Monday Morning Manna: A New Thing
It happened to me again last week. Have you ever arrived at your destination after your drive, and noticed that you didn't remember a single thing you saw during your trip? I challenge you, as well as myself, let today be a day of awareness. Consciously pay attention to what is going on around you as you drive, walk, do your business, or relax. Consider the world from the perspective of those you pass - the small child, the teenager headed to class, the elderly person trying to cross the street, the homeless person, the truck driver, the policeman, the executive in the big limo. Allow God to show you something new today. At age 87 Michelangelo said, “I am still learning.” American author, Vernon Howard said, “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” Perhaps God will tell you as he told Isaiah, “Behold, I will do a new thing…” (Isaiah 43:19).