Monday Love to your Meaningful Messaging
Monday Love to your Meaningful Messaging

Monday Love to your Meaningful Messaging

“In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.“

~ Barack Obama

How do you get your point across? What’s your go-to strategy for messaging? Why is it that sometimes the most counterintuitive method is the most effective?

At some point in your life, you’ve probably tried to ‘fight fire with fire’. How did that work out for you? Did escalating the tension bring about the result you were after? “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” or so the saying goes.

When it comes to convincing people to come around to a different point of view, beginning by expressing your opinion that they are an idiot is doomed to fail. It’s so easy to point out the obvious, but the easy way out shuts down any chance at civil discourse.

Empathy takes more finesse than aggression. Once someone is on the warpath they’re already immersed in a set of beliefs, grievances, and real or imagined slights. Painting the other party with propaganda or projecting sins upon others poisons the water and stifles conversation before it starts.

In case you missed it, or have been hiding in a cave for the past four years, we’re in the home stretch of a hotly contested election season here in the US. It seems like every couple of years I break out of my usual writing routine to exhort my readers to Get Out The Vote.

This year seems different. Four years ago folks were saying ‘this is the most important election of a lifetime’ and yet here we are. Covid-19 came along and said, “Hold my beer.” We’re in a real jam and acknowledging the wisdom of science is more important than ever.

These thoughts began bubbling to the surface on Friday night during my live web-radio show. I dedicated it to Gretchen Whitmer, the courageous governor of Michigan who almost became the tragic victim of a domestic terrorism plot. I wanted to send some love her way.

There’s a lot of hate in the world right now, so more hate is not the cure. My show is meant to broadcast kindness and amplify love. The perpetrators of the Whitmer plot will be brought to justice but sadness is what I feel thinking about the ideology that led them astray.

Recently I’ve run across words to the effect of “Anybody who supports THAT GUY is a horrible person.” But wait! What about my Dad? He’s 93-years-old, set in his ways, and gets all of his media from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Needless to say, he’s all-in for four more years.

But would I call him a horrible person? Never! He’s a sweet, loving, old guy who cares about his family. Misinformed, misguided, brainwashed even, but definitely not ‘deplorable’. We mutually avoid politics in our conversations and we get along just fine.

If you’ve spent more than a minute doom-scrolling any popular social media site lately you’ve seen plenty to amp up your outrage. Five seconds into the video-of-the-moment and I can tell how it’s going to make me feel. I’ve felt it already. Been feeling it for four years.

So when I stumbled across something that made me feel profoundly different, it got me thinking. Julie Larson turned traditional messaging on its head and managed to make something that feels more positive and uplifting than anything else I’ve seen this election season.

No fear, dread, anger, or blame. No, this kooky lady alone with a statue in her backyard managed to make me feel lighthearted, hopeful, and optimistic. Choked up with uplifting emotions even, and all without scenes from a protest, angry politicians, or words of outrage.

Her approach is especially inspirational when viewed through an intergenerational lens. I’ve got one foot in the Boomer generation, the other in Gen X. A message that makes sense to the Z’s and the Y’s and the folks under 40 is especially valuable at the moment.

She’s not the only one taking a fresh approach to GOTV. Nina Wise, well-known in the conscious dance world, composed “Gonna Vote” a musical message worth watching. Leonard Sherman and Mika Scott produced the powerful and share-worthy “People Power for Change.

Assuming we avoid the fast track to fascism we’re gonna need a whole lot less fighting, fear-mongering, and finger-pointing and a whole lot more compassion, reassurance, and education. Figuring out how to de-escalate while we ameliorate is going to take some doing.

I take some of my cues from the author and historian Teri Kanefield. She’s written brilliant biographies on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Alexander Hamilton, Susan B. Anthony, and many more. Her Twitter-threads are turned into blog posts that bring historical perspective to actionable ideas.

For instance, the idea that educating left-leaning folks is just as, if not more important than attempting to ‘re-educate’ the right. Or her brilliant “Things To Do” page that posits: The cure for what ails us is more democracy, or what Obama calls “citizenship.

Even if the methods are new, sowing the seeds of doubt, division, and discord to turn Americans against each other is an old trick. The antidote is citizenship: to get engaged, organized, mobilized, and to vote — on every level, in every election.

I believe in the idea that “what you focus on expands.” My method is to write words of positivity and encouragement and to broadcast music that uplifts with love. My goal is to be in service to anyone and everyone who is willing to seek the truth and raise consciousness.

This Wednesday’s show is brought to you in part by Dirk Schwenk. He’s an attorney, musician, and a regular listener from my Twitter following. He helped with the idea of a Get Out The Vote show featuring all exemplary songwriters. Please tune in, it’s going to be a blast!

The message that counts most is what’s in your heart. When you share it in a way that touches another with care, compassion, and kindness you’re raising consciousness and creating a better world. By voting, you’re making your heart’s desire count.

Onward and upward! Much love till next Monday!


Mark Metz

Director of the Dance First Association

Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine

Dance First Member Insight: Movement Medicine facilitator and Dance Your Prayers founder Carrie Branovan!

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This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is brought to you by Movement Medicine facilitator and producer and Dance Your Prayers founder Carrie ‘Zaza’ Branovan!

Movement Medicine? 

I’d never heard of it.

Since 2008, I had been exploring conscious dance practices in America. On a whim, while on a business trip to Dublin, I registered for a Saturday dance workshop called “Medicine Dance” offered by Faculty Member David Mooney. I still remember the date — July 23, 2017. It was my first experience with The School of Movement Medicine. An hour into the experience, I realized I had entered a new portal of wonder. It was coupled with a familiar “knowing,” like an exquisite tapestry woven of the Mystery Schools that I had

experienced and appreciated throughout my life. I felt like I had arrived home.

Profoundly moved, and supported by David, I took the step of applying to become an Apprentice to co-founders Ya’Acov & Susannah Darling Khan and was overjoyed to be accepted. By October 2017, I found myself in Devon, England, at “Initiation” – a pre-requisite for Apprentices.

Did I say I found myself? The truth is this: The person that first showed-up was a burnt-out Marketing Executive, carrying the weight of her past and family history, plenty of trauma, and waging battle with an exhausted body. Since then, thanks to practicing Movement Medicine, I have shed the heaviness of my spirit, mind, and body, which I had carried for decades.

Having benefited so intensely, I became inspired and passionate about sharing Movement Medicine in the United States and Canada. While the movement is popular in Europe, it is still mostly unknown in North America.

So, for 2020, after completing the Apprenticeship, I collaborated with Faculty Members in England and Ireland, as well as fellow co-organizers, to schedule a dozen weekend workshops across America and Canada. And then….well….need I remind anyone of the cancellation of many fine in-person experiences due to the pandemic?

Fortunately, it’s become clear that things begin to energetically shift when inviting Movement Medicine into one’s life. The right people show up, books open to the right page, music orchestrates to a perfect soundtrack, and new solutions are discovered.

Movement Medicine Faculty Members David Mooney, Jo Hardy, Yasia Leiserach, and Ben Yeger went to work translating the workshops they had planned for North America into online Zoom journeys. And it’s worked.

We offered the first online course as a “never been done before” one-off experiment….and here we all are…. evolved over 8 months and 8 courses. We’ve settled into a format of 6-week themed journeys, each offered to a maximum of 26 dancers, once a week for two hours.

I now know with certainty that I am not the only American feeling gratitude for the resources and connection that these continuing small group formats offer. The testimonials and repeat participants speak mountains. You are warmly welcomed to join us on one or both of these upcoming, newly designed, Movement Medicine journeys. I believe you will find them essential life support in these times.

“The entire experience was a magical journey led with such love and connection and held with embrace and support. David’s voice, sacred music, guidance, and beautiful prayers were medicine for my soul. I have had such a profound transformation in my relationship with myself in accepting who I am and why I am here. My body/soul is moving with more ease and grace through all my relationships with life, and I am immensely grateful. This course has been the support I needed to connect me to my spiritual roots and guide me across a threshold.”

It takes a strong, evolved, spiritual leader to create a space where each person feels valued and inspired— and to do this virtually is seemingly impossible. This is the genius and clarity of Jo Hardy’s movement experience”.

DAVID MOONEY: Journey of the Heart: Arc of Time 2020 Wednesdays 10am-12pm CT

Nov 11-Dec 16

JO HARDY: The Art of Becoming 

Sundays 10am-12pm CT

Nov 1- Dec 6

With immense love, hope and gratitude,

Carrie “Zaza” Branovan

808-283-3384 (Central Time)

[email protected]

(Would you like to write an Insight Column for Monday Love and be featured on the Conscious Dancer website? Send us an email today!)

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