Why the 9-5 Working Model was not working for me
Natalie Leach
HR Consultant -Helping SME's overcome their HR challenges with creative solutions and finding you Top Talent. | Human Potential Advocate - empowering teams and organizations
The Monday struggle
Picking up at work where I left off on Friday on a Monday was always tough for me to get into. I know it is just another day. When I voiced my struggle to my colleagues or friends and family, the feedback was often “It depends on HOW you choose to look at it ”Or “it’s all in your head” Or “Change your attitude about a Monday.”
Of course, these perspectives left me questioning my coping mechanisms and if there was something wrong with me. Why did others get back into their 9-5 Monday to Friday work week with such ease?
What was I missing?
My journey of self-discovery
I’ve always had a keen interest in self-improvement, and you would find that my bookshelf and Kindle app are filled with titles from the self-help section. I actively embarked on a self-discovery mission, trusting my intuition to step away from the traditional 9-5 working model and design the way I work in alignment with who I am.
I shifted my focus to self-enquiry, asking what made it so difficult for me to get back into this work rhythm. Was it HOW I intended to spend my day, or were limiting beliefs I held onto making it tougher than it needed to be? Perhaps it was both.
To gain clarity on my career direction, find passion and purpose, and discover which working environments suited me best, I took almost every personality typing assessment known to man! (at least I think so…) ??
Searching for answers with Personality assessments
I compared the results from one report to another, starting with the Gallup StrengthsFinder, MBTI, Enneagram, DISC, Neethling Brain Technique, 16 Personalities, the Big Five report, StandOut, and many more self-coaching programs. While these tools provided valuable insights, I was still unclear about why I struggled energetically to keep up with the pace of work.
I finally realised that comparing myself to others is a recipe for disaster. Comparison is definitely the thief of Joy.
Continuing on this self-destructive path of comparison and idealizing those who seemed to have mastered themselves—because they appeared content in their roles within the conventional 9-5 Monday to Friday Five-day workweek—was not going to bring me resolve.
Many people appear to be at peace with the tasks they fill their days up with and they appear to have no desire to pivot their careers, shift their attitudes or make any lifestyle adjustments to balance their lives. And that’s ok, but for me, it’s a different story.
The Power of Human Design
So, what more was available that I could explore to dig a little deeper into getting to know my-self more than I already had? I stumbled across a system called Human Design and had my human design read.
Finally, the big light bulb went off! Projectors, like me, are not here to work in the traditional sense. A regular 9-5 job, especially one involving physical labour, is not suitable for Projectors. This realization, along with many other "AHA" moments, which I will expand on in another blog, was life-changing knowledge.
To tell you what Human Design is briefly, it offers a mechanical understanding of the nature of being. ?It gives you a map of your Genetic code, opening the door to self-acceptance- which is ultimately what I was searching for.
Unlike personality assessments with questionnaires to answer, the information you learn about yourself in Human design is obtained from your birth data. It is the science of differentiation, showing us that we are unique with a specific purpose and endless possibilities exist within the genetic matrix.
This system teaches that there is a WAY, but it can only be YOUR way. It continues to hold my attention, captures my interest and I am completely fascinated by my learnings from this complex system. My curiosity to gain a deep understanding of the system led me to complete a Human Design Diploma and certifying as a Mind-Body Human Design reader, and I have been devouring every book written by teachers of the system founded by Ra Uru Hu over the past 3 years.
Understanding the Projector Energy Type
?In the Human Design system there are 5 Energy types. I learned that I am a Splenic Projector energy type in Human design speak.
The Projector energy types are the Guides who have the ability to read the energy of others and instinctively know where and how best their energy can be utilized. Their gift as an intuitive guide works best when those who need their guidance have recognised them. Their gift as intuitive guides works best when those who need their guidance recognize them. They can recognize human potential and have a desire to empower others. Projectors can probe, ask questions, and be present to the truth of others, offering direction to help them move in a more authentic way.
Projectors are here to demonstrate how they can uniquely be themselves without trying to fit in with the status quo. The first 30 years of their lives are a subjective time of trial and errors experiences, from 30-50 is a time of objective observation which gives them their trans-personal power. After the age of 50 they flower into role models for others using the wisdom to experience life in a new way. They exemplify self-mastery and personal leadership in terms of how they live as conscious and aware people who have transcended the objective and subjective.
Projectors often feel they won’t get the life they truly desire, so they compromise by settling for what they think they can achieve. My struggle was real, and my intuition was right.
Now, I KNOW why the regular 9-5 work model was never a good fit for me. I have learned the role I play exceptionally well and how to design my unique WAY of working authentically.
Understanding my Human Design has empowered me to embrace my authentic self and create a work-life that aligns with my true nature. The realization that I am not built for the traditional 9-5 model was liberating. Instead of forcing myself to fit into a mould that wasn’t right for me, I’ve learned to honour my unique strengths and abilities.
Through this journey of self-discovery, I’ve found the freedom to work in a way that truly resonates with who I am. This has brought me peace, fulfilment, and a deeper sense of purpose in both my work and my life.
Are you ready to unlock your unique potential and live authentically? Book a personalized Human Design reading or Mind-Body Integration session with us. Whether you're seeking clarity, self-acceptance, or a deeper understanding of your life purpose, our services are designed to guide you on your path.
Get in touch with me and begin the transformative journey to becoming the person you were truly meant to be.
#HumanDesign #TruEssence #WorkYourWay #MindfulCreativeCoach