Monday Love to your Cosmic Returns
“ You can get an idea of human nature only when you can see the relationship of the individual human being to the whole cosmos.”
?~?Rudolf Steiner
Have you ever been caught in a riptide? You’re out there peacefully playing around in the waves, and when you decide to swim to shore, you notice that it just keeps getting further and further away.
The ocean doesn’t mess around, so it’s best to know what to do when it ceases to cooperate.
Push too hard, wear yourself out, and you’re doomed. Far better to go with the flow, don’t panic, conserve your energy and gently swim parallel to the shore until you’re in calmer waters and the current once again favors you.
So in this metaphor, the ocean is the universe, Mercury is the riptide, and we’re all doing our best to tread water till things turn around.
Much ink has been spelled about the pleasures and pains of Mercury retrograde. For me, it points to the paradox that on one hand, we have science that so reliably figures things out, while on the other we have an experiential phenomenon that resists rational explanation.
Anecdotally, all the typical retrograde stuff has been happening. Our internet was down, old friends have been coming out of the woodwork, we’ve missed calls and wrestled with glitchy computers. The focus has been on rewinding and finishing things up, wrapping up loose ends, and reconnecting with our roots.
My astrologer friends tell me that it’s going backwards in Sagittarius, which it rules, and apparently Jupiter is retrograde at the moment as well which I’m told makes it even more interesting.
I have no idea what all that means, but I can usually feel it about three times a year for a few weeks each time whether I’m paying attention or whether someone tells me it’s retrograde or not.
They say that knowing how to backfloat is the key to safety in deep water. I reckon the same as true when the universe is going in a different direction than you want to.
Resistance is futile, while maintaining a good state of mind is essential. Gratitude is the attitude that will see you through. Keep it cool calm and collected and remember to count your blessings if you’ve got your nose above the water.
Much love and happy dancing till next Monday!
Mark Metz Director of the?Dance First Association
Publisher of?Conscious Dancer Magazine
Monday Love is the weekly inspirational newsletter written by Mark Metz, publisher of Conscious Dancer and director of the Dance First Association. Join our mailing list and learn about membership at