Mompreneur Hacks - How To Multitask With No Nanny Or Childcare
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Mompreneur Hacks - How To Multitask With No Nanny Or Childcare

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people have been forced or decided to work from home. Many mompreneurs are “super” indeed to be able to profit from a business while managing their home and kids – even without a nanny.

But even as work from home becomes more common, it’s not easy juggling childcare and a career. If you’re wondering how you’ll get by, we have a few tips.

Seek Flexible Work Conditions

As a mompreneur or a WAHM, it’s uncomfortable to have a conversation with your superior about having priorities higher than your job, but there’s no better time than right now. Keeping your boss out of the loop about what’s going on in your home life won’t do anyone any good.

Be candid about your situation and ask for flexibility and understanding. Chances are, your boss is already aware that things will need to shift in the next couple of weeks, and instigating the conversation yourself shows leadership, bravery, and a willingness to take action—all qualities a boss should look for in an employee.

Look for the Gray Area and Compromise!

When talking about a problem or setback, try to also offer a solution.

For example, you might be unavailable for certain hours during the workday, or for in-person meetings, but just as you explain your boundaries, present your solution, like putting in a few extra hours in the evening once the kids are asleep, or scheduling time for a Zoom meeting to check-in. Presenting a solution is always more positively accepted than simply an “I can’t.”

Write Down a Schedule

Let’s be realistic: your day is going to look wildly different than what’s normal, but that doesn’t mean all is lost. Creating an outline of a schedule—even if there’s a lot of room for flexibility—can help prevent feelings of overwhelm and ultimately save your sanity.

You may want to swap work time with family time every hour, or take the morning care shift and then swap with your partner in the afternoon. Get into a routine and stick with it. At the very least, routines provide some comfort when so much else is in flux.

Get Help

Talk to your HR department about resources that can set you up for success through this challenge. Especially if you’re working at a large company, you’re not the only one affected by these closures, and HR departments are there to set their employees up for success. If there’s no HR department, try reaching out to coworkers. You might find them much more sympathetic than you think and you might even make a new friend in the process.

Divide and Conquer with a Partner!

If you have support from a partner, divide and conquer. There’s no reason to try to tackle everything on your own, and, even if you’re used to being the sole caregiver for your kids, now is the time to practice vulnerability and ask for help. Vulnerability is rarely easy, but this connection has the opportunity to make your relationship even stronger. After all, you’re both in this together.


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