Moms Passionate Toy Fashion
Introducing Mademoiselle Alma's creations made out of our dream bricks of yesterday gone by. These beautifully nostalgic toys still are used by kids all around the world. You will also see some of the most artistic creatives in the artworld create anything from cars (that work) to my favorite find this year, a working bee-hive especially for those gardeners and honey enthusiasts. All age techies are getting involved in creating their own items and even worlds such as this castle . Our friend Sarah Noly is a Mom who has made a career out of her passion for this toy company. Although we won't be traveling as much this year, like in Florida LEGO has gone from toys to vacation spots throughout the world, there is a fun-park right in my backyard of Chicago called the Legoland Discovery Center. This Mom's passion is limitless in creating inspiration out of her love for this toy. The geek lovers and passionate Moms alike, can appreciate Sarah's Scandinavian cutting edge vibe. These wonderful works of art are enhanced by her French-Israeli cultural flare, as well. Why not take the time to send her some of your old blocks if the kids are all grown. The re-using or donating these items to her artist friends, will save us all money and is environmentally a smart way to help with our eco-system. Show your respect for our God given earth, by participating in the reusing of this plastic toy. Please see her shop, and enjoy pop-art jewelry bringing back fond memories of our children's play-time gone by. The ladies in your life that are recovering from breast cancer, will appreciate the pink bricks or heart-shaped pieces infused with Swarovski crystals this upcoming October. I wish all the survivors and loved ones that loyally stayed by their sides, a safe and healing year. May Sarah's work and creations be just the pick me up needed, to get through this troubling year. May all the hardships gone past be healed and stresses turn into repairs, in this unsettling time in our lives. May Gods Peace be granted to our world and may he save us all.