Being a doctor is one of my proud achievements. Now i can tell you that it is because i love helping people, which i do or some other cool stuff but one of the reasons is because it brings me in contact with amazing people. People who can teach me so much about life that no matter how many books i read, i won't learn that.
Nothing gives great joy to a confident doctor than a patient who is smart and curious. I met a patient few days ago and i noticed that it was a repeat visit patient who was diagnosed of glaucoma. Now i always have this expectation that every patient should be made aware of their diagnosis and treatment plan but that expectation has always been cut short. So i nonchalantly asked the patient what was the last diagnosis and instruction and to my amazement and excitement, he didn't only tell me about the glaucoma and treatment plan, he also told me the drug he was placed on and possible side effects which includes dry eyes etc. He gave me every detail that i was tempted to ask him which laboratory produces the eye drop??.
I was so excited that we went into discussion of glaucoma, lack of adequate awareness, economic impact, social impact etc. He totally made my day and we separated no longer just doctor/patient but friends
Now glaucoma is one of the leading cause of blindness. It can happen to anyone especially if it runs in the family, you are diabetic, hypertensive, experienced trauma etc. It is called 'silent thief' of sight because sometimes it doesn't give warning. When it does, it can be in the form of tearing, photophobia, pain, headaches etc. Vision loss can not be recovered so it is paramount that when you have any eye issue and you know that you have any of the above mentioned risk factors, kindly visit your optometrist.
Early detection is key to the treatment of glaucoma and every other ocular diseases. So
?Don't wait
?Don't procrastinate
?Don't go to chemist and when the vision is lost, you then visit hospital
?Don't self medicate
?Don't assume
Your sight is hugely important to us and preserving it is our job. Help us help you!
To an Improved you!!