Monday Morning Manna: Late Prime
I was sharing about my recent experiences teaching young pastors in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where my lectures are live streamed to several hundred in Mexico and Central America, when a friend commented, “ You’re just now reaching your prime.”??At age 80, I’m not so sure about that but, if true, I am not alone.??John Glenn was still an Astronaut, making his last space flight at age 77.??Queen Elizabeth ll was still serving as Queen of England at 96 until her recent death.??The last President of the U.S. was 76 and the current President will be 80 before the end of this calendar year. My Dad was still preaching at age 84, just a few weeks before his death. Even in a time when the average age of a man was early 30s, the Apostle Paul lived into his 60s.??Among his last written words were in 2 Timothy 4:17 - “The Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me.” So, whatever your age, and wherever you are in relation to your prime, my prayer for you as well as for myself is similar to Paul’s - that God’s presence will continue to be experienced and His strength shared.?