Monday Motivation - Two Lions, One King – Which One Are You?
In the ebook by Julien Smith called, The Flinch, a small excerpt that I want to share with you:
Somewhere in the world, a lion wakes up every morning not knowing what it’s going to eat. Every day, it finds food. The lion isn’t worried—it just does what it needs to do.
Somewhere else, in a zoo, a caged lion sits around every day and waits for a zookeeper. The lion is comfortable. It gets to relax. It’s not worried much, either.
Both of these animals are lions.
Only one is a king.
This is a great reminder that lions are magnificent creatures and they are meant to be kings.
So are people.
Don’t settle for a life of comfort.
We were meant to take risks, be bold, hunt big game and achieve great things.
Which lion are you?