Monday Muses ~a pebble once cast holds a destiny that none can prevent or predict
Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson
Founder at Craig's Table- Recipient Summa Comp Laude 2021-22 Recipient Bloom Making a Difference Award 2023
On Friday's I go to the library, it is a place of either frenetic research or determined solace. Last Friday was no different, though for the first time in a very long time I didn't go with an aim in mind, I went to see what book simply caught my eye. No Dream is Too High Life Lessons from a Man who Walked on the Moon written by Buzz Aldrin,?Ken Abraham?caught my attention. The words I have clipped from an on-line site are on page 14.
A commitment was made by the one person who could make that commitment- President Kennedy. The commitment was then picked up by the American people and turned into a reality.
However the words that stood out for me are "But we did have a leader with vision-"
Other words come at the start of the book:
- The sky is not the limit
- Failure is always an option
- Trust your gut.... and your instruments.
- Buzz Aldrin's words "Trust your gut.... and your instruments." translated to "Trust your gut...check with The Marksman"
- Likewise the words " "But we did have a leader with vision-" also fit The Marksman so it should read "we DO have a leader with vision"
As is also part of the routine I listen to the radio. On Sunday morning A Heretic’s Manifesto Essays on the Unsayable was discussed. Along with countless millions I had known but long since forgotten that the world owes thanks to William Tyndale for understanding that the Bible needed to belong to the people not just the learned.
It is strange how 2 such different books set my mind to thinking [as I have oft said before my mind is a strange place] and again as is the want of my mind I found myself once more back with The Marksman.
The Marksman will tell you to throw a pebble into a pond then watch the ripple as as they go out; ripples that spread in ever wider circles, shifting and spreading o'er the water dependant on the breeze and shaping around obstacles.
Although each ripple looks the same as each other, contained within the pond, in truth each ripple is different and unique unto itself. Even sections of a ripple is different to all other sections of the same ripple; the ripple is co-dependant on the pond, the stones, the wind, the depth of the pond. There are [at least for me] times when I am unsure if The Marksman is the pond or the pebble or is he both; is he the challenge or the challenged or is he both- [who knows one day the poet in me may actually discover that answer]
Likewise I am not sure which version of pond or pebble The Marksman was the day he "threw me into the deep end of the wondrous world of workers compensation" with the words "if you do not like the system then change it; build the better mouse trap, write the better system!"
Much time [and water] has flowed past since that day, though I know exactly where I was standing and I still feel the immensity of the challenge.
Oddly enough [serendipitous mayhaps] at the start of this odyssey I was also given words that are accredited to Mother Teresa "Never walk past a wrong, you must always stop and do what is required to right it!"
One could safely say that while Mother Teresa is a Saint, The Marksman is a Heretic 2: one who differs in opinion from an accepted belief or doctrine
[Yes I am going somewhere with this thinking out loud.] Dependant on your point of view I was looking of the start or the end or a section of a ripple, and I needed to find a way to put to right not just the concerns found within this news article Man considers selling home as EML deems him 'not disabled enough. Many parts of this article just didn't sit right, I could not let it go nor could I walk passed it. I did the one thing I could do, I discussed the issues with The Marksman, even though in my mind I knew what I could do and what I had to do, I still checked to make sure that it was the right thing to do. [Never before have I ever stepped in where I was not invited to be; hence my discussion with The Marksman; to go where I was not invited was to break my own self-imposed first rule. This was something I did not take lightly]
The Marksman listened, he asked questions, he mused for a while then told me to "throw a pebble" [polite version] and watch what happens.
So I cast a pebble in a direction I would say I have not gone towards for over 10 mayhaps 12 years.
I knew the questions that needed to be asked, I knew where the questions needed to be asked, I knew that once asked the questions would need to be answered.
I knew the background and the context the questions needed to be framed in, and I knew the person asking the questions would not/could not be me.
So the pebble has been cast into a pond [some would say murk muck and mire], where when and how it will land is [for now] in the realm of the unknown. What I do know is that I made very clear and very defined choice for reasons that when possible I will explain.
I have recorded everything that I have done thus far, I have sent Trevor Silversides a copy of everything that I have done so he is continuously informed and because he has ever right to know that he is "seen and he has been heard".
For now I am hunting a copy of ?No Dream is Too High Life Lessons from a Man who Walked on the Moon?and I have ordered a copy of ?A Heretic’s Manifesto Essays on the Unsayable : the guesstimate outcome of my reading is unknow.
IMM Webinar: MDMA & Psilocybin - New Psychiatric Treatments from 1 July 2023
Texas Workers' Compensation Conference?Austin Texas July 10-12 2023
77th Annual Workers' Compensation Educational Conference and 34th Safety & Health Conference?Orlando World Center Marriot August 19 - 23, 2023
National Safety Conference September?12-14th Brisbane
Closing the Loop 2023?Morphettville Racecourse 79 Morphett Road Morphettville South Australia?21st Sep 2023?07:15 AM - 05:20 PM??
As we head to the shortest day of the year this week, and as we go through an artic blast of cold air here on the eastern seaboard of Australia I was more than happy to be reminded via these few first bursts of Wattle that spring is just around the corner.
Yours in service
1 年Another good read Rosemary many thanks