Monday Motivation - The No-Eyed Big-Eyed Spider
On the Hawaiian island of Kauai, there are a few caves that contain one of the rarest and most unusual species of spiders on the planet.
The no-eyed big-eyed spider is a member of the wolf spider family, a group of spiders with particularly big eyes.
However, due to their life spent in dark caves, they don’t need their sight and are completely blind.
So we have the no-eyed big-eyed spider.
Their relatives can see a lot, but they can see nothing, fumbling around in caves and barely surviving.
Whilst it seems like one of nature’s oddities, are we really that different?
We are meant to live with vision, purpose and direction.
But too many people live as if they’re stuck in a cave.
They mope around aimlessly, clinging to negative attitudes and bad habits that limit our potential. So many people go from day-to-day with no plan, small goals and limited vision.
They become no-eyed big-eyed people.
Don’t let that happen to you.
You have been given the capacity to be optimistic about the future, to dream, to imagine, to be ambitious and to see endless possibilities.
Use your big eyes to live with vision.
And leave the caves to the spiders.