Momentum & Growth
Kneisha Sanders, Executive Coach (PCC)
Author of The Fruit of a Spirit-Led Leader ? DiSC Provider ? Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Provider ? Speaker ? Corporate Trainer & Facilitator ? Leadership Development Strategist ? Business Owner ???? Let's Connect!
When 3 weeks of progress feels like 3 years!
I feel as though I’ve been extremely quiet on social media these past few weeks and partly because I was facilitating “Leading with Coaching” at Michigan State, celebrating my Birthday, and enjoying the Fourth of July with my husband. Through all of it I felt a sense of significant growth that I would love to share!
For starters,
“Leading with Coaching”
I must say was an amazing 3 days with an awesome group of individuals! I am extremely impressed with their willingness to be vulnerable and connect with one another. The amount of reflection and insights myself and the attendees gained were great! Everyone was fully dedicated to learning and implementing what it meant for them specifically to lead with coaching.
A few “ah-ha” moments shared during the workshop were:
- Coaching is flexible
- Coaching is part of what we do as leaders (although we don’t realize when we’re doing it)
- Coaching requires practice, practice, and even more practice
- Coaching requires focus… being present in the conversation is the only option (no multi-tasking)
- Coaching is “how” and Leading is “what” noting that there is a strong correlation between what you need to work on as a leader and what you could improve on as a coach
So, what did attendees say at the end of the course:
- “Enjoyed the insights gathered from the group and the ability to practice what we learned”
- “Enjoyed gathering insight into self and communication. Being challenged on thought structures”
- “Great time learning about an important skill with the people at the retreat”
- “Great time for reflection and exchange”
- “Kneisha did a great job controlling the flow of class and providing good content & practice to apply.”
All attendees left feeling as though the things they learned, were things they were going to implement and incorporate into their leadership style and THAT is what was important for me. #GROWTH!
Looking forward to our September course as I know it will continue to inspire growth and leadership transformation!
My Birthday
I am not a “big” birthday fan… meaning I’m not the person who feels as though I need to celebrate it all month to enjoy it. I focus on just having a great birthDAY. Well this year I did just that and the thing that stuck out about this birthday was dinner. My husband and I decided to do happy hour prior to our meal and while we were sitting there, 2 couples came up to us to complement me. First, it was “wow, you are so beautiful” and secondly, “I thought my wife took care of her hair but wow I think you have her beat”. I thanked them and looked at my husband and said, “Haha see everyone got the memo that it’s my birthday!”. After a while, we went over to the dinner room. We sat and continued having fun and enjoying each other’s company, when another couple came up to us and said, “we are so glad you guys showed up, we hope you guys have a great night!”. At that moment, I no longer thought it was funny or interesting… I realized that it was our “way of being” that night. We were having fun, we were happy, we were drawing people in with our positive energy. It made me realize how important it was for me to be intentional about the way I showed up, noting that my way of being would either draw people in or withdraw them. #Growth
the Fourth of July
We didn’t do much. We grilled, we watched movies, and we attempted to see fireworks only to find out that Cincinnati’s obsession with fireworks meant that if you just go outside you will have a fireworks’ show. It was in that moment that I internalized what it meant to do what you love. When you love something and not afraid to do it, it will automatically be seen by others even if they made no effort to see it. #Growth
I will end with this, be reflective and eager to gain new insights but don’t stop there, connect the dots and do something with the new insights you gain. Be in the moment and understand that it is your way of being that is drawing or withdrawing positive things to your life. Be in love with what you do and don’t worry about if anyone will see it because when the passion is in the air it will turn into a fireworks’ show that everyone will see and enjoy!
Happy Monday!