Momentum, here I come!
Parinaaz Irani
Founder at InnerPeak | Sport & Performance Psychologist | Building performance and wellbeing mindsets across the globe
The big Mo- the momentum gained by consistent action-is prized by many performers and teams across the world. That’s what leads to greater impact and achievement of our goals. Let’s take an example; a stationary train weighing thousands of tons creates no impact. But when the same train picks up speed and momentum, it can break through huge hindrances.
Its a daily thing: Momentum is gained through consistent action over a period of time. What we do on a day to day basis, on a consistent basis, helps us pick up speed and create momentum.
So, what helps create momentum?
1.????? Clarity of goal: knowing where you are headed and having a clear path-maybe not all the way but at least the next step- is crucial
2.????? Consistency in action: Do something every day, no matter how small or repetitive
3.????? Being accountable to someone, like an accountability partner
4.????? Reflect and/or get feedback on your actions regularly so that you can make adjustments
5.????? Accept the ups and downs of the journey. Beating yourself for missed opportunities can lead to wasted time
6.????? Build in a practice of positive self-talk during the journey. How you speak to yourself will determine how far you go
It’s said that “consistent action is the mother of mastery” which can help create consistent results. Also, like the train analogy, momentum helps us handle challenges that come on the way and put them into perspective.
What often stops us from our goals is a “stop-start” approach. Imagine if Michael Phelps or Virat Kohli had not persisted through their journeys and adopted this mindset? Its their consistency that created the momentum towards their goals and ultimate success.
So what area of life do you wish to create momentum in?