Monday Muses ~ Craig's Table Sunday edition)
Welcome to Craig's Table -sit a while and enjoy the hospitality

Monday Muses ~ Craig's Table Sunday edition)

It does feel rather surreal that this early edition of Monday Muses is actually my 200th posting on LinkedIn . I started writing because I had things I wanted and needed to say; it never actually occurred to me that people would read my words. let alone that Monday Muses would have a regular following, I just had things I needed to say and LinkedIn provided me with a platform, the rest as the saying goes is history. So to why I am needing to write today instead of tomorrow, the answer is really quite simple- it will not be physically possible for me to be in two places tomorrow when I would normally sit to write- so I am taking advantage of the space I have on Sunday afternoon to write.

It is important that all of us recognise and celebrate success of our friends. I know how truly fortunate I am to be able to know Stacey Copas and even more fortunate to call her my friend. Stacey is just one of those people who light up your life. It was my privilege to attend the Premier of The Casting Game so I am doubly thrilled now to know that it has been selected into such a prestigious Festival. Let me share something important with you; before this film, Stacey had not acted in anything, she simply accepted the opportunity that was given to her and she grew with the opportunity. I am just so very proud of Stacey.

My diary has me going to an array of functions and my friends invite me to as many functions as they can. Cheryle Pinkess invited me to a function that she was attending here in Sydney last week and she introduced me to Therese Kerr It was interesting to hear the talk by Therese and then to chat to her for a while about the impact of opiate based medication on the body.

Sorry Corey is sideways in this image. We did do a lot of really serious work last week Thursday night Corey hosted the first information evening at Craig's Table. We had 39 confirmed bookings and 2 possible depending on time and distance to travel bookings. The room was filled with 36 attendees. It was wonderful to watch Corey step into the leader I know he is as he took us through the concepts behind Craig's Table and then answer questions. It was also good to have so many industry providers so very interested in Craig's Table and how we can work together in order to assist the injured worker community in a holistic manner. The harder question of expansion was really the only question that was not possible to answer however it is a question we get on a very regular basis.

Thus when Geoff Henderson came out with his team, we did start the required conversation about Craig's Table and the interest that is now running through the wider workers compensation industry.

Back to the information evening for a while. Eugene spoke to me about raising much needed funds for the social inclusion aspects of Craig's Table. Though as yet I don't have all the details required, Eugene is going to run a marathon in April and has decided that Craig's Table will be his charity of choice. I will bring you the sponsor details as soon as possible. This coming week we will work out just what we need the funds to go towards: I already know that the list of requirements is quite large. It will be an interesting fund raising committee meeting on Wednesday morning because each of us have different thoughts as to what needs to come first.- for now though please consider sponsoring Eugene and in doing so help Craig's Table. Corey did offer to get Eugene a pair of Craig's Table branded running not tell the rest of that story....

There is a LOT of white walls in the first building at Craig's Table, each wall we have tried to add something of interest to generate thinking of where to next and what is possible. icare have generously donated this mural for the wall in what we call the break out area (tea coffee etc area) The mural was started last week and all but finished late on Friday evening: Jess has a tiny bit more work to do. It was fascinating watching the process unravel from a blank canvass to what is now an all but complete mural; such attention to detail, such patience can only be admired by people such as myself as I don't have one single artistic bone in my entire being.

This image is from America and is clearly focused on the elderly population. The sad truth is social isolation is also found within the injured worker community, the even sadder truth is we have no idea as to what the actual size or cost is.

With that in mind it is vital that Craig's Table offers as a part of the program a place where those impacted by social isolation can simply come and be welcomed. Hence this is the start of what we are calling Craig's Table coffee and sausage sizzle area.

The area behind the screen is separate but still part of Craig's Table- this is the area that funds raised from Eugene's marathon will be spent, as there are many things that will need to be put into the area. It is a small start towards providing a social place for those within the injured worker community to just come and enjoy. They will in the near future also be able to take home some fresh herbs etc from the community garden that is now growing.

As was explained at the information evening Craig's Table is focused on giving back to our community, always looking for new and innovative things to do. Hence Saturday afternoon found me at an information session learning about Cumberland Council native bee project. It was fascinating to watch and to see the tiny bee's crawling over their hive and watching how all of it works together. I am not a real fan of honey, but it was interesting to taste the honey that is produced by these tiny little bees that are about the same size as a house fly. For now Craig's Table is on the wait list for our own native bee hive. I have been asked why we are going to get a bee hive, the answer is really quite simple, the addition of the bee hive will give the participants something different to discuss with family and friends, Craig's table will also be assisting the native bees to re-establish themselves into New South Wales. Craig's Table is very focused on returning as much as we can back to the wider community, native bees are important to Craig's Table and to our neighbours gardens as well. The bigger part of it though is that the wider community will get to see that the injured worker community is more than willing to assist in ways that are very needed. What I did learn was that native bees are not as yet impacted by the same mite that is killing the European honey bees, so they more that we can do to assist the native bees and in turn assist the gardeners and the rural areas the better we will all be.

The most common questions we get asked is how does Craig's Table "work"? It is a valid question after all there isn't any recognised qualifications involved. The answer is wrapped up in the words of this image. Each of us understand where each member of the injured worker community is and we "meet them there" I have the absolute pleasure of watching Corey opening the door to the future for each participant, I get to see the glow of "being" returning and I get to be a small part of the conversations and when needed the hand holding: I get to be a small part of the planning that is happening and I get to see the confidence returning in the manner of how each member of the A Team walk. It really is something that needs to be shared wider and something that if you are passing you need to come in and see.

But for now it is time to get Sunday night dinner. The coming week is going to be hectic. If you haven't had the time as yet to watch Corey's Story please find the few moments now; it is just a glimpse into all that is possible.

Yours in service Rosemary

? Social equity for injured workers

Global Goodwill Ambassador


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