Rajeev Maniar
Life Skill Mentor & Free Lance Soft Skills Trainer at Self Employed Professional
Once there was a man who was riding on the horse he owned going to another village. On the way he met a person who was lame and could walk at a slow pace. The lame person asked for help by asking him to ride together. The person helped him by asking him to sit with him on the same horse.
They both reached the other village. Now the person who was lame started shouting – Help! Help! This person is taking away my horse. The owner of the horse was stunned. People gathered and started believing the lame person because of sympathy. Finally, they took both the people and the horse to the Judge.
The Judge asked the owner to walk along the horse and tie it to the nearby tree. Then he asked the lame person to go and untie and bring him back.
The judge recognized and asked the original owner to take away the horse. People were surprised- How did the judge make the correct decision? The judge replied – It was simple.
When the original owner went to tie the horse, the horse happily went along. When the lame person went to untie and bring it back – it showed resistance while returning.
Friends, we need to observe people closely before making decisions to Make Your MARK?