Monday Muses ~ I will be homeless by Christmas.
Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson
Founder at Craig's Table- Recipient Summa Comp Laude 2021-22 Recipient Bloom Making a Difference Award 2023
We all know and understand Maslow's Hierarchy of Need "property/somewhere to live forms part of the 5 key points.
What did you think feel when you read this headline?
It is important that you take note of your immediate reaction, I ask you to take time to sit within the feelings and understand not just the level of urgency but the level of helplessness that comes with the feelings. Take the time to think "what can I do, how can I help, what resources do I have, what favours can I call in"
These were the words that *Joel spoke to me, this is Joel's reality. "Homeless by Christmas"
*Joel is a member of the injured worker community, and as with far too many other single men, homelessness forms apart of his workers compensation claim.
Now here is the kicker, there is nothing within the workers compensation system that speaks to security of housing for members of the injured worker community, there are scant community providers dealing with the reality of male homelessness or the complications of needing to remain within close proximity of pre-injury employment or risk loss of workers compensation income payments.
Joel understand his current landlord will have the right at the end of his current lease to increase the amount of rent being asked, Joel just will not be able to afford to pay any more than he is now. Other landlords may not even consider Joel a safe person to rent to as Joel is on workers compensation payments.
It is pointless *Joel take part in any other part of the workers compensation process, as right now he is very focused on finding a place to live and be able to afford to move.
*Joel is just another member of the hiding in plain sight injured worker community, lost and reliant on [hopefully] the help of strangers to assist.
Far too many times we hear such stories and we turn our backs and say things like "this has nothing to do with me" or" there is nothing I can do about it" or worse "someone will step forward to help".
*Joel and far too many others are reliant on the meagre resources that community providers have.
*Joel has done everything asked of him and still the system has let him down, it has cost him far more than any one person should be asked to give.
When you tuck yourselves into bed this night, think of *Joel and ask yourself what you would do, where would you turn in a similar situation.
It is uncomfortable, it is beyond ugly, but just for 5 minutes sit yourself on the side of Joel's bed and wonder how you would face what *Joel is facing.
Even more than this *Joel requires respect and he requires support.
It has been a frustration of mine for a very very long time that far too many members of the injured worker community do not know that they have rights that go hand in hand with responsibilities.
It is also frustrating that the providers of the workers compensation process do not understand that they also have responsibilities especially when it comes to ensuring that everything they say must be understood.
Last week I had reason to speak with a case manager; it was interesting while I was on hold to hear the "your call is important" spiel followed by "verbal abuse will not be tolerated spiel". I accept that no one should ever be subjected to verbal abuse, and that includes members of the injured worker community.
I have sat on calls with members of the injured worker community and heard the level of disdain and the verbal abuse and the empty threats to breach if compliance is not meant.
Respect is as it always has been a two way street. If respect is expected, then first offer it. Members of the injured worker community cannot be blamed if they are simply trying to understand something that has not been explained in a manner that can be understood.
I was also asked last week for the wording to use when applying for a copy of a workers compensation file.
Regardless of which State or Territory or National workers compensation legislation is in place, the right for members of the injured worker community have the right to a copy of their compensable file.
I explained it is a two part process.
The first part is to apply for the file and add the below words.
I require a complete unabridged copy of my entire workers compensation claim [insert name and claim number here]
I require all documents audio and video recordings held by every worker’s compensation claims agent and every worker’s compensation provider pertaining to my workers compensation claim.
I require all surveillance information including reports audio and video recordings.
I require all draft written audio video recordings created at each medico-legal specialist I have been required to attend as a part of my workers compensation claim.
I require unabridged copies of my entire workers compensation file in order to address past concerns and to be able to make informed decisions based on information that may have thus far been withheld from myself.
Sign and date
The second part is short but it is important.
Thank you for my file as has been provided to myself on [insert date here]
I accept that this is a complete file and that nothing has been withheld.
Sign and date
This informs the system that you have received your file and that you trust that nothing that could prejudice your workers compensation claim has been withheld.
If you would like to discuss this with me please send me an email [email protected]
As I sit here this evening Kathie Melocco and Ballina Gee are in Samoa to attend CHOGM in order to launch Shattered.
In a few days the 56 Countries that form the Commonwealth of Nations will hear and see just how soul-destroying the Australian workers compensation system is.
From here there is no turning back, there is no second chance, there is no whoops sorry.
Again if you haven't already done so, please sign this Petition; also please pass it on to others in your networks as the Australian people do need the ugly truth of workers compensation exposed.
Conferences-Panels-Training-Webinars-Industry Groups 2024
Launch of Shattered at CHOGM 21st-26th 2024
Conferences-Panels-Training-Webinars-Industry Groups 2025
Podcast/Radio interview
It is now 2 weeks of daylight saving- and I am still running behind time.
It is definitely time for a cup of tea, as I have already eaten dinner.
Yours in service
Marlo has been in a Smurfie mood all week.
Ambassador Survivor’s R Us ... Supporting the fight against Domestic Abuse.
5 个月While we continue to see housing as an investment and not a home, affordability will continue to go beyond many. Landlords with many properties need the tenants to carry the burden of their mortgage payments and in return the landlord will receive a huge tax break.
5 个月Many thanks Rosemary for another informative read