?? Monday Messages: Presence
Bree Dellerson
Helping LightWorkers, Healers and Conscious Change-Makers Transform Their Pain To Fully Embody Their Higher Purpose | Acupuncturist, Sound Healer, Clairvoyant | Harmonizing the Nature of Oneself | Dog Mom
As I sit down to write you this message, Osho came over to lay next to me.
Yes, it's official!
Osho, formerly known as Ocho, formerly known as Omarii, has found his home with me, Mooji, and Leeloo.
One day I accidentally called out Osho, followed by an immediate "Oh shit!" because I knew if I named him, that was it.
He's totally an Osho.
He chose me. It was instant. He called. I heard him.
I honestly thought it would be temporary, even though I felt him energetically wedge his way into our matrix on the second day.?
I saw it coming.
Even some of you sent me emails all saying the same thing. I resisted it, but resistance is futile.
I brought him to 4 adoption events and nobody paid him any attention. He was invisible.
He made himself invisible, and I was the only one who saw him.
I saw his brilliance.
If starseeds can be dogs, he is one.
He learns incredibly fast... taught him to sit within 30 seconds. Now if I can just get him to stop jumping and biting. I'll be relieved when this part of the puppy phase passes.
Osho already participates in my in-person and remote sessions. He's also been to the rehab center to visit a dear friend recovering from hip replacement surgery.
And now he is laying next to me with a message for you:
Life is not what you think. It is so much more!
You've forgotten the magic of everything that is!
You've become desensitized.
It's all so familiar you've stopped seeing.
But if you were to pause and really look... you'd see it's never the same.
It's always new.
You are not the same each time you look at it.
The clouds in the sky will only look that way for that moment and never again.
Every moment is special.
Every moment is precious.
Every moment is passing you by like it is every other moment... but it is not.
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” ― Heraclitus
Sound Bite from last week's Lion's Gate Sonic Acupuncture
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Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.
Blessings, Bree
P.S. If you'd like to dive deeper and attune yourself to health, transform chronic conditions, discover the underlying causes, maintain optimal well-being, and allow the sounds to harmonize your body-mind.
Is there anyone you feel may benefit from these messages? Please feel free to forward this email to them.