through various medico-legal providers over the last decade, over that time when needed he has relied upon the IME Report that had been sent by the medico-legal provider for attendance at a Court Hearing.

I answered as many of the questions as I could, I again passed on the required authority contact information and added that it might be a good idea to seek legal advice regarding what could be/might be required if any of the authorised IME Reports had been tampered with pre-transmission. I have also agreed to have a coffee with the Specialist later this week.

It matters not which way the concern of tampering is looked at there are far more unintended consequences than have been considered. The above Specialist told me that only 10-15% of the annual work engaged with is within the IME process, but there are many many others who provide far more IME Reports and no one as yet has been able to inform them that there is an investigation process happening and they should be seeking legal advice.


As many of you discovered last week the Shattered website is up but not complete. This is what happens when funds to get things done are tight and the deadline looms every closer.

Kathie and I talk quite a lot each week, when she called last week it was to do with the links required for help that many will need as they realise that the workers compensation process has not been truthful or that others have gone through a situation that was similar to theirs. There will be the emergency numbers and there will be [email protected]

It was decided that the email address would best serve because it is not always possible for any of us at Craig's Table to answer calls. Though the main reason is to provide a place for members of the injured worker community to tell the reason for the contact without being interrupted.

Again it costs a great deal of money to provide a 24hour a day phone service, that is money that we just do not have.

I am not able to say just how important it is for the collective of stories and journeys to be gathered together. The only way to gain the change that is required is to show that the images from the glossy brochures are scant more than a facade.


There are times when it is possible to step outside the normal day to day activity of Craig's Table. And there are times when I am asked to tell "my story" such as when I was invited to write a Chapter for a book collective. Thus I wrote "It's Just What I Do...right hand adequate"

Such an invitation has arrived once more. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with a business builder who wants to know the challenges that Craig's Table faces each and every day in regards to engagement, plagiarism, training, being paid for work done. It promises to be a very interesting chat, one that I am really looking forward to.


Announcing Gathered Here

Over many years we have been asked about how members of the injured worker community and other interested people can leave funds to Craig's Table in their Last Will. I know many not-for-profits and charities have dedicated days regarding the writing of a person's Will. However it was not something that we here at Craig's Table engaged in.

By chance Gathered Here came into our collective knowing. Craig's Table is registered with Gathered Here, over the coming weeks I will explore the process more than I have till now. I am hopeful that even if you don't utilise Gathered Here you will consider including Craig's Table in your Will. From my heart to yours thank you.


Federal Review

:An independent review of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988




Gala Dinner fund raising dinner

The Touched by Christopher fund raising dinner 17th October 2024


Conferences-Panels-Training-Webinars-Industry Groups

Webinar: Innovations in Psychosocial Risk Management 14th August 2024 12noon-1pm

Workers' Compensation Institute Give Kids The World Village VOLUNTEER DAY and the GALA Saturday, August 17th!!

78th?Annual Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference and 35th?Safety and Health Conference!August 18-21 2024 | Orlando World Center Marriott

Webinar: Implementing a Critical Risk Management (CRM) System August 28th 2024 12noon-1pm

Medicinal Cannabis An Insight into Unethical Practices Thursday August 29th 2024 11am-12noon EST Australia

AILA 2024 NATIONAL CONFERENCE 11 September 2024 6:30pm – 9:30pm AEST Broadbeach, Queensland

Webinar: Powerline Safety - Practical solutions 19th September 2024 12noon-1pm

SISA Closing the Loop Thursday 19 September 2024 7:15am- 5:20pm. Morphettville Racecourse, 79 Morphett Road, Morphettville?

Louisiana Association of Business and Industry 2024 Workers' Comp Seminar October 3 & 4 2024 L'Auberge Baton Rouge

National Health Workforce Summit 21 – 22 October 2024 Swissotel Sydney

PIEF Conference Crown Perth Oct 28-30 2024

1st International Forum on Workplace/Vocational Rehabilitation Sydney Australia 12th-14th November

Bloom webinars 28th February - 18th December 2024

Podcast/Radio interview

Nudging the Narrative

COMPassion Kind Souls podcast

Awards nominations

Nominate for the Bloom Awards [nomination close1st September]


Gathered Here


Donation Portal

It’s Just what I do (audio) It’s just what I do (PDF)

It really has been very cold over this last few day, signs of spring are emerging, the early daffodils and jonquils have started to flower in the garden, even bees determined to harvest what nectar and pollen is available for them can be seen in and around the plants.

Now though it is time to head into the kitchen for a cup of tea and prepare dinner.

Yours in service


There are times when I think I should put a tracking device in Marlo's backpack. This last weekend Marlo went to a Jazz Festival thus this weeks selection is from Louis Armstrong.

The Best Of Louis Armstrong


This week the birthday cake is for my late Mum. Had she still been with us Mum would have celebrated her 107th birthday this week.

Scott Parrey

Ambassador Survivor’s R Us ... Supporting the fight against Domestic Abuse.

8 个月

The sad reality for many injured workers is that they are only viewed as a number and with caseworkers constantly changing the real person and emotions become disconnected from them. The only time caseworkers will understand is when they themselves become an injured worker and find themselves on the receiving end.


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