#MomFestQuarantine. Let's cope together, virtually.
Laura Gainor
Founder & CEO of Pickleball in the Sun, World's First Pickleball Marketing Agency
How are you all doing? Now is the time to all come together, virtually and help ourselves keep our kids entertained, and moms stay sane.
When we created Official MomFest the goal was to create an online community for Moms whose main mission is to find inspiration, social activities (now virtually), and ways to give back to charity organizations. Now couldn't be a better time to get this online community moving so that we can be there to help each other out, and come together to help others.
Visit OfficialMomFest.com to signup for our emails, read upcoming blog inspiration and connect with the online community on our Facebook page and Instagram channel.
We'll be sharing kids activity inspirations, providing comic relief, locally provide safe wine and activity drop-offs at each other's doors, help our kids do some e-learning each day as best we can, and so much more to keep us sane and bond as a family.
OfficialMomFest.com . Facebook. Instagram.
If you have any questions or want to contribute to our blog, please fill out our contact form or email [email protected].