Mon, 9 September 2019 = 9th of Elul, 5779; Boker Muar B'Or L'Koolum!! (Heb. A Morning full of Sunshine for Everyone!!)

Dear Friends,

We are now in the midst of the final month of the Jewish calendar, Elul. During this month Jews around the world partake in reflection and meditation. I have chosen a powerful, cogent, meaningful, controversial, poignant, penetrating, incisive, unforgettable, radical, current essay for your perusal and discussion. Incidentally, I was born on the fourth of Elul 5709 in the Hebrew calendar and August 29, 1949, in the Gregorian calendar. Last Wednesday, I celebrated my seventieth birthday at the Kotel Ha'Maaravi (Heb. The Western Wall)! What an incredible treat that was to be sure!

"The Secret behind Anti-Antisemitism & the Conflict within the Jewish Psyche," by Rabbi Y Y Jacobson


___________________________________I will return to Linked-in on Monday, September 23, 2019


