Monday Blues?
Ashley Bertsch
Commercial Insurance Broker specializing in Realty - Commercial buildings, Stratas, Condos, Apartments, Hotels, Resorts
Have you ever worked somewhere you hate? Somewhere that you feel the need to DREAD Monday? When you have to do something that you don’t actually want to do, you tend to be negative about it and then the Universe throws all the “bad things” at you, to ruin your day more. Or so that is how it feels.
Monday rolls around, your alarm goes off and you wake up with a huff… you decide, just a few more minutes to avoid Monday. Second alarm goes off, again, snooze. Third alarm goes off and screams at you, if you don’t get up now, you are going to be late. Get your ass moving! You roll out of bed, go get dressed and then multitask the “get ready” phase of your morning and boom… you go to spit out your toothpaste and you just aren’t coordinated enough to get it in the sink. You look down to see a blue line going down your nice shirt. End. Of. The. World.
After this little thing happens to you, the rest of the day is the worst day ever, you have decided. So now, you have to quickly find something else to wear but you ate one too many pieces of pizza and that extra bottle of wine last night preparing for Monday and you are bloated and your pants don’t fit. Now you are throwing clothes everywhere trying to find something suitable to wear. After you finally find something to squeeze into you go into the kitchen, look at the clock and realize what time it is. Guess no time for making lunch because you snoozed that one last time. You quickly make your coffee, because who can start a Monday without a coffee? Not me. Jump in the car, realized you left you cellphone on the kitchen counter. Back into the house you go. Pissed off and swearing.
You finally arrive at work after hitting every red light, new construction started so traffic was slow and you couldn’t find a parking space. Whether you are actually late or not, you are frazzled, grumpy and feel there is no turning around this day. You sit at your desk, open your email and instantly you feel emotional. You received an email that just hit you hard – hard because you were already emotional from the morning. On a regular day, it probably wouldn’t have hit you as hard. Lunch time rolls around and you can’t wait to go to your favorite take out spot since you didn’t have a lunch and thought it might cheer you up. You get up from your desk, walk to your favorite place, arrive and realize they are closed on Mondays…now you are hangry, no longer just grumpy.
Your day continues on with little annoyances and you never seem to get out of the funk. Your day comes to an end and you can’t wait to sit in traffic on the way home… not! Your drive home you re-live all the crappy things that occurred in the day arriving at home grumpy again. When you walk in the door, you realize you have to make dinner, clean up and deal with adulty things, when all you want to do is call for delivery, open another bottle of wine and binge your current favorite Netflix series. So basically do the same thing you did the night before that helped you have such a crappy day.
We go through these circles when we are unhappy and unfulfilled. Eating bad, drinking alcohol, not taking our responsibilities seriously and hiding from life. These habits are ways to attract nothing but bad things. Now I want you to try something, rewind back to the beginning of Monday morning and see how the following feels for you.
Monday morning rolls around, you open your eyes to your lovely alarm and are like yes! It is Monday! You give yourself a big stretch, put some music on and get yourself ready for the day. Outfit is on point, hair is fantastic, healthy lunch made and delicious coffee ready to go with you on the drive. You trip on the door step and dump your coffee on yourself. Ouch! You say a little swear, put your stuff in the car and go back in to get changed. You are feeling mad this occurred and you realized this. So you take a moment take a deep breath and you pump your favorite song and dance it out for 2 minutes then you go get changed and you head to work. You are still feeling the day because you are going to a job you love. You are cared about, you are appreciated, you feel amazing with what you can do for people. How does that make you feel?
Whether you are a small business owner, work for someone or anyone in between, it is so important to do work that you enjoy or at least work somewhere that makes you feel good. We are at our jobs more than doing anything else. Why be unhappy? I believe it is because of fear, we are scared to see what else is out there, or what if we don’t like it and then we just lost our seniority. But what if, you never take the step to try something new that you could actually love? You will never know! Take that step, dance out your frustration even when it feels weird. JUMP into the unknown to make us get out of the ordinary, and be extraordinary. Be happy, enjoy your life, we only have one and it is up to us to make the decision to change if we are unhappy.
Hoping you find your happiness.
Commercial Insurance Broker specializing in Realty - Commercial buildings, Stratas, Condos, Apartments, Hotels, Resorts
4 年Wouldn't you agree with this Felicia Andrews, CIP, CRM ?
Talent Acquisition Manager – Western Region
4 年I love this Ashley. Thank you for sharing.