Monday Morning Fix (MMF)
We Are What We Have The Courage To Become
Each New Year brings forth new ideas, new goals along with new hopes, dreams and desires. However, many of us will fail to fully appreciate the hands that we’ve been dealt, and therefore not quite understand that it is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given that separates us from each other.
If we allow certain aspects of our culture, relationships, work and community to influence our decision making on what best suits our personal growth we allow the light of our dreams to turn into the monster of our nightmares. When this happens we smother the best in us and settle for mediocre.
Every event and experience we go through in life has the ability to change us. The important lesson that we need to learn is to know that we may not be able to change the situations we find ourselves in, however we can change our attitude towards how we react to each situation.
By developing a can do mentality and a belief system that supports your higher self, you open the door to unlimited potential without limits.