Monday Muses~Craig's Table
Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson
Founder at Craig's Table- Recipient Summa Comp Laude 2021-22 Recipient Bloom Making a Difference Award 2023
The mail last week delivered a certificate of recognition from the 2018 WorkCompCentral Comp Laude Awards. I have oft written about the immense respect and regard I have for WorkCompCentral. To receive this certificate created an emotion that even I am struggling to explain. I am in awe of Kristen Chavez and the entire WorkCompCentral team. And just in case you happen to be in San Diego October 30th and November 1st 2019 then I highly recommend that you attend the Comp Laude.
The A Team today decided to shift the garden (all the garden is in pots) from where it was (in the full sun) to the side under part shade. There was nothing outstanding about the decision as such, what was impressive is how the A Team simply worked out what needed to be done in order for the garden to be able to handle the long Australian summer and then just on and did what needed to be done. The discussions are very defined with the reasoning and the preferred outcome easily discussed. What is the most important part in this is not the shifting of the garden, but the discussion of what needed to be done and how to achieve the needed outcome. . There is still a bit of work that needs to be done -by the end of the week it will all be resolved.
Last week also saw the arrival of 8 pullets for the chook yard it will take them a while to start laying eggs, however we already a list of regular customers who are looking forward to eggs. Again this is an odd thing for the participants to be involved in; it is interesting to watch each of them engaging in something that is as simple as backyard chooks: but each of the participants and A Team really enjoy just chatting to the chooks and to each other and laughing at the antics that happen in the chook yard. It is the laughter and the relaxing that relieves the stress and offers relaxing healing that is shared with everyone.
Each day at Craig's Table the conversation is focused on "where to" Corey and I have chats about what is possible and how to achieve it with the participants and the A Team- we push each of them to discover for themselves what they want to aim at.
Today we had a conversation with one of the people who refer and place participants at Craig's Table. The conversation was very normal along the lines of what can be expected and achieved and how flexible Craig's Table can be. The outcome that each of us our working towards is what is beyond the workers compensation process for the new participant. Corey and I reassured the referrer (as we do with every referrer) that the future is entirely within the ownership of the participation; it will be up to him as to how much he puts in and how he engages with others as to what he takes out away: the future really is his to aim at and own. What Corey and I do know is that after just a short time at Craig's Table each person has their own aha moment where the future does come back into play and the way(s) forward are once more viable. The only thing that neither Corey or I can predict is when the aha moment will happen.
'tis that time again- time to do the dishes and head to bed- tomorrow is going to be a very long day that will stretch long into the evening as it is the icare Dinner and Awards night.
Yours in service
Social equity for injured workers
Global Goodwill Ambassador
PS On behalf of Craig's Table Board, Corey and myself we wish all the nominees for the icare Awards and the Allied Health Awards the best of luck