The Monday Brief — Edition 33
Welcome to the 33rd edition of Societhy’s “Monday Brief”, where we summarize the previous week’s progress in terms of production.
Highlights of the past week
We’ve seen some good progress on Project Trophy!
As explained last week, however, we’ll have to stay intentionally vague for everything related to this project in particular. What we can tell you, is that we’ve been constructing a very specific building and that we’ve shown significant progress towards its completion.
The experience, when it finally launches, will exclusively happen inside and around this building, so it’s a quite complex and unique construction, specifically designed for our partners in this experience.
In other, less secret news, we’ve been working on multiple environments and their ambiances. We’re talking about light, sounds, details, visual effects, day/night cycles, animations, .. everything we can add to give those environments more meaning and depth.
It doesn’t matter how beautiful an area is, it won’t provide an immersive experience unless it “lives”.
We’ve prepared a couple of previews for you this week, hope you enjoy them. Read the caption under each picture to understand more about its context!
Below are a few examples of more “exotic” areas we could create for Societhy:
Last week’s difficulties
Other than the architectural complexity of the Project Trophy construction, we haven’t encountered any major difficulties last week.
While we can’t say much about the building itself, we can say that it’s a 100% custom design with many different rooms, levels, stairways, areas, etc.
Modelling everything takes a lot of inspiration, time, trial and error, reviews and edits, and even more inspiration!
We’re proud of our artists doing a tremendous job and we can’t wait to show you the final result!
Next week’s challenges
As you are certainly aware, we’re also working on new and existing features for our metaverse.
Next up in the list are emotes. Emotes are basically animations your avatar or metahuman will be able to perform when inside a Societhy experience.
There are of course standard emotes that we will implement as per default into our metaverse, but we thought it’d be cool to have custom emotes as well!
And who better to choose them than our own community! Get your creativity racing! What kind of animations would you love your metahuman to be able to perform? Possibilities are endless!
Stay tuned for the form and start thinking!
Remember our collab with CloneX? This is a great example of what we can do in terms of animations!
We need you!
Last week we launched a special survey for you!
In it, you’re able to choose the virtual environments that inspire or attract you the most.
When we get enough votes, we’ll have a clear understanding of our community’s preference, and we can start designing accordingly!
Complete the survey here, it’ll only take a minute! ??
Fun fact of the week
We hope by now you’ve seen the Christmas Announcement. If you haven’t, you should definitely go check it out?here!
Last week?we shared Episode 1 of the Societhy Bloopers. Are you ready for Episode 2??
Julien certainly isn’t.???
That’s all for this week! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading, reviewing, and watching!
-the Societhy team