Monday Morning Pondering
My Pondering Over Two Cups of Coffee on Dr. King Day

Monday Morning Pondering

Monday Morning Pondering

My routine is the same every day.?I wake, pray, get coffee and ponder what my day has to offer and commitments.?I arrange my thoughts and revisit my dreams and desires.?One could say, I meditate on my life, except I don’t sit with my legs crossed and chant.?

The day-to-day commitments are easy enough, I prioritize them.?Sometimes I make a list of what I must do and add the things that I want to do.?Yet, I keep revisiting my dreams and desires. I don’t put them on the written list.?Why??Because they are ongoing and part of everything that I do, they are embedded in my DNA.

My day-to-day list of things to do is simple:?Be the best me that I can be in every aspect of my life.?God, Family, Work and my extra curriculums (comedy, writing & keynote speaking). I do need to start working out again, but I keep making excuses or my subconscious just does not motivate me to do it (I know I am falsely blaming).

In the meantime, the thing that has been running through my mind on a regular like a Metro Link Train is:?Am I doing enough??The “What Abouts” keep popping up like Prairie Dogs in a Kansas field. I don’t spend a lot of time on these as stated before they are ongoing and never leave my thoughts.?The “How do I do better?” or “What do I need to do next?” is like a song that is stuck in my head that is playing on a loop in the background on the lowest volume.?I can hear it but it is not loud enough to be annoying.

I once heard that if a person is doing the things in their lives that they want to do, they are successful.?If you have accomplished any of your dreams you are doing better than most people. If you can pay your obligations on time and enjoy your life, then you have accomplished what many have attempted to figure out for years.?Fortunately, this is my reality. Yet, I do go down that “Rabbit Hole” of What If.

What if I was financially wealthy??Wealthy is described as having a great deal of money, resources or assets.?Rich is described as plentiful and abundant.?So, by definition, I have both.?I have the resources to take care of my responsibilities.?I may not have enough to supply my neighborhood or change the lives of my family members, but I can pay my bills have some left over for a rainy day.?Yet, I wonder what if I had more, what would that look like??So, the next question is: Do I really want to find out??To me, I guess it would be like living in a 30-room house, it’s kind of a waste of space if it is just two of you.?You will never be able to spend time in all those rooms.?So, I have concluded that sometimes you can have too much of something. As my wife would say “Who’s gonna clean all those rooms? ?Not me”.

There are places I would like to go and take my family with me. This would require more resources.?As I think about this, I realize that to make that happen I don’t have to be wealthy, I just need to make more money and save it until I can afford to do whatever it is that I want to do. That would not make me wealthy, it would be considered resourceful. Although financially wealthy is something I would like to spend some time being. Maybe.

Ok, how do I make more money??Well, let’s see:?I could get a raise or a promotion at work.?There is the possibility of performing on bigger and better-paying comedy shows and let’s not leave out bigger and better-paying speaking engagements. Ok, I got that part figured out. Do More of what you are already doing. ?Now I have to figure out the when, what how and where. Sounds simple.?Some people make it seem simple and I admire them for that. Even at my age, I am aspiring to reach that point. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am still growing, just not as fast as I would like too.?

Which brings me to the next point. Why am I not growing as fast as I would like??What am I not doing or saying??Where is it, I must go to begin to ascend as fast as I think that I should??Who has that magic powder I need or the enchanted ladder that I need to climb.?This is what I ponder.?Is it real or is it something that is reserved for the few and well connected??

I ponder this question because I know many that are incredibly talented and deserving of the next level(s) and have not been offered those opportunities.?What makes me so special as to think that I should be offered it before they are. Besides, I’m the kind of person that if I found it, I would share it with others.?Why? Because, I don’t believe it should be kept to oneself. I’m a believer in “when you reach the top of the ladder, reach back and pull someone up with you”. ?I have also heard that it is lonely at the top. Not a fan of lonely.

Yeah, this is a lot to ponder over two cups of coffee.?Yet, the conclusion that I have come to this morning is that:?I stay my course.?Continue to be the best that I can for my family.?Help them to achieve their goals even if I am in the stands rooting for them.?Continue to learn and be the best at my chosen profession that pays my bills and continue to rise through the ranks, while leading from the middle until the time comes for me to lead from the front.?Continue to shine on every stage, leave a positive message with every opportunity to tell jokes or deliver a keynote. Basically, continue to do what God has gifted me with to do right now, Life and Opportunities.?

If there is a Magic Powder or Enchanted Ladder, it will be presented to me when I am ready to receive it.?In the meantime, I must continue to do what I do.?Appreciate all that is earned and never take an opportunity for granted.

With that, it is time to push away from this keyboard.?It’s the observance of Dr. King Day. That means I need to work on my to do list, then work on my dreams and be of service to others.?

Yes, like Dr. King, I have many dreams and they don’t come true if you don’t do something about them.

Great day to Ya.

Vernon “Longhorn” Davis?

?? well received Sir..... thank you for sharing and caring enough to post thoughts of encouragement.


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