Monday Membership - Kathy Curry

Monday Membership - Kathy Curry

Several weeks ago, I wanted to start a fun spot light (I did this back last year on Instagram) on our members to showcase their profiles, talents, tenure and incredible work they have done to get where they are. So today, let's kick off this new #mondaymembership with our own Kathy Curry

I love finding out facts, random facts about people. Don't you? It helps to get to know someone on a level between personal and professional. That level right in the middle that is bordering on interview but get-to-know-you also. So in my quest to start filling these Monday Membership posts, I have asked several questions of our members. We hope you enjoy this series and if you too would like to be featured on a future Monday Membership, please email [email protected]!

  • Tech Titans Q&A
  • How did you connect with Tech Titans??Through my company, and a board position that I assumed from my predecessor.

  • What can you recommend to non-members about Tech Titans and why do you recommend that specific thing or things? The networking available through the different committees Tech Titans offers has given me many opportunities to connect with companies of all sizes and from different industries.?

  • What has this organization brought to you and your company? One of my company’s primary focuses is to grow the STEM connections throughout the DFW Metroplex. ?Since STEM is an important component of Tech Titans, it was a perfect “marriage” to partner together and we have increased our footprint through Tech Titans.

  • How long have you and your organization been a member of Tech Titans? Approximately 10 years.
  • Fun Facts about Kathy
  • What book or movie have you recently read/seen and why would you recommend it? I fall asleep when I read books.? I love to binge on Netflix series. Most recently I brought out a OLD seek and find… it’s wonderful when I need something mindless, and I challenge myself with not jumping ahead, but only searching for one word at a time, in the order they are listed.

  • What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done? Turn 60…??

  • What is your 15 minutes of fame? For my company, I used to do all the voice mail recordings for VRU prompts.? Crazy when you are calling the help desk and hear your own pre-recorded voice! ?

  • What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? Figure out what job/role fuels the fire and passion in your belly and go get it.

  • What’s on your bucket list? Italy.
  • Who are 3 people you want on your zombie apocalypse team and why? My husband and my 2 sons because my husband is my “MacGyver” and all 3 of them are survivalists.?

If you haven't met Kathy Curry, I suggest you do. She is quite involved in the Gala and does a lot of work leading up to the big event, which is being held this year on September 20th.

Thank you Kathy for helping us share you today AND for helping Tech Titans become what it is today!


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