Rajeev Maniar
Life Skill Mentor & Free Lance Soft Skills Trainer at Self Employed Professional
Once a man asked to a Learned Person, what to do if two occasions - "good and bad are together and side by side?" Learned Person replied, speak clearly then something can be understood.
The man asked, "Sir, what to do if there is a Death in a house and the very next house is having a Wedding?
Learned man replied.. dress-up with a minimum but reasonable attire. But If you go to the house where death has happened, then keep your face a little sad. Then when you go to marriage, keep your face smiling.
Simple! Is it? If, we understand the essence of face, we can decide to keep sadness as a slave, and to say goodbye when it is required.
God has gifted us with a wonderful face. It is up to us how should we appear in front of others.
No matter how terrible the situation is, we have the power to face it and handle it. If we plan to get rid of Anger, we can get rid of it with a sense of humour. No matter how angry a person may be once he smiles or laughs the anger melts away.