Monday motivation | Your wellness is paramount
Sanjay Kavathalkar
Multi sector, well rounded HR, L&OD professional| Father | Avid golfer | Yog and meditation (Dhyan) proponent
Today, one of the Biggest problems in life is DHOL.
?You might be wondering why? This is how…
D = Diabetes
H = Hypertension
O = Obesity
L = Lipids Imbalance
So, what should we do when there is DHOL playing? Well.. the answer is simple – we should start doing BHANGRA
B = Behaviour Change
H = Happiness
A = Active Lifestyle
N = Nutrition
G = Glucose control
R = Risk Reduction
A = Abstinence from substance abuse
Lets, deep-dive and understand more about BHANGRA
Behavior Change:
Changing behavior, whether, your own or someone else’s, is not an easy process. Make sure you set yourself and others up for success, rather than demanding perfection. Whether you want to change or you want someone else to, you should focus on setting clear and realistic goals, thinking positively, finding support, tracking and rewarding progress, and accepting relapses.
5 steps for a successful change of behavior:
·????????Set clear?goals.?Make sure the behaviors you want to change are specific, measurable, and attainable
·????????Make a realistic plan.?Set yourself up for success by making sure you have practical ways to reach your goals. Develop practical ways to deal with any obstacles that come up
·????????Avoid making too many changes at once.?Focusing on too many behavioral changes at the same time may be tempting, but it can be overwhelming
·????????Think positively.?Remind yourself of the reasons you’re making these changes. Give yourself a pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done
·????????Change for yourself.?It will be harder to make changes to your behavior if you’re motivated out of guilt or fear or ultimatums.?Choose behaviors that you actually want to change, not just that other people ask you to change, and you’ll be more likely to succeed.
If you want to be happy, self-confidence is key. Confidence allows you to do what makes you happy, and gives you the ability to say “yes” and “no” when you want to. It gives you the ability to stand up for yourself, as well as aim high and take on a new idea when it hits you!
If you want to be a happy person, you have to do what happy people do. Here are 7 consistent habits of happy people to start implementing in your life.
·????????They Meditate regularly
·????????They practice gratitude
·????????They surround themselves with right people
·????????They respect others and practice kindness
·????????They take care of themselves
Active Lifestyle:
An active lifestyle means you do physical activity throughout the day. Any activity that gets you up and moving is part of an active lifestyle. Physical activity includes exercise such as walking or lifting weights. It also includes playing sports. Physical activity is different from other kinds of activity. A sedentary lifestyle means you sit or do not move much during the day. An active lifestyle has many benefits, such as helping you prevent or manage health conditions
Most of us?DO?know what healthy eating is all about: less (or zero) fried food, less sugar and more vegetables and fruits. When it comes to having good nutrition, however, too many of us don’t know the full details of the benefits of good nutrition and how to go about achieving it.
Nutrition is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of getting it right cannot be overstated
Glucose control
Risk Reduction:
Risks are all around us. A nearby sneeze may raise your risk for catching the flu. Obesity boosts the odds you’ll get diabetes. Smoking increases your risk for many cancers. And if you pay attention to news headlines, you may worry that you’re at risk for food poisoning, Zika infection, shark attacks, and more. How can you know which health risks apply to you?
Health risks can sometimes be confusing, but they’re important to understand. Knowing the risks you and your family may face can help you find ways to avoid health problems. It can also keep you from fretting over unlikely threats. Knowing the risks and benefits of a medical treatment can help you and your doctor make informed decisions.
Abstinence from substance abuse:
Abstinence is the practice of restraining yourself from indulging in something. In terms of addiction, abstinence means avoiding or not engaging in addictive substances and behaviors. In short, abstinence is exhibiting self-control and restraint when it comes to drugs and alcohol. Even though abstinence isn’t easy.
Love the two acronyms ??
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3 年Well said. Thanks for sharing.??
Senior Sales Specialist at
3 年Very interesting article Sanjay Kavathalkar