Momentum and Determination - A Powerful Combination
Forward Motion. Momentum. Activity. Growth. Determination. Success.
Remember the basics of forward motion?
The Law of Inertia. An object at rest stays at rest. An object in motion stays in motion. With the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
And I am witnessing firsthand how momentum and determination are an incredible one-two punch. They create an unstoppable force. A powerful combination that can help anyone thrive.
For me specifically, as a mid-career entrepreneur, it is exciting and refreshing to share that building a business is seemingly nothing but momentum and determination. One foot in front of the other. Lots and lots (and lots) of people lifting me up and supporting the vision. Daily reminders confirming that this is what I was meant to be doing right now.
Every individual and group networking experience I've had in 2024 has led to more introductions, connections, new acquaintances, invitations to more events, genuine friendships, and lots and lots of forward momentum.
When I coach leaders and sales professionals, I ask a lot of questions about networking skills, enjoyment and passion for networking, and frequency of networking activity - one on one and group events. Both virtual and in person.
Do you feel a sense of forward momentum? Are you doing enough networking for your own business goals? Is there more you could do? May I help get your wheels turning?
And this is also the year I've decided to dream big. Articulate the vision. Make things happen.
In addition to the goals I've set for my new sales consulting firm, I'm also excited to share I'm writing my first book. If you would have asked me even a few years ago to guess the topic I'd write about first, I would have said, hands down, it would be sales-related. This first book is focused instead on my role as primary caregiver to a chronically ill teenager. Pages and pages and pages have just poured out of me, and sometime soon, the editing process will begin. For now, please just keep sending your good vibes, encouragement and prayers as our family navigates this chapter of life.
I am determined about my new firm's success in a way I can't even describe yet. Much more on that later.
What about you? Are your sights set on a vision you are determined to achieve? How can I help? What conditions need to be true for you to realize your dreams and accomplish your goals?
Jen E Miller & Associates is a full-service sales consulting firm, offering more than 25 powerful and impactful offerings.
#52words52weeks #salesblog #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #momentum #determination
(For all 2024 blog posts, you can find the hyperlinks for those posted here.)