Monday Motivation: How does your garden grow?
I love gardening and have some fond memories of time spent with my dad in the garden growing up. I will admit that I like looking through seed catalogs and planning out what might grow best in my soil and locale. It’s exciting to think about taking seeds and turning them into beautiful flowers or nutritious vegetables.
Like gardening, I’ve been thinking about what seeds I’m planting in my life, at work, and at home. It takes time and patience to cultivate relationships and learn these lessons. We must nurture and protect the saplings. As we grow, our roots get stronger and we’re able to stand taller on our own. It’s important to remove rocks and barriers obstructing our way. Planning, planting, patience, and pruning make for a great garden and are great actions for me to take to achieve personal growth.
I’ve been listening to this Daily Quote podcast on Spotify in the mornings. This one is by Julia Child, “Find something you’re interested in and keep tremendously interested in it.”