Mom's Money Advice
My mom was full of great advice and some funny sayings.
One thing she taught me early in life is that you never have to worry about having enough money.
She said, you can always get a job. It might not be your dream job, and you might even dislike the work, but you can get more money when you need it.
Growing up I watched my mom do all sorts of jobs - telemarketing, waiting tables, driving a school bus, training horses, and bunch of other diverse ways of getting a paycheck.
Knowing that there is always money available to be earned can take the pressure of making sales and growing your business, especially when you're getting started.
When my friend Jason started his business, he delivered pizzas in the evening to earn enough to close the gap between his expenses for his family of five and the meager income the new business generated.
He even said that the pizza delivery motivated him to sell more so he could quit the second job as early as possible.
If you're feeling stressed about money, remind yourself of Mom's advice - you can get more money if you need it. Just knowing that might release the stress enough for you to make some more sales.