Rajeev Maniar
Life Skill Mentor & Free Lance Soft Skills Trainer at Self Employed Professional
There were 2 friends Ram & Shyam. Both were equally good in business. Both would regularly go to the temple. After 3 years, once while praying Ram, Ram dropped his gold chain in the temple. Shyam saw the chain and silently put in his pocket.
Shyam was running low in business. He thought of putting the chain on loan and get some money. He went to one of the jewellers and asked for loan and he got a loan of Rs. 50,000/-.
After 1 year – Shyam was back into business and went to the loaner to repay and got the chain back. He took the chain back but was now puzzled – how to return it back to Ram?
Still he gathered all the strength and went to Ram and shared the fact.
Ram told - that the day you picked up the chain I had seen you. Shyam was surprised – then why did not you tell me? I waited, but there was no reaction from your side, so I thought that you must be having some problems in business – hence you must have kept it.
The jeweller to whom you loaned it also had called me because he was the one from whom I had purchased. I told him to loan you the money and not worry.
I know my dear Shyam, that you are true and honest and knew that once your business is back on track, you will return my chain to me.
"Thanks for keeping up the trust" said Shyam with tears in his eyes.
Keep up the trust as best as you can to Make Your Mark?
Rajeev Maniar
LIFE Skill Mentor & Certified Investment Planner-9825028399
Make Your Mark?