Monday Muses ?? ?? ??
Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson
Founder at Craig's Table- Recipient Summa Comp Laude 2021-22 Recipient Bloom Making a Difference Award 2023
Over the last few weeks many people have asked how the girls are going and if they have settled into their new home.
I received this photo on Saturday, as you can see they have plenty pf green feed to keep them happy and from the other photo's they have a lot of space to roam around in as well .
Now that the covid 19 lock down is starting to ease I will pay them a visit one weekend before winter really sets in . Plus it is a good reason just to go for a drive and see some other parts of New South Wales that I have not been to.
One never knows where one's next footsteps will go or even if there will be an opening for a footstep to take hold. This past week has seen me accepted into The Top Ambassador Group led by Christian Dillstrom The importance of joining The Top Ambassador Group for me are multiple, but mostly it is to be ever increasing the connections that I have in order to widen the pathways for the injured worker community. To always be willing to carry their voices to places that have never heard to challenges faced each and every day. It is an interesting thought to be considered as an ambassador for the injured worker community.
This past week has been interesting in many ways, I have had the time for the first time in years to just sit with my research and work out what needs to go
where and along with Corey start to write the next stages next steps for Craig's Table. People have learnt over the many years I am a compulsive note writer and note keeper. I found this large post-it note in one of the many notes books that I have and thought it was time I re-positioned it by my desk as a reminder to keep myself on track.
A colleague sent me this clip also during the week to remind me that there are no limits to what can and what needs to be done in order to achieve the end goal. He also politely (not really) reminded me that I have 2 basketballs and my umpires whistle that I don't believe in excuses.
In order to get myself back out onto the court (so to speak) I watched one of my all time favorite movies over the weekend.
I have no idea as to how many times I have watched this movie, what I can tell you is that the ethos still resonates with me every time I watch it. I can still hear my basketball coach giving lessons that at the time felt as though the lessons had nothing to do with basketball, but now all these years later I still live by and live with those lessons.
No sooner had I started on the mapping when my phone rang, one of the A Team was having a few challenges in regards to SARS-CoV-2 the isolation of the lock down was getting to the point where he needed to reach out and just talk to someone. He rang because he needed another crash course in how to breathe in order to calm himself down. He was not concerned about himself, rather he wanted to teach one of his grandchildren how to breathe in order to control the concerns the grandchild was having. It never ceases to amazing me the number of resources that remain within the toolbox and just why it is that someone will call in order to re-learn a process. The upside of this is that this coming week this particular A Team member and I will catch up for coffee, and that is something really to look forward to.
This is a very important week in the Australian calendar. It is National Volunteers Week
In my circle of friends I am surrounded by wondrous people who do the most astounding volunteer work without any real thought as to how they are impacting the lives of so many people. I am grateful to all of them. Many of them have helped me along the way everything from making sure that I had food in my own freezer so I would not have to cook whilst I was studying to driving me when I was quite literally too exhausted to drive. Hence I am asking you to say thank you to everyone you know who volunteers, I know that they don't expect any kind of recognition which is what makes this week even more important.
Yes it is that time again, time to wander into the kitchen and see what I can put together for my dinner this evening
Yours in service
National Outstanding Leadership Dinner that is set for the 4th September at the Royal International Convention Centre (Royal ICC) in Brisbane I hope to see you there.
Director of Operations | SPN "One person caring about another, represents life's greatest value"~Jim Rohn
4 年The girls are beautiful and look most happy Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson ??????
Angel/Spirit Communications, Ancestral Healings
4 年So good to see they are well taken care of...I know you miss them. Blessings dear.???????
Ambassador Survivor’s R Us ... Supporting the fight against Domestic Abuse.
4 年It is wonderful to see that the girls are enjoying their new home. Time will eventually reveal all the answers to what lies ahead.