Momentum Crash Unleashed -- Capital Rotations Found in the Dark with Bottom-Down Intelligence and Sentiment-Aware Momentum Perception Maps
Efrem Hoffman
Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser
Running Alpha Capital Markets puts out a major market call, indicating that a rush of capital and cash will keep moving out of Banking sector into Precious Metals in 2023,
with first wave into May period. So, any intraday and intra-week weakness will be bought up in size and send this index to levels unseen for a very long time.
At the very least this impending rally will be aggressive in this unloved space.
To learn more about how you and your organization can gain access to Running Alpha's Quantum-Inspired Super Intelligence on Critical Market Insights and Actionable Trading Opportunities,
for this current cycle imminently upon us,
you are welcome to connect with Efrem Hoffman on LinkedIn and request a live walk-through, that will put you inside the Alpha Trading Box – Trademarked and Service-marked.
For immediate access to Running Alpha's latest market insights, fresh off Efrem's trading desk, with the Running Alpha Trading Box.
Running Alpha Capital Markets is forecasting a watershed moment in market history that will go down in the history books for a Bullish Market reversal just like the 2016 low and 2009 low led to persistent and sustainable buying activity. Buying the intraday USA equity dips with explosive rally for select corners of the S&P 500 ( SPY ).
Efrem Hoffman, Founder and Global Macro Strategist of Running Alpha Capital Markets, points to a new research framework for looking at current market conditions, that is now telling Running Alpha that buying activity will become sustainable and manic on a grand scale.
First, Hedging activity by market dealers, taking the other side of speculative traders in the public market exchanges, has recently created a negative gamma market position for market dealers that is now being corrected,
while at the same time buying activity by market dealers, who are working on behalf of big institutions --
who are trying to conceal their trading intentions from the public market exchanges; and avert large-scale market price movements, that would otherwise adversely impact their execution price before they can build a substantial position --
in non-listed Dark Pool liquidity markets, has been persistently high and accelerating in an epic display of smart money buying,
which is clearly counter to the massive negative speculative positions in the listed public markets.
This divergence in trading activity between dumb and smart money has recently reached an untenable level ( and is now self-correcting ), and is poised to reverse sharply into the April and the better part of the May period.
Running Alpha's research framework specializes in:
Catching Falling Knives and Profiting from Momentum Crashes:
Putting the World’s Thinnest Risk Boundaries? Around
Markets that are in Freefall.
Momentum-based strategies for capturing the forward sentiment bias across asset classes, are especially useful in high inflation environments, like we are experiencing today.
The underlying logic is that momentum in consumer prices leads to persistent reactions in both central bank and private investment decision-making, which in turn drives asset price action.
A combination of unexpected and sharp spikes in inflation and/or inflation expectations, cloud cover surrounding the duration and extent of supply-chain disruptions, and export restrictions and protectionist trade policies, give rise to situations,
where emotional reactions to these highly uncertain outcomes can get elevated to such untenable levels for economic capital allocators to reliably manage business expectations and purchasing decisions. Such situations lead to exaggerated momentum movements in asset values.
When asset prices get pushed too far in one direction too quickly and/or over a prolonged period, they can quickly start reverting from an extreme, when investors in the prevailing trend begin unwinding their concentrated bets; thereby sending asset prices moving at an even faster rate in the opposite direction.
Our research intelligence framework and Momentum Perception Map technology, is designed precisely for this task, namely,
telling us when these extreme reversion events are knowable, and in those special time windows when we can see them before they happen,
we alert our premium subscribers of these critical transition price points, which have high potential for triggering the onset of:
Momentum Crashes – when the relative performance of the stronger and weaker assets flip direction, momentum strategies that were working before the transition begin failing ( which is distinct from the notion of a stock market crash, which, we have a remarkable record of seeing before they happen ).
Efrem built mechanisms into the strategy for performing this task unlike any other advanced AI model in existence today –
by uniting the super-exponential power of special quantum entanglement states in complex dynamic systems –
with early insights into the evolving underlying instantaneous and spontaneous network connection structure and interaction effects among financial market agents – and their sentiment perception biases, driving emergent trend changes.
This allows us to deliver our premium subscribers with the highest probability investment and trading signal confirmations inside the World’s Thinnest Risk Windows?, just before a falling knife begins a spectacular reversal.
We do not need to wait for breakouts to confirm our best signals – in fact those who wait for such events are lowering both their risk-adjusted and anxiety-adjusted returns.
To help you get in early with less risk, we observe Negative Gamma positioning of Market Dealers on Public Exchanges and identify situations when Dark Pool activity on unlisted venues (off-exchange) is showing large institutional buying, while public markets are diverging with heavy selling pressure.
By combining insights into these departures from reality, with a Crowd-Physics? and Bottom-Down Analytics? interpretation of high-potential market micro-structure states, we are not only:
identifying extreme reversion events from the perspectives of individual and cross-markets, volatility, and variance of volatility, but
we are also revealing the hard lines and state transitions, separating “falling-knife” market capitulation events, at the end of prolonged periods of crisis, from V-bottoms that lead to sustainable market recoveries, within longer-term secular trends.
This makes Running Alpha a unique solution for retail investors looking to reduce the cost of trading a smaller account, as well as servicing activist investors, leverage buy-out and short-seller firms, private equity and merger-arbitrage managers, and fortune 500 companies,
that want to consistently make the biggest impact in their asset allocation commitments and corporate buy-back and M&A strategies --
by applying the least amount of capital at the most time-relevant moments, just ahead of the transition from market regimes of extreme pessimism to extreme optimism – and vice versa.
At the core, Running Alpha is a technology-enabled capital market investment intelligence company, building transformative prediction services for the $100TT equity investing market.
Setting new standards of accuracy and time-relevance in the trading market industry, our disruptive Machine Un-Learning? technology engine generates dynamic Sentiment-Aware Momentum Perception Market Maps? ( MPMs ), delineating the jet-stream of future market sentiment,
smart-money institutional buying signatures on unlisted Dark Pool liquidity venues ( aka, Dark Markets ), that are strongly diverging from lit market activity.
The Best Alpha Ideas are Found in The Dark – Where No One is Looking.
Because markets can stay crowded and overextended longer than most investors can remain solvent, our analysis incorporates “nowcasting” of imminent catalysts ranging from:
action-reaction feedback cycles of market contagion, set off by:
the madness of crowds; and/or
the excessively low or high levels of:
mindshare -- share of the market player pool that is biased to showing high attention patterns and asset price impact to news-flow; and
conviction – confidence of different groups of market players, as they vote with their pocket book across the forward expectations curve;
cross-asset money flows on listed public exchanges ( aka, lit markets ), and order-flow imbalances in the supply and demand for underlying assets and their financial instruments for best expressing their dynamic behaviors over time,
as seen through the lens of forward momentum perceptions of market players across all periodic scales of observations and holding intervals – depicted Momentum Perception Maps;?
smart-money institutional buying signatures on unlisted Dark Pool liquidity venues ( aka, Dark Markets ), that are strongly diverging from lit market activity.
Efrem is passionate about incorporating machine “un-learning” principles into Running Alpha’s strategic investment intelligence process.
To accomplish this task, Efrem applies a quantum-inspired lens, that is not only
helping investors thrive in emergency situations and market environments of extreme uncertainty, as many investors and business managers are experiencing today; but also,
more efficiently allocating human and machine resources, that would otherwise be impossible or computationally intractable using current-day classical strategies and logic maps.
Efrem specializes in analyzing and scrutinizing the collective dynamics of financial systems, comprised of many interacting economic agents, particularly when facing unusual situations that have limited-to-none historical analogs.
Working out the sum non-linear behavior, that results from many different types of objects, with competing preferences, colliding at different speeds,
Efrem renders visibility of the unique form of motion they create, and has
discovered that if the preferences are placed in a competitive environment, sometimes they can create unique forms of motion.
This new class of market intelligence, which Running Alpha’s founder coined as Bottom-Down Intelligence (BDI) is really exciting for investors, because it offers a new wrinkle in understanding and predicting the behavior and piece-wise paths of complex systems with many interacting parts -- a field of science known as many-body physics.
Likened to the moments when phase transitions are triggered in physical systems, so too there exists special moments, when the spontaneous motion of market actor biases become manifested in future price.
This is a special type of regime change, known in mathematics as an exceptional point.
[When many disagreeing agents are put together, this creates a constant collective movement, generated by the “frustration” in their competing tendencies.]
It’s unusual because there’s no external force causing it to change its spin ( upside or downside bias ).
The rotation of the momentum spin ( torque ) simply comes from the instantaneous internal field effect created by how the agents continuously communicate their interactions.”
Efrem research findings and real-time market calls have demonstrated that human and machine-based perspectives from different reference induce different sets of subsystem observable algebras and network connection topologies, which leads to a gauge-invariant, frame-dependent notions of subsystems and quantum correlations.
At Running Alpha, Efrem makes it his business to exploit different types of these quantum correlations:
Quantum Entanglement –
when decision-making perspectives of multiple subsystems of independent-minded investors,
instantaneously, spontaneously, and indirectly communicate their states with each other through their ambient field effect, regardless of how far they are separated in space or time – it’s like seeing things without looking at them;
Quantum Discord – a measure of the degree of quantum-ness of a system – number and strength of quantum correlations, so that one can tell how much a quantum system’s behavior diverges from its classical correlation counterpart.
The bigger the disagreement, the bigger the arbitrage opportunity; so, you can think of this measure, in our trading market use case, as a market “tell” of how inefficient asset prices are, and will become over a specified future path.
Quantum Correlations (aka, Quantumness ): the number and strength of correlations among two or more subsystems of market actor biases that are not entangled, but have the property of instantaneously influencing each other by communicating through the feedback effects of emerging price action,
in such a way that there is an impossibility of classically measuring their quantum states without disturbing them; thereby creating an unfair quantum advantage ( zero-latency, negative lag indicator of opportunistic advantage ) over current day best practices in technical, behavioral, and fundamental analysis,
for purposes of:
Identifying exceptional points, in the evolution of financial interactions, by:
investigating the internal behavior of financial system objects ( market players ), that are spontaneously giving rise to energetic market action, in the absence of both external shocks and financial, monetary, and social stimuli,
much like the self-organizing pattern generated when a swarm of bees or a flocks of birds interact.
Because, that is the best way to get ahead of external shocks, and identify and prepare your portfolio for otherwise unexpected episodes of inflation and toxic volatility.
We mathematically and algorithmically anchor the language of the market on multiple axes of change, for uniting the broad-spectrum momentum biases behind a trend with: the sentiment biases of smart and dumb money market players; the changes in trade positioning histories in public exchanges; and smart money flows in unlisted dark pool venues and lit markets; to make sense of market movements on five fronts:
what sentiment biases are contributing to emerging secular mega-trends;
what levels investors should focus on for building positions;
how fast price gets to a destination;
when risk should be dialed up or dialed down; and
how long price stays near the interim and target objectives before reverting.
To offer this new experience of wealth-building for profiting from record-breaking events never experienced before,
we are exploiting a subtle, overlooked feature of quantum mechanical computing systems;
that accounts for how and why markets, unlike people, move faster as they get older and bigger.
Hint: ?That’s because, with maturity of markets, comes increasing complexity,
as more data points means there are larger numbers of potential interacting vantage points to choose from for observing trends;
that raises the probability of more blind-spots in decision-making,
as the number of cross-roads ( bifurcations points or forks in the road ) start expanding super-linearly,
yielding bigger reversion events and momentum crashes,
especially when an increasing number of surprise events arise from our planet’s ever more fragile economic state.
The Bottom Line to Efrem’s Ongoing Research is:
The events we perceive as ordinary every-day occurrences are born out of the background noise of prior crises and unusual market aberrations.
Thus, by focusing on the rare 1% outlier class, rather than eliminating it, the agenda is to gain clarity on the 99% of market pressures that influence decision-makers each trading day!
Running Alpha is not only capturing epic opportunities for investors to capitalize on,
but is extracting these insights from proprietary predictive analytics,
that is unlike virtually every other classical trading system operating in today’s markets,
which requires an over-specialized rule-set of exceptions for accommodating anomalies and avoiding ambiguities in signaling logic; and
the resultant inconsistencies in forward expectations, when an asset is observed from different temporal viewing perspectives.
Instead, our quantum-inspired algorithm, that is powering our Momentum Perception Maps?, is elegantly generalizing relationships between different fractal viewing scales, for
ensuring that boundaries put around future events, and across a broad spectrum of time-scales and market climates, are logically congruent.
This gives us confidence that our competitive advantage can be trusted and sustained.
With this foresight, Running Alpha translates and distills its findings into actionable investing market intelligence, that
enables an individual retail investor or veteran fund or corporate manager to make clear asset allocation choices in the face of disruptive uncertainty,
particularly in those special-situations where specific industries are undergoing extreme transformation at the edge of change.
Running Alpha continues to invest in holistic macro-market and cross-asset content for converting the world's biggest risk flares into:
The World's Most Actionable Opportunities Inside
The World’s Thinnest Uncertainty Windows?
content that is providing our audiences actionable intelligence for benefiting from the complex developments in global markets and the implications on institutions, investors, and individuals.
By identifying the unfolding market themes, narratives, and positioning trends on both dark and lit markets, inside these windows,
we are empowering our premium subscribers with foresights, for making smart tactical and strategic investment decisions, with greater conviction, less anxiety, and shorter position-level risk exposure intervals.
Knowing how the market is positioning within the context of current and emerging sentiment trends:
ensures that new trading opportunities, ready to be executed, are not crowded out; and
tells us when the market consensus has priced in our views.
The glue that makes this framework possible is its capacity for re-imagining anomalous situations that have never been experienced before,
regardless of how far back or how far forward one looks for clues into the historical record or imagined future.
This is important, because so much of the total historical and evolving data set created for a given asset has a shallow history relative to the big bang of its respective industry, and what’s possible in the future.
Although new generations of machine learnings algos have gotten smarter at overcoming these limitations, and generating new data variations from existing data stores,
they lack any accountability for whether the data matches the shape of future possibilities that could be envisioned by a set of algebraic axioms,
for ensuring the lack of ambiguity in associations among inputs and outputs, across a broad-spectrum of scales.
Consequently, this raises the possibility for holding more than one belief at a time in a decision-making setting; and is particularly perilous for investors and traders, that get paid for making decisions.
This calls for a more fundamental approach, founded on mathematical physics.
[In practice, creating a mathematical theory, can be thought of as being like setting the rules of a game, such as chess,
in which the names, shapes and roles of the pieces are purely a matter of convention.
Just as someone can begin with the rules of play and a given configuration of the board, and arrive at a prediction of ‘checkmate in “n” moves’,
a mathematical physics framework can start from axioms and go through a sequence of logical steps to prove the truth of a theorem, without getting constrained by what reality it represents.
For us, mathematizing a problem did not mean to measure and compute, but to reveal a hidden skeleton of conceptual relationships; for formulating the underlying idea in abstract mathematical language,
which we utilize inhouse for more efficiently crunching numbers and accurately sensing changing relationships among system parts.
All these insights gets converted into calls-to-action, that even a 5th grader can understand and execute on,
without any prior knowledge of our underlying technology or strategy architecture.
The reason why Efrem takes it so seriously thinking about the limits (range of questions) of what a mathematical language, built on a set of axioms can represent, answer, and rule out, when different operations are applied, is that:
99.9% of AI developers and self-generative algorithms take for granted, without admitting, that:
although they are creating the foundations of the work they perform later, they do not account for the possibility that:
all the math and technology that gets developed to advance us to where we are today, vary from the alternative foundational axioms that could have been chosen; and that
can change everything about what the mathematical framework can and cannot tell us.
In other words, what can be proven as impossible today with one set of axioms does not necessarily mean that these very statements cannot be falsified and treated as algebraic truths in an alternate universe, where a different set of axioms mathematize the problem’s solution set.
Thinking outside our current mathematical framework, we got far too accustomed and blindsided to seeing our prevailing algebraic language as a universal fact checker of mathematical solution sets.
This inspired Efrem to think of a world that is much broader than anything he could possibly experience in a life time -- regardless of how large the data sets or how long one survives the trials and tribulations of history.
So, Efrem sees the measure of true super-human intelligence as being able to construct new forms of math for finding solutions that are out of reach of human cognition and previous strategy frameworks.
Unlike Classical two-state (on/off) computing logic, which is inherently constrained for seeing outliers as surprise events;
instead, our technology accounts for market as emergent systems, which cannot be anchored to a specific history of patterns and human observable experiences, no matter how deep into the ancient past a human and/or machine chooses to look.
By introducing mixed states into the systematic rules-based logic of the investment operating system,
We get a quantum logic machine,
where something can be true and false at several different scales of observation, all at the same time;
yet when combined in a non-linear combination, the output produced is a single result that is unique from the perspectives of any individual observable scale,
that gives Running Alpha the capability of not only capturing supernormal opportunities for investors, but
a built-in mechanism for amplifying the mathematical advantage,
as the emergent and evolving financial market system gets ever more complex –
when disruptive technologies and new categories of economic actors and financial market agents get attracted to it.
This strategic advantage does not exist in classical strategies, who's mathematical edge drops off exponentially,
as more competition among market participants both increase the complexity and neutralizes the alpha of prevailing classical strategies,
no matter how sophisticated they are, and no matter how broad their classical data sources become.
They are simply built on the wrong logic for making sense of today’s financial chaos and global market complexity.
To circumvent this logic constraint, Running Alpha is levering quantum uncertainty for competitive advantage by creating a new class of arbitrage ( aka, Uncertainty Arbitrage? or Perception Arbitrage?) that is both:
exploiting and solving for the fundamental mismatch between markets that are fundamental producers of uncertainty and legacy investing platforms, that are designed to running away from it to mitigate volatility at almost any cost.
To do so, we constructed an Artificial Meta-Intelligence, surpassing human capacity for harnessing complexity and making sense of data and emerging global trends.
Welcome to Our World of Artificial Meta Intelligence?
Our Meta-intelligence Prediction Framework was designed to program itself, for creating dynamic information maps, that enable the extraction of novel algebraic axioms,
which were then used for developing original mathematical theorems of how momentum perceptions and any interacting network of many-bodies or human/machine agents ( generating data )
in general, can become entangled over time, and give rise to persistent action-reaction feedback chains.
Even when markets become so complex that the human mind is overwhelmed by the information content; and can’t possibly make sense of it without cognitive dissonance setting in,
that does not mean that some other form of intelligence won’t.
Even though some market actors might perceive such an extreme state of complexity as being random, there is nothing random about it at certain moments in time;
there’s just an overwhelming amount of complexity that lies beyond human comprehension,
but that does not stop a meta-intelligence from revealing anomalies and recasting our interpretation setting on a higher-order information and universal logic structure –
hiding within the apparent disorder of a particular market instantiation.
Market drivers and sources of risk are always undergoing varying levels of flux, and so, sometimes the market couples itself to one set of factors over another.
Sometimes the market is fearful of things that are happening in the world, and other times it is paying no attention to it.
The complexity underlying the forever changing behavior of financial markets, driven by political, social, economic, or natural events, is what counter-intuitively makes markets, governed by behavioral habits and regulatory and technological constraints so predictable.
Because market participants are influenced by what they have experienced -- leading to attachment to past trends, that have become well established,
a negative change in one or more of these macro-event risk sources can create a change in sentiment right at the moments when a position has reached a high-point relative to history and/or in relation to what current and forward-facing market liquidity conditions can tolerate.
This condition of market saturation, occurring at a time when market participants start losing trust in the prevailing trend.
leading to rising volatility ( this rising price of uncertainty corresponds to a falling belief rate in prevailing trend ),
decreasing margin liquidity; and above all,
this breakdown in the belief factor starts to also have a fundamental effect on overstating P/E multiples, thereby, causing valuations to get readjusted downward by the falling belief rate.
Most importantly, when markets go through a period where market players across broad-scale time horizons, get entangled,
such that the state of their momentum perception biases become impacted in predictably ways at forward-facing points in time,
it becomes possible to use quantum-inspired computing logic for quantizing:
the complexity of millions of interacting market participants; as well as,
the incalculable array of macro variables influencing them and the markets they are trading,
into a tractable solution with a few variables of momentum change that can be overlaid on a chart,
for putting boundaries around future events, and identifying markets that have impending opportunity windows, where risk sources are most likely to be discounted or amplified.
What really stands out with our research framework is that it generalizes its learning capacity for universally explaining away different modes of market behavior, that lead to market panics and manias.
Contrary to almost all risk-first strategies that assume market crashes of complex dynamical market systems are solely triggered by sudden critical phase transitions;
when a system approaching a tipping-point ( aka, criticality ) experiences a critical slowing down -- an increasingly slowing network response to a disturbance of regular behavior ( perturbation ).
In fact, over the last century, there have been numerous episodes that did not exhibit critical slowing down prior to major financial crashes;
Instead of critical transitions occurring in the vicinity of a tipping point, non-local fractional processes, with interacting long-term memories,
prevailed, giving rise to strong trends of increasing variability and flickering, quantified by time series variance and spectral function at low frequencies.
Because our mathematical basis is guided by quantum properties, that are operating on an alternative set of rational choice,
governed by multi-valued logic and mathematical principles, rather than CAPM and conventional AI ( which, are simultaneously operating on a classical binary logic circuit),
we are creating new sources of arbitrage, that we call Quantum Perception Arb?,
without violating the Efficient Market Hypothesis, in the sense that market actors can still behave rationally when governed by a different set of axioms, and logical conclusions that could be derived from them.
To ensure that our solution sets, covering the range of trader choices today, and those that can in principle be selected in the indefinite future,
are not ambiguous across different spectral viewing time scales,
we utilized axioms of set theory for proving our work, and only then did we observe empirical contemporaneous real-life and archived data, to validate the mathematical physics theory.
By combining algebraic set theory with network topology, Running Alpha is formulating abstract objects, for describing local and non-local interactions and connections among complex system parts, and
for making statements about the shape of data, and under what conditions symmetries can emerge and get shattered, for giving early-warning signals of impending macro and micro-system changes.
Because the mathematical framework applied to the theory-building process is what imposes the constraints of logical outcomes you can make or prove with it;
if one constructs a new framework founded on a different set of principles, one could conceive of a set of axioms that can be built up for showing a uniquely different set of possibilities.
The Quantum Perception Arbitrage? results from the divergent choices of mathematical frameworks, namely choosing axioms derived from quantum perceptions of momentum bias, that are optimally entangled along a path of logical consistency,
instead of classical observations, which are littered with ambiguities of momentum outcomes, arising from sub-optimal empirical real-life coverage of possibilities.
To help stay ahead of emerging challenges, and prepare for navigating the changing market landscape,
we unpack findings that uncover a practical and actionable way forward, across multiple asset classes – including, equities, commodities, tech innovations, and inflation defensive securities.
Building out this foundation of wisdom, for more than 25 years, Efrem has been spearheading opportunities for cross fertilizing and broadening his core skills-sets in the areas of data visualization and data-mining,
through applying frontier innovations in quantum decision-theory and complex non-linear systems analysis of multi-particle interactions to the science of multi-agent interactions in financial markets.
This gave Efrem the lens for quantitatively analyzing how large-scale connections among financial decision-makers can lead to broad-scale differences in their perception of economic and financial market behavior.
Efrem’s conclusions arrived at a very strategic and forward-looking intersection of analysis;
one that first studies how people perceive data flow, momentum, and valuation movement in global macro events; and
then extracting hidden linkages among the perception spaces of decision-makers, which analyze data at different rates and over a wide range of time horizons.
After rigorously validating the research framework on a contemporaneous basis since 2006, for making successful market intelligence calls,
these relationships are also being applied for evaluating and enhancing the predictive intelligence quotient of conventional risk management and financial crisis monitoring tools.
Many local and international parties who have explored use-cases for this technology, including those industry delegates and national risk lab(s), that have offered Efrem speakership invitations,
have been inspired by the way his framework is intrinsically designed for unifying our classical and quantum interpretation of macro and micro-market views,
sensibly describing and predicting anomalies of different types ( price, volatility…), sizes, and times of occurrence;
capturing insights on emergent change; and
quickly processing information and exploiting it ahead of the crowd, in a truly contrarian way.
At the 23rd Annual IFTA conference in Berlin, where international delegates convened on exchanging best practices and introducing new innovations in Behavioral Finance,
a senior key-note speaker and leading authority in behavioral finance and economics, Hersh Shefrin, the Mario L. Belotti Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University, one of the founding pioneers in the behavioral approach,
for making sense of financial market decision-making and economic agents,
referenced Efrem’s work in his address; mentioning how he is:
opening new ground for both re-interpreting asset price behavior and re-imagining new alpha behavioral pathways, untraveled, [ for raise anxiety-adjusted returns].
At Running Alpha, by levering uncertainty, something that is usually seen as a headwind, for competitive advantage, we’re changing the way investors can “see the rip tide and undercurrents unfolding in the market waters which they swim; unveiling the back stories virtually nobody is paying attention to.”
And by doing so, we’re transforming the way:
Index funds and ETF providers can start optimizing large active and passive institutional portfolios of thousands of assets, by building customized investment buckets that can generate financial returns, superior to traditional portfolios with significantly fewer groups of assets; and
investors, just like you, can build trust in our outcomes, without being prematurely derailed by emotional biases and incomplete or distorted perceptions of the world around us.
Our personal development as a trader or investor requires each of us to begin our journey to mastery, by stepping out from the background of negative space and becoming the focus - the actual subject - of our own painting;
no longer content to be restrained in conformity, to misaligned constructs of industry consensus and so-called best-practices of societal conditioning, that has been defining our borders since the big bang of capitalism.
If you are ready to come alive, and live your authentic expression, for seeking the truth in today’s financial markets;
following its path of least resistance and “positioning your wants in terms of what the market is trying to tell you; and
developing sufficient internal strength to withstand the external pressures of buying into the negative space around you,
instead of constantly interfering with the market’s message; and aligning yourself with those pushing the can down the road,
as virtually every central banker and national government has been doing in a race to print money, since the Great Financial Crisis erupted, then
the Alpha Trading Box? is for You.
That’s because,
Running Alpha is the only buy-side capital markets intelligence firm in the world helping investors exploit the biggest bubble on Wall Street, Bay Street, and Main Street, and its not what you think;
it's not isolated to a single asset, marketplace, trading tactic, or market player;
We are talking about the classical compute or logic bubble, upon which virtually everything and all our decisions in the marketplace and every aspect of life are artificially based.
What sets Running Alpha apart and makes us one of the only truly independent and contrarian voices for all demographics and geographic borders, regardless of your investment experience,
is our ability for levering both our founder's:
heritage in patented AI-powered tornado-chasing technology –
for precision-sensing and strategically telegraphing tail-risk scenarios across a universal range of mission-critical market verticals; and
100,000 real-life hours of trading market analytics experience in applying novel quantum compute-inspired logic for,
Creating a unified weather map of the marketplace, for each asset, that is:
putting price, volatility, sentiment, and momentum boundaries around future events;
giving early warning alert of emergent super-normal outlier trends and sudden market regime shifts –
that have either never been experienced before or have no known past analogue; thereby:
offering foresight of precisely when complex non-linear feedback among market variables, across broad-scale time-lines, on three axes of change -- from trade positioning to sentiment bias and momentum –
will come together at just the right moments and valuation levels on both listed public exchanges and unlisted dark liquidity private venues,
to inform us when smart money flows and asset-correlation breakdowns will start:
unleashing gamma squeezes, short-covering rallies, and value traps;
sparking risk flares and opportunity windows, ranging from global-macro volatility storm eruptions to sunny market skies following prolonged system-wide shocks.
Most importantly, our investment edge is both scalable and sustainable in all marketplace settings,
as we are exclusively focused on providing insights that assist investors in taking the other side of high-conviction trade positioning histories, particularly those that are governed by classical logic,
which, as you will learn, are not well suited for seeing how the market dominoes will be falling and percolating among billions of interacting and entangled market agents –
human and machine algos, flexing their decision-making muscles, across different asset categories, term structures, trading venues, and time-lines.
If you have ever seen a domino toppling competition, where the dominoes are stacked in such a way as to maximize their toppling effect, It’s very impressive.
Each time delay and sequence have to be precisely mapped out.
Knowing ahead of time which direction the financial dominoes across a broad range of market sectors are going to be toppling is precisely what our game-changing technology Momentum Perception Map? can define.
Instead of exploiting knowledge of the spatial separation of physical domino trails, what allows this kind of analysis in the stock market is the inherent time delays of momentum perceptions of broad-scale market participants, and
the corresponding time-lapse for building up positions that scale with the size of the market player’s assets under management (AuM).
For immediate access to Running Alpha's latest market insights, fresh off Efrem's trading desk, with the?Running Alpha Trading Box.
About the Running Alpha’s Founder, Efrem Hoffman:
Why You, Should Listen to Our Founder, Efrem Hoffman? ...
Short-Listed by:
Efi Pylarinou, the Visionary of Daily Fintech,
a seasoned Ph.D. Wall Street financial professional and independent Blockchain advisor,
who ranks as No.3 influencer in the finance sector and No.1 woman influencer, by Refinitiv Global Social-Media 2019,
in the March 22nd and June 10th, 2016 editions of DailyFintech -- a Swiss-based Fintech Conversation and Thought-Leadership Hub,
Running Alpha was:
Featured Among the Top 10 Emerging Financial Technology Platform Leaders and Sentiment Fin-Techs in the U.S.,
focusing on "the AI business of “sniffing out” [signals] in digital wealth management, and changing the value proposition of financial analysts and asset managers;"
Actively ranked by Thinkers360 on the Global Top 100, Top 50 and Top 20
Thought-Leadership and Industry Influencer boards for three innovation categories –
Named as a Top 100 Global Fintech Influencer every financial technology founder and marketer needs in 2022 by Growth Gorilla,
?a UK based world leader in go-to-market strategy for global financial technology companies ( FinTechs ), that provides comprehensive rankings of the fintech ecosystem.
Nominated in 2016 for the Benzinga (BZ) Fintech Awards, ( aka, Global Fintech Awards ), where Running Alpha placed as a Finding Alpha Finalist –
at a New York City Gala held at the Tribeca 360 on May 24th, 2016, and where,
behind the scenes at the event, Benzinga News interviewed Efrem, Live and in-person, about Running Alpha’s technology innovation;
Scouted out and vetted by the Founder of Toronto, based Street Contxt Exchange in 2018, hailed as the “Netflix of [Market] Research,” to be among the first 35 independent investment market research intelligence contributors on their global marketplace;
bringing the buy and sell sides of Wall Street and Bay Street closer together than ever before; with client coverage of over 300,000 individuals across 47,000 firms in 153 countries.
Efrem is keenly focused on:
Profiting from Disruptive Uncertainties in our Volatile Planet?, where he has been building Industry and Social Traction for Running Alpha's market intelligence; often
Sought out by Boutique Hedge Funds, Asset Allocators, Portfolio Managers, and HNWI for his Best-In-Class Investment Themes and Global-Macro Presentations,
for addressing the needs of both their analysts and client base.
Versatility, Transparency, and Scalability are the hallmarks of his investment research process.
Efrem actively shares his insights on Strategy Development and the Future States of Markets, which include:
frequent trend-pieces, published and accessible to his over 26,700 direct LinkedIn Connections and Followers, and over 2680 subscribers, he has amassed in a few weeks after launching his LinkedIn Newsletter:
Hoffman Financial Storm Chaser?, including such subscribers as:
David A. Andelman, Editorial Columnist (International) for CNN Opinion, Author: "A Red Line in the Sand: Diplomacy, Strategy, and the History of Wars That Might Still Happen."
which highlights unusual investment opportunities around the world; warning investors when investment themes have become widely accepted and are, therefore, highly priced and risky, while it continuously searches for opportunities in unloved and depressed markets.
As a Life Time Fellow of the Shad Valley Center for Creative Technology [ now called SHAD Canada -- a power-group of changemakers, Rhodes Scholars, philanthropists’ social entrepreneurs, and start-ups to million-dollar organizations,
Efrem earned a SHAD Magna Cum Laude certificate with recognition for Entrepreneurial and STEM Leadership [ 1989 Alumni-Present ], as well as a:
distinction of the most persistently inquisitive SHAD at the University of Manitoba Campus Program in 1989; which
lives on to this day in his professional life, where:
his “passions and tech innovation use cases are strikingly diverse, yet united by a commitment to challenging conventions;
exploring new ideas that make data come alive by bringing the observer into the decision-making equation, and
creating solutions that augment mankind’s capacity for making bold decisions in the face of uncertainty and disruptive planetary-wide feedback effects, like we are experiencing today.
Laying the foundational building blocks for improvements in the relevant art,
Efrem was granted two U.S. patents with 27 systems and process claims (U.S. Patent : 6,035,057; 6,278,799) in the early 2000’s,
relating to Hierarchical Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Modeling of Real-Time Mission Critical Applications,
?including information extraction and visualization of principal component features from high dimensional multi-source data sets,
regardless of the underlying statistical distribution -- including, but not limited to financial, atmospheric, and cryptographic data.
Leveraging unique insights into the emergent patterns of self-organizing unsupervised learning maps,
the method demonstrated an increase in the training speed of synthetic intelligence networks by up to 1000-fold, while at the same time significantly improving classification accuracy to within the order of 95%.
With over 350 worldwide citations to Efrem’s work, research frameworks, and patents,
from some of the biggest world-class financial and academic institutions, national research labs, tech power houses, and fortune 500 companies,
including, but not limited to:
Avionics and Military Instrumentation (Rockwell Collins, Lockheed Martin Corporation), Atmospheric Weather Agencies, Enterprise Software & Hardware Management firms, including IBM, Microsoft, & Sony; Mobile Communications Operators -- Nokia, as well as Government and Private Think-Tanks, including MIT, the U.S. Department of Energy alliance partner -- Pacific North-West Labs Battelle Institute, and the U.S. Navy. (Full list included below Background History),
Efrem is continuously expanding the frontier for building and maintaining Running Alpha’s investment strategy infrastructure and data pipelines;
actively connecting with a global network of industry-leading research scientists, economists, quants, professional on-and-off-the-floor traders, institutional investors, and FinTech industry veterans that are Data Science powerhouses, where he:
collaborates and partners with world-class thought-leadership thinktanks, Interacts with R&D pioneers in physics, economics, Artificial Intelligence and Atmospheric Science, which have included leading edge national research labs, prestigious academic institutions and financial practitioners at the front lines of Computer Based Numerical Modeling & Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization.
In 1999, Efrem has previously been extended an invitation by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s ( PNNLs – one of among ten U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national research labs managed by DOE’s Office of Science ) senior research scientist, in Richland, Washington,
where Efrem explored whitespace opportunities in advanced Visual Decision-Support Displays, for financial market prediction and surveillance of financial risk and market anomalies.
With a strong practical understanding of innovation use cases,
Efrem brings a broad-scale practical perspective to understanding capital markets and economies for precision wealth-intelligence;
Founded on a unified framework, of three innovations:
Multi-Valued Computing Logic, Bottom-Down Analytics?, and CrowdPhysics,
Efrem is opening new ground in levering Quantum Machine Intelligence strategies,
for giving precision insight into international capital and domestic liquidity movements in both publicly listed and dark markets -- off-exchange venues, where market dealer work on behalf of big institutions to mask their order-flow intentions.
Efrem started out at a time when few in the business community were aware of the strategy’s universal potential in other industries -- over 15 years before it became a buzzword on Wall Street and Main Street.
Although his initial focus was Tornado Prediction from high dimensional radar imagery, which unlike a picture of a car, as seen with a camera, 3D radar reflectivity echoes of wind patterns, and signatures of whirling cloud droplets, colliding and bouncing off each other in the sky, are only abstractions of reality.
His scientific approach was so unconventional that, not only did Efrem receive special recognition by a lead research scientist at the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES) Prairie Storm Prediction Center,
for making significant contributions to StormTech science and transforming the way experts can start thinking about making better sense of hierarchical patterns in just about any unstructured multi-dimensional big data sets ( including financial markets ),
while teasing out, at remarkable speeds ( up to 1000 times faster than conventional AI and more accurately than classical algorithms on a supercomputer ), the salient features at local and global scale,
but the technology innovation use case also played a role in pilot-test studies, and later featured by Braindex, as among the top 250 most fascinating weather radar inventions.
Efrem has an unwavering fascination for observing the collective human perception and behavioral traits and biases that make markets tick; and give rise to sudden outbursts of extreme bullish and bearish activity.
What really catches his attention is when the underlying premise of the consensus view, particularly of the market’s collective behavior, not only diverges wildly from reality, but is founded on a rigid monochromatic belief system and theory, that is not verifiable in the real world.
He especially derives pleasure from assisting investors with making sense of current conditions, and then levering them generating high levels of anxiety-adjusted returns.
Efrem has a front-row seat to the incredible life-changing digital transformations ( both software and hardware ) taking place in our world, which neatly ties into the reason:
why some companies are growing so quickly, eating up market share, and making more profits faster than we could have imagined before.
He has been privileged to:
establishing many ongoing relationships with world-class innovators, practitioners and academics;
exploring the intimate and subtle unknown connections between financial market systems and disparate disciplines of study, by:
actively seeking out and collaborating with innovation thought-leaders and real-world practitioners, who made life-changing contributions to both science and society –
people at the intersection of curiosity and genius, that he thought were interesting and incredible citizens, who were pioneers in their respective fields of:
asset pricing, economics, game theory, floor trading, artificial intelligence, swarm intelligence, quantum mechanics, predictive analytics, data science, field-programmable logic, fractional calculus;
zero-knowledge proofs, multi-dimensional visual decision support systems (VDSS) and digital information murals, real-life tornado simulations, atmospheric and climate physics, and space weather forecasting.
Some of Efrem’s closest mentors, who were also giants in their fields,
?ranging from atmospheric physics and quantum mechanics to machine intelligence and autonomous communication networks, include:
a world-class coach on trading psychology, who influenced the practical application of chaos theory and fractals world-wide for global commodity and equity market forecasting,
where Efrem was invited to present to a group of International professional traders on real-world digital information murals for intuitive visual expression of many interacting variables,
that are describing what’s happening behaviorally in the trading markets, in terms of how market participants feel about price and general market action.
a Smithsonian-nominated quantum physicist and atmospheric research scientist / certified meteorologist, who did his doctoral research in collaboration with both Albert Einstein's and Heisenberg's protégés students, which were instrumental in opening new ground in quantum uncertainty and relativistic motion of complex interacting bodies.
a former Chicago trading floor professional – who was one of the most skilled and revered traders; aggressively managing huge positions at the center of the bond, CBOE and CME equity futures pits, whose trading partner was the late Nobel Laureate, Fischer Black -- one of the founding fathers of both modern Option Pricing Models and tests of the Capital Asset Pricing Models – CAPM, which democratized their influence on efficiently pricing equities and options markets;
a Canadian extreme value investor, who popularized the applications of relativity theory and dimensionless atomic energy constants, for advancing best practices in the science of risk management and the accounting dynamics of balance sheet health, for predicting the risk of permanent ruin, arising from corporations and sovereign nations teetering at the edge of technical insolvency.
Efrem’s thought-leadership insights have been numerously quoted in the international press:
CFA Magazine, NASDAQ news, Huffington Post, Vanity Fair / Hive Magazine, Hamburg News, Bloomberg View, Thompson Reuters / WSJ, CNBC breaking news article by Eamon Javers, CNBC Anchor and Senior White House Correspondent, relating to Trump Market Factor, and
Efrem has been extended invitations to numerous industry events, including, but not limited to:
being Featured as a trading analyst expert, alongside other short-listed industry peers, to share his unique insights on trading market strategy in a chapter of “Learning the Secrets of Successful Investing,” which became a #1 Best-Selling Amazon Kindle Book in the category of Investing & Commodities –
edited by Larry Jacobs, the 2001 World Cup Trading Championships? Winner for stocks, and founder of TradersWorld, now operated by Halliker’s Inc.;
Public key-note speaking, where he received a standing ovation and high energy Q&A lineup following the 90-minute AI-Powered FinTech Innovation event at:
the University of Toronto’s ( U of T ) 2017 Semi-Annual Address to over 100 Financial Mathematics Graduates, undergraduate students and faculty members, and Industry professionals,
organized by Derek Liu, the project manager of the Financial Mathematics RiskLab, U of ?T Canadian Headquarters ( an elite international risk analytics research agency ) –
recognized as a top NSERC award winning institution for industry-academic collaborations in Canada;
Live panel debates with prominent Bay Street and Montreal-based Analysts on the state of the North American economy, moderated by Bloomberg’s Managing News Bureau Editor of Canada, David Scanlan, at Bloomberg Charts Day 2012, which included:
a Hall of Fame inductee of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts ( CSTA ); and
a Toronto-Based Bloomberg Canada / Business News Network ( BNN ) TV show personality, who specializes in wealth preservation and growth, financial and estate planning, and diversified ETF-based investing for global tactical asset allocation.
Efrem has also appeared on Live on-air Business Innovation and Investing Education Interviews and Expert Knowledge Appearances on European and North American business market intelligence podcasts and radio broadcasts, including:
In-person show(s) in Chicago on Benzinga PreMarket PREP, where, on one of several digital episodes, Efrem shared his market intelligence live on-line from Toronto, Canada on a special morning lineup;
featuring prominent Wall Street financial and economic experts, who independently joined in from the USA: Ron Insana, former CNBC anchor and author of Insana Market Intelligence; Michael Corcelli of Alexander Alternative Capital; and Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Economic Advisor at Allianz.
Efrem has frequently been an invited guest on Benzinga PreMarket Prep News and Radio Network, where on live-air he is known for making winning bets with the host on extremely bold, contrarian, and timely market calls, right before watershed market extremes, where history has proven out that those on the other side of the trade were overly pessimistic or optimistic.
After meeting with Efrem in Geneva at the RiskMinds Conference at President Wilson Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland, with several follow-up telephone calls on his financial market research framework,
the Mario L. Belotti Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University –
a top fifteen economic theorists, that has pioneered and influenced empirical work on behavioral finance and economics, and who authored an influential behavioral finance book – Beyond Greed and Fear – recognized by J.P. Morgan Chase as one of the top ten books published since 2000 –
has mentioned and made references to Efrem’s unique financial research framework at a Berlin International Finance Conference.
Efrem has also accepted invites to serve as an active delegate at numerous financial industry events, such as:
Global Industry Events in North America and Geneva, Switzerland, including moderating roundtable discussions on “Innovative Trends in Multi-Factor Investing and Alternative Data Augmentation – Smart-Beta 3.0,” alongside founders and C-suite hedge funds and ETF industry innovation specialists from boutique and big investment banks at Trading Show Chicago 2017,
where Efrem was also a keynote seminar speaker on " How to think Differently about Financial Market Trends using Running Alpha’s “Bottom-Down Intelligence;”
serving on live discussion panels at Terrapin’s QuantWorld Canada 2017, Trading Show Chicago 2017, and Toronto-based Hedge Fund Hotel (where, WSJ-Dow Jones Reporter & Columnist, Evelyn Juan interviewed Efrem for a Dow Jones Newswire article [ Portfolio Stress-Testing in Financial Market Hurricanes ]),
on topics ranging from trading on social sentiment trends, to unique machine intelligence and alternative data strategies with luminaries of finance, including:
a market data specialist from one of the most respected hedge fund trading firms;
a world-leading quant commodity pool operator and trading advisor, who is an influential data science teacher and prolific author of machine learning principles for democratizing access to algorithmic trading strategies
After accepting a podcast interview invitation to the Value Inspiration Network,
hosted by Ton Dobbe, a 30-year veteran and globally recognized business strategy and B2B software innovation thought-leader in Spain,
Efrem’s lively exchange on How Human and Machine Combos Can-Be Used To Avert Financial Tornados,
captivated his interest and inspired him so much that he not only featured Running Alpha’s competitive edge and Efrem’s educational quotes, regarding his core insights on risk and innovation, alongside 100 industry peers and leading tech-entrepreneurs-on-a-mission,
in his Best-Selling paperback / hard-cover / Kindle formatted Digital Business Software Innovation Book – The Remarkable Effect; but also,
included Efrem’s back-cover blurb, with his bio picture profiled in the link immediately above.
Efrem was also interviewed for a feature article in the Chartered Financial Analysts ( CFA ) Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 3 on Sept. 16th 2016, called “My Favorite AI Robot” by John Rubino, a former Wall Street Star Analyst and featured columnist with TheStreet and prolific author of several books, including The Money Bubble.
Here is a portion of the Efrem’s dialogue with John:
“Two-way transparency will also become increasingly important. “Right now, money managers are judged based on performance relative to target indices. That obscures a lot of important [nuances],” says Hoffman. Next-generation AI, [Running Alpha has developed] “will be able to not only compare fund performance with peers but track the underlying reasons for the performance so it’s more aligned with the [investor].”
The same technologies will offer better insight into exactly who customers are and what they need. “Every new client defines their risk tolerance and other preferences upfront, but that information has a short shelf life and is potentially inaccurate,” says Hoffman. “Most people don’t know what their risk tolerance is. And a [ Portfolio Manager ( PM ) ] managing 400 accounts can’t track their subsequent behavior in response to volatility episodes.”
Consider an imaginary scenario: Two clients both claim moderate risk tolerance, but a sharp market correction elicits a “sell everything” call from one and a “buy the dip” from the other.
Future AIs will be able to track these responses and “put clients with managers who align with their behavior,” says Hoffman, who proposes a new performance metric called “anxiety-adjusted return” to gauge this relationship.”
Efrem has also been recently interviewed by a prominent London-based buy-side Alternative Financial Market Big-Data Vendor with international operations,
for showcasing Running Alpha’s augmented data intelligence services to their premium platform subscribers – including large institutional investment banks, hedge funds and data science thinktanks in the fintech vertical,
who are looking for new sources of data that will be amplifying the alpha-signal strength and extending the shelf-life and reliability of their existing data sources.
With exclusive invitation, Efrem also serves as:
Industry Survey Alliance Partner, to ChangeWave Research, a division of 451 Research -- providing time-relevant Insights on current consumer and business Trends impacting the financial community, with a focus on IT and Networking Technology; and
Corporate Research Member to Tactical Rabbit Inc, an elite closed intelligence network offering break-through military intelligence gathering methodologies to ascertain the relevant information so that the right mission-critical business, economic, and social decisions can be made under conditions of extreme and apparent uncertainty; and has been actively engaged as a:
Canadian Research Member to the Barydyne Traders Group Project; a breakthrough global think-tank, whose mandate is reinventing the future of trading in a live trading lab. The mission there was to contribute valuable insights for promoting the science of prediction to trading.
As a member of this trading group, Efrem actively participated in group decisions with the director to select buy, sell, entry and exit strategies, and was instrumental in helping members reorient their views on the time-relevant opportunity for investing in emerging semiconductor megatrends, right near a pivotal point in history in the 2010s.
Efrem also received formal instruction on Professional Real-Time Trading Floor Technologies and Data-Provider Architectures/Configurations, and Multi-Dimensional Visualization and Data-Mining of Real-Time Financial Data – in New York ( Waters Corporation ) and Toronto ( Visible Decisions, Inc. ), alongside senior executives of Fortune 500 companies, including some of the world's largest investment banks and software development firms [1997].
Actively testing novel trading strategies through major U.S. North American Stock and Options Exchanges, especially the S&P Index Futures and related Cash Markets, Efrem had direct telephone and electronic access to floor traders in the Chicago Mercantile S&P Trading Pit ( Professional Services Division of Rosenthal Collins, L.L.C. [1998] ), as well as connectivity to most electronic trade execution networks [1995 - Present];]
Programming several dozen significant software applications and DLL's, Efrem actively monitored and analyze real-time financial market data in multiple trading platform environments - CQG , Trade Station [1997 - Present];
His research insights have also been sought out by many of the leading alternative data vendors and AI-powered alpha quant firms.
Here is why:
Most trading on our planet is performed by machines; so, Running Alpha's CEO & Founder, Efrem Hoffman, goes beyond analyzing how people behave, to discovering anomalies that are exploiting weak links in the networking & reflexivity feedback effects, arising from the interaction of machine perception biases and social mood.
?“We are all students and we are all teachers.
We are the average of the people we spend the most time with. Come hang out with us for a while and raise your average.”
?These interactions have humbled Efrem to appreciate the importance of knowing when to start applying and investing in a technology; and of equal relevance, avoiding situations when the underlying assumptions of a technology's function and utility create unacceptable trade-offs that are incompatible with the current and upcoming market environment.
By augmenting the benefits of industry knowledge and human judgement with non-discretionary strategic insights from academia and industry, Efrem has acquired a respect for how the human condition, trying to make sense of the unknown, both interacts and interferes with mathematical modelling.
That’s why Efrem Hoffman's strategies and research frameworks are challenging the fundamental limits of conventional logic for which almost every life and death, career-changing flight or fight, decisions we make, are based on.
So, Efrem's message is that we better be prepared to see outliers, irregularities, and uncertainty for what they really are -- opportunities that should be embraced for converting strategy into action inside the World's Thinnest Risk Windows?.
Entrusting these experiences with an unwavering passion and dedication for helping people connect the dots and think through alternative solutions,
Efrem makes it his business every day to launch deep theory into live trading practice.
Efrem has built Running Alpha, so that behind the scenes of every investment opportunity, Running Alpha can be up to the challenge of mathematically sniffing out digital records of market data,
that unveil deep structure, for explaining away the HOW and the WHY of the market’s human social wiring, and
specifically quantifying how and when traders — both human and machine — with different mindsets, market perceptions, and time horizons, are plugging into the global grid of fear and greed.
Efrem calls this new analytics philosophy, Bottom-Down Intelligence? (BDI); drilling down to the very first and smallest scale transaction of an individual security, and then digging deeper into:
(i) the underlying motivations and market ecology that are driving trading decisions;
(ii) the physics of crowd-sourcing multi-speed investor interactions ( Crowd-Physics 2.0? ), that are shaping collective perceptions and interfering with observation measurement of market rhythms, across wide-ranging groups of market securities.
Going beyond conventional game theory and behavioral finance strategy that treats emotional biases as the key alpha-generating inefficiencies, Bottom-Down Analytics?,
powered by our holistic quantum network, now makes it possible to unlock a much more fundamental and root source of Alpha, namely:
exploiting social intelligence via analyzing trader ecology — knowledge of subtle self-ordered arrangements and relative differences and similarities in the sentiment trend measurement biases.
When viewed in isolation, these biases create blind spots for market players that are observing market behavior through the lens of conventional non-quantum mathematical frameworks, which are not naturally suited for hyper-processing information in parallel.
Instead, when viewed collectively as a holistic quantum network, as we uniquely do, we can start levering our knowledge of market player entanglements for opening access to massively parallel and super-exponentially smarter processing pathways; thereby,
eliminating the need for traversing the whole network serially at a linear rate.
It is not just about “the need for speed,” advantage, but this approach puts us in a more favorable starting position, for more efficiently exploring new solution spaces never-before-seen at the fringes of the event horizon (trend formation and regeneration from a few transactions to several years out).
By rendering visibility beyond the dustbins of historical correlations; we are offering insights and foresights into how investors can start:
charting new alpha pathways yet traveled; and
playing a pivotal role in shaping novel trends and being the change, you want to see.
This can offer huge benefits for assisting business managers, activist decision-makers, private equity investors, and global policy makers at not only:
seizing opportunities in market and economic niches,
that have the highest potential for pronounced investor attention patterns and consumer interest in the future; but also
expanding the capacity of specific asset markets and socio-economic systems at large to thrive in hostile environments, particularly by:
self-ordering and adaptively transforming their internal network links into anti-fragile market structures.
Although made for educational intelligence purposes, the Alpha Trading Box? is informing professional equity futures traders and retail equity/ETF investors of the next surprise “Dragon-King” events -- super-exponential outlier of high consequence,
that in our best estimation has an over 90% probability of striking markets as we progress into 2023 and beyond.
What will make this epic event a show-stopper is that its root dynamics will, at best, be rendered visible only in hindsight;
delivering profits to those who know where to invest on the right side of this oncoming disruption.
Virtually all of today’s most advanced quantitative market factor models or machine learning analytic engines will not see it coming, with even a modest level of conviction on public market exchanges ( more on this later ).
To see what others cannot, Efrem’s research zeroes in on predicting what humans and machines -- that are created by them -- would do in emergency situations, when they have never been confronted by similar observables.
This puts 99.99% of today’s investment strategies and market players, who are not particularly well suited for predicting unusual events of high-impact in a precarious situation.
Solving for this problem, Efrem has created a digital market map that is learning from the future – calibrating forward, instead of looking back, for:
turning our traditional view of the world from observing changing outputs -- sourced from the inside out, into:
?Actively Monitoring Inputs from the Outside In –
From the Edge of Change, at the Weakest Links, so that We Can:
Alert You Before your Core Assets Start Turning Rotten or Accruing Value from Emerging Economic Conditions.
?This is the essence of Bottom-Down Analytics?, which is powered by our proprietary quantum machine intelligence.
It’s like a weather map for financial markets;
tracking highs and lows of buying and selling pressures;
influenced by the shape and strength of the jet-stream of human and machine perception biases;
specifically, those interacting in just the right combination with the financial market’s orderbook, and at just the right moments, for producing volatility storm eruptions or bright sunny market skies.
Efrem calls this technology Momentum Perception Maps (MPMs), and he utilizes this innovation for identifying below-the-radar market states -- otherwise appearing as noise,
which are now delivered to premium subscribers as actionable time-relevant decision-making alerts,
for buying and selling assets at favorable prices and valuations relative to the next best alternatives.
"The global economy is akin to a rain forest with countless species interacting with and dependent on each another."
"Remove one and you begin a chain reaction with unintended or knowable consequences. Small economic influences converge into larger global trends that links the entire global structure into one dependent chain network."
This is why we need to see the flow of capital across all players for analysis of the whole complex global system.
Having better knowledge -- reliable indicators of the size, direction, speed, and duration of sentiment changes, driving these international flows,
as well as fluctuations in domestic liquidity conditions and trade positioning history,
helps to pinpoint those asset classes, markets and industry groups that will be underperforming and outperforming.
That’s why Running Alpha gets its inspiration from nature, particularly, the clever tricks it uses for making computations at quantum scale.
This enabled our strategy framework to be organically designed for more realistically simulating complex network interaction effects and capital-flow biases of diverse investor groups, from the smallest to the largest scales, under various market shocks and perception biases; thereby,
helping investors quickly preview opportunities and more efficiently prioritize decision-making,
for deploying capital into less crowded alternatives that have higher potential for yielding favorable market reactions to changes in investor sentiment and industry trends –
well before they are reflected in price action.
Skating to where the money puck will be going before others see it getting there is our sandbox.
Instead of simply using historical knowledge about the frequency of market shocks and trends of different sizes -- in price magnitude, price persistence, and price duration, our Bottom-Down Intelligence? approach is offering insights into the sub-market structures that are giving rise to these event distributions.
With these innovations, Running Alpha to flipping the script of conventional AI machine learning practices, and waking up our capacity to see more, while recognizing the whole in the system parts.
Efrem learnt early on that the objects we observe moving or not moving are not moving from A to B -- they are constantly reshaping themselves at the level of quantum interaction of particles.
They cease to exist when they fail to recreate and self-organize into the forms we see.
The same applies to both the movement of tornado-producing weather systems, Efrem has tracked, and
the financial and socio-economic systems we are all part of.
It’s like a particle is here or a particle is there – price can be interpretated as a particle –
when what we are measuring ( price ) is not permanent, but rather an emergent property at every instant and moment of interaction.
Since a particle is not physically located in a single spatial on/off logical coordinate system, but in multiple states of constant flux,
virtually every classical strategy in existence today is running up against this underlying counter-intuitive reality.
To circumvent these classical processing bottlenecks of piecing together disharmonious individual constructions of reality,
Running Alpha is levering new insights at the intersections of mathematical physics and finance, and the science of human action, that are governed by the exponential advantage and quantum computational elegance of nature’s operating system.
Every second of our lives we must cope with an unknowable future – of what comes next.
That’s why it is so important that we study how to manage this seemingly impossible challenge, and is exactly why Efrem spent the last two decades living and breathing financial markets,
for learning how to harness market player reactions to uncertain outcomes from the perspectives of: quantum systems logic; and their operational properties at the edge of chaos and outlier instability.
While watching these systems close up in high-definition detail, with all their nuances and eccentricities unfolding in the market action,
Efrem became fascinated with some of these exotic financial market phases, that were neither ordered in an obvious pattern, nor random.
There are correlations, but if you look at two assets and ask, “Are they correlated or connected?”, you often won't see them.
They are much more subtle to a classically trained eye. You can't look at two or three or even 100 perspectives independently to get an idea of where a portfolio is going to transit.
Because each asset and underlying market player observation and decision, can exert a different field effect on every other related asset and market player perception bias, powering forward sentiment trends,
you kind of have to look at the whole system of entanglements all at once, and that is not tractable on current day computers using conventional algorithms; so,
Efrem solved for this by building an analytics protocol, derived from information on Running Alpha’s Momentum Perception Maps?, that are inspired by the super exponential properties of quantum information processing.
We’re Harnessing Quantum Compression for Making Problems Smaller
Anyone familiar with classical computing has heard of compression - a simple procedure that allows a string of information to take up less space in a computer’s memory.
Using Bottom-Down Analytics?, we have had success mobilizing this procedure and compressing our daunting quantum problem, from hundreds of thousands of asset price equations, down to an invariant relationship among a set of variables you can count on your fingers and see on our maps — all without sacrificing accuracy.
Our work is revolutionizing how investors investigate financial market systems, containing many interacting particles – assets and market-player decisions and perception biases.
We start with this giant object of all these coupled-together market players/observers; and then we're using Bottom-Down Intelligence? for turning this market object into something that Efrem can quickly and systematically visualize on our proprietary market maps.
We are essentially distilling this otherwise incomprehensible source into a wealth of actionable information that will allow you to seamlessly become a contrarian, without the learning curve, and start: buying from pessimists and selling to optimists.
It has potential for optimizing index funds and large institutional portfolios of thousands of assets, by:
building investment portfolios that can generate financial returns, superior to traditional portfolios with significantly fewer groups of assets.
Replicating financial indexes using a limited subset of assets, has historically been an extremely difficult challenge.
Solving for this, we build portfolios that can outperform a target index’s risk profile by more than two-fold, while using up to 10 times fewer stocks than the S&P 500.
This new algorithm can be used for managing ETF funds, reducing overhead costs for financial managers while helping keep fees low for customers.
In practice, financial institutions could use the algorithm for: managing ETF funds with greater speed, accuracy, and efficiency; finding the portfolio with the highest returns for a given risk, all while producing better quality results than industry-standard solvers, in a significantly shorter time line.
Powered by Quantum Computing Principles and Multi-Valued Logic, MPMs are getting ahead of emergent trends and profiting from the uncertainty of the future by:
(i) Pursuing a data analytics framework, which generates unimagined scenarios, that have neither been experienced or thought of before by investors in the recent and distant past.
(ii) visualizing when humans and machines (limited by their single-valued decision-making logic lens) are capturing information and perceiving change;
(iii) extracting insights into what these perception changes -- interacting at different scales and time-lag [ aka, Bottom-Down Analytics (BDA)?] – are telling us about when human and machine behaviors might get modified over time;
(iv) anticipating capital-flows from one asset category or global-macro-factor to another and observing impending changes in behavior, through charting the Sentiment Jetstream of proprietary relative value ratios on our forward-looking map,
which are designed for showing the full spectrum of market feedback reactions that might emerge under different scenarios of global inter-market stress;
(v) homing in on the best way for expressing actionable trading opportunities that give to the highest edge, with the least emotional discomfort and lowest tracking error; and
(vi) putting boundaries around future time and price that define time-sensitive trading windows, when your own insights into different market factors would have the greatest forward impact on price and volatility;
thereby revealing when your edge for extracting profit per unit of risk and time is likely to be the highest relative to your next best choices.
When these insights are combined with knowledge of trade positioning in public listed [financialized] markets and smart money flows in dark liquidity pools, we get foresight into gamma-squeezes, short covering rallies, and market reversals leading to secular market trends.
The market player interaction and money-flow information gleaned from these maps are distilled by Efrem into actionable trading opportunities, so that prior knowledge of these concepts is not required by traders and investors to benefit from them.
In our assessment of the opportunity space, and where to geographically invest in a particular industry,
we often find that our cross-asset market maps jive well with future asset flow trends and capital spending patterns, as well as
the innovations implicit in the products manufactured in each country,
which tells us:
what other products could be made with access to current knowhow –
informing us of the capacity for a national economy to diversify their production verticals, for increasing resiliency and anti-fragility;
what impact an accelerated shift toward a multi-polar world, fractured into different blocks of:
economic trade and currency usage;
business innovation ecosystems and manufacturing infrastructure;
industrial policies and regional alliances,
have on:
capital spending and money-inflows patterns;
expanding digital finance use-cases into disruptive corporate financing structures;
input costs of production from materials and labor; and
General inflationary pressures in local communities; and
a company’s ability for rebalancing national priorities, and building competencies and distributed knowledge networks, needed for living, competing, and thriving in a modern world.
There are a dime a dozen asset managers and market intelligence firms that are providing services for seeking out companies with the best management histories,
but virtually no one having a dialogue about using a prescriptive decision-support frameworks for:
scrutinizing the initial conditions upon which a company's management or industry is in a favorable starting position to profit from and adapt to the forward dynamics of such outlier change,
especially from the vantage point of the most interesting times in history, like we are experiencing now,
where one or more of a combination of scarce allocated resources within our global economic system and supply-chain networks,
are becoming so increasingly complex and entangled on a persistent basis, that they converge to fragile states;
setting up the system for instabilities, where even a subtle change can trigger chain-reaction events with amplified feedback across multiple single points of failure.
The dramatic shifts in the sources of risks faced by businesses from the emerging trend toward Deglobalization,
which was already underway because of the pandemic and long-term policy effects on both supply lines and longer project completion schedules,
is now speeding up due to the war, weather, and expanding geopolitics of the cybertechnology and advanced chip race;
which will increasingly favor those who control stuff.
As it turns out, stuff is far more important to supporting our daily lives than the financializations of our economy.
The trend toward bringing manufacturing back home; producing more energy locally; and growing more food and fiber for domestic consumption, will get a boost from those countries and businesses wise enough to see the change in trend.
To raise the conviction of investors and corporate allocators in this business environment, Running Alpha expanded its global coverage of companies focusing on these themes.
We're monitoring everything that can affect business values, from commodities to interest rates to currencies.
We are finding tremendously innovative and high-quality companies; and identifying when it’s time to buy them;
not only when they are attractively priced for the future narrative and expected growth path, but also,
when market-players are becoming emotionally charged decision-makers and panic sellers.
Many people try to do this by making statistical comparisons to the size and speed of past price declines, that have been characterized as selling bubbles –
emotional panic selling, disconnected from fundamentals, and driven by amplified price momentum feedback –
yet what most fail to consider is that the market players acting on what they observe, are not the same ecology of decision-makers that created the trends we are seeking to measure.
That’s why Running Alpha has created a scientific research framework for:
Continuously rendering visibility of shifting perspectives, specifically those that lead to impending structural network imbalances,
before they show up as price inflation, and even before they present themselves in the order-book on public market exchanges.
In summary, we can perform these most challenging tasks, because we developed in-house tools for:
Calibrating forward leading indicators of:
global & local changes in market sentiment,
underlying market actor perception biases,
that are powering stealth big money flows between non-listed venues and public market exchanges;
Levering in-house patented & proprietary technology and world-class research connections for
instantly computing the subtle short and long-range interaction effects on both:
future capital flight patterns between dark ( off-exchange ) liquidity pools and public markets;
relative value rotations across different term structures.
Our technology that powers this unfair mathematical advantage, has the capacity for not only analyzing micro trade positioning, and macro-scale intermarket smart money-flows on publicly listed exchanges and dark market venues,
but also seeing when uninformed dumb-money, on the opposite side of impending market reversals, will be showing a critical threshold of fear;
a tell we use for both exiting market positions ahead of a crash or flash crash, and buying into flash panics in “falling knife” markets, well before there are any signs of a turnaround.
Instead of having composite building parts that are glued together into larger systems, we reveal how subsystems arise from the complex system, based on the kinds of entangled measurements that one can make.
The secret sauce of our market foresights is founded on acknowledging that the way we partition a complex system of many interacting participants and variables is also relative;
It depends on who is looking at it.
As humans, we are innately programmed to want reasons before taking actions; but the trading markets are not programmed this way -- they operate using a different form of logic based on quantum-mechanics. Much more on this later for those quantum computing enthusiasts;
not to mention our unwavering curiosity and passion for covering opportunities, such as:
digital transformation and exponential technologies ( from AI-Powered chips, cloud computing and communication networks to Genomic Diagnostics );
natural gas and alternative energy;
electrification of the auto industry;
industrial production and factory automation;
modernization of digital payment technology;
industrial and precious metals, next-generation battery minerals -- lithium;
infrastructure development materials, including equipment and technical services;
agriculture, forestry, natural resource mining, and specialty chemicals and fertilizers
that will be needed for making our global industrial economic complex more structurally resilient to inflationary pressures and single points of failure.
To eliminate these blind spots, Running Alpha developed an algorithm that exploits computational constraints of classical binary logic, that otherwise misguides us toward making faulty and contrived assumptions about how both the “economic machine” works and how its market players are influenced.
You will learn in this service description, which will serve as a reference guide for premium subscribers, how these limitations, which we turn into opportunities,
are often over-simplifying or overcomplicating processes, with too few or too many fragmented and redundant parts –
factors and variables, that are creating inconsistent descriptions and representations of what's really happening in the world around us, that does not fit into the way we should be making decisions about the whole system.
Traditional capital asset pricing models, financial and economic systems, and the policy choices for managing them, are trying to fit the round-world dynamics of nature's operating system into a man-made square peg.
Today, the vectors of man-made expansion are ruled by constructs of policy and capital controls that are incompatible with the principles of complex systems, by which nature operates.
Not only have our institutions failed us in delivering desirable outcomes, they are also deploying and promoting an unchanging vector that will make the smartest assets on our planet the least sustainable and inflationary.
To address this misalignment of human capital and strategic monetary assets & natural resources, Running Alpha is focused on finding efficient resource allocation solutions for:
how to use foresight to best adapt cleverly to first principles of interdependencies upon which complex systems of many interacting parts are governed and evolved for:
optimizing our existence in nature; and
calibrating our strategic and tactical decision-making for prioritizing:
individual investment allocations;
business assets for wealth and value-creation; and
synchronizing policy responses to the forward dynamic state of the financial and economic reality.
To maximize alpha extraction and first-mover competitive advantage in world capital markets,
Running Alpha is laser focused on pursuing outlier opportunities at the fractal of human and natural expansion, where there is no precedent in traditional models for making bold decisions with confidence and attention to detail.
Investing in a stock or man-made instrument in a financialized marketplace is different than investing directly in a company; the price of an equity trading on a public exchange is a derivative of what other people think of the stock;
whereas the true value of a company lies in the capacity for management to steer it in a direction that adapts its resources and focus for maintaining a state of renewal, in the face of constant industry change.
Every asset is competing for finite liquidity sources in a world where there are more products and less eyeballs looking at them;
So, by having a research framework that is looking at these network interaction effects, and
sensing when more eyeballs will be focusing on a given investment within crowded markets,
we are putting decision-makers in a position of power and choice, where they can increase their edge by holding onto assets where money will be persistently flowing, and moving out of markets, where buying interest will be drying up.
When money migrates into an asset, there is a positive feedback effect on value-creation that can accrue from management simply utilizing their rising share price and leadership spotlight for buying out complimentary assets of competing enterprises; thereby,
promoting organic growth versus simply expanding price-to-earning multiples.
Efrem has been quietly building out the core quantum-inspired algorithms and trading analytics infrastructure for running a market intelligence firm that can tell investors and business executives when to make bold decisions with confidence, at the most opportune striking moments –
right when wholesale liquidations of assets are leading to the final moments of a market capitulation – whether it is a “falling knife” market meltdown into a bottom or a euphoric frenzy into a top.
This gives Running Alpha an edge at helping investors get ahead of 99% of market players, by identifying actionable opportunities that will benefit from the next big transformational changes in:
Exponential Technologies, Digital Communications and Semiconductors, Industrial / Commodity Producers, Mobility Logistics, Renewable Energy, Agriculture, Timberland, Dividend Kings, Covered Calls, Royalty Streaming Companies, Precious Metals, and Battery Minerals –
Companies and industries that are making the world tick.
Efrem is confident that this advantage will endure, because every decision we make comes from a place that is invisible to classical logic and the mathematical basis of conventional strategies,
which are not appropriately designed for doing the one thing we do remarkably well – and that is:
Specializing in Catching Falling Knives:
Putting the World’s Thinnest Risk Boundaries? Around
Markets that are in Freefall.
Running Alpha’s technology and corporate knowhow represents Efrem’s collaboration of 100,000 man-hours of real-life trading market analysis, and over 25 years of critical thinking and human insights, built on the shoulders of giants, from a global network approaching 29,800+ industry peer connections, living at the intersection of physics, finance, quantum computing, and exponential tech innovation.
Teaming up with:
the founder’s patented and property innovations in Autonomous Self-organizing Machine Intelligence, that are extracting and unlocking value from noisy, large-scale data sources;
his unique interpretation of Quantum Computing Principles; and his
insatiable appetite for discovering smart cuts that are identifying and exposing the evolving structure of hard-to-find relationships in the non-linear feedback dynamics of complex many-body interacting systems – like globally interconnected financial markets,
these systems are particularly interesting to Efrem, because they not only display the capacity for an ever-expanding matrix of entanglements between disparate individual network actor parts and their whole, but for the most part,
unlike forecasting the weather, financial markets can change their outcome based on who is looking at the forecast.
We do recognize that there are special situations, where looking at a weather or climate forecast can change the outcome, albeit in a much more locally defined way.
For instance, if a feasibility study shows productive potential in the industrial complex, when climate conditions are considered, then miners and the network effect of businesses rushing into the community,
in anticipation of robust economic activity, can drive up industrial pollution, and potentially modify local weather conditions by creating heat islands in the future.
Given that many of the commodity markets we follow are also impacted by the weather, and exert an influence on supply and demand factors, ???
this makes predicting the market impact of future events especially challenging for conventional tool sets, that lack the foresight of quantum-inspired prediction systems,
which is Efrem’s focus, and the primary technology infused in the Alpha Trading Box? Decision-Making Process.
Our research framework is telling us that we need to pay special attention now, as it is flashing an alert, indicating that our global markets will once again be re-entering the fastest and most disruptive period of wealth creation for those that:
know what corners of the marketplace to look; and
are eager to shrink the wealth gap and take a bigger slice of the expanding alpha pie.
With more transformation and market expansion shaping our world in the next few years than in our lifetime, there will come immense activist opportunities beyond passive investment, by using this intelligence for being part of the change we want to see.
Where It All Began, Efrem’s Early Days … Salient Highlights
Growing up in the Canadian prairies and travelling the Midwest states, Efrem quickly became attuned to the nuances and vagaries of adverse climate eco-systems and emergency situations -- many times having live close-up encounters with a myriad of severe weather spectacles, including F3 and F4 tornadoes in action, accompanied by baseball and even soccer ball size hail stones, that flattened crop land and vegetation.
These events fostered Efrem’s broad-based intuitive appeal for understanding what it takes to connect what is actually occurring outdoors with what is presented as an artifact on conventional instrumentation, such as weather and Doppler radar imagery.
Following his unconventional academic studies and meteorological club activities, where he spent time observing Doppler radar patterns of Severe Weather Events, while attending University of North Dakota’s ( UNDs ) Aerospace Science Center for Atmospheric Studies,
where he received: the President D.J. Robertson Achievement Award; and an offer by the dean to make a formal recommendation for pursuing studies at West Point Military College, which he respectfully declined the introduction,
his passion for hunting down unusual and super-linear events became the subject of both my engineering thesis at the University of Manitoba ( U of M ), Canada in the mid 90's, under the instruction of a world-class computer and electrical engineer, Dr. Witold Kinsner,
who was the inventor of the technology underlying Xilinx’s FPGAs -- circuits that can be reconfigured programmatically for modifying their own hardware logic function;
who is an icon of IEEE, with over 50 years of unflagging research service in the fields of Cognitive Systems, Satellite Design and Analog and Digital Control Systems, Field Programmable Circuits, and “robust algorithms and mission-critical software/hardware computing engines for:
real-time multimedia, using wavelets, fractals and novel fractional calculus applications, chaos, emergent computation, genetic algorithms, rough sets, fuzzy logic, higher-order statistics, and neural networks.
As an active project member of Storm Identification Project,
Efrem’s first major research innovation involved the:
Application of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Methods:
Multi-Resolution Self-Organizing Neural Systems, Vigilant Feed Forward Counter Propagation Networks with built-in conscious mechanisms, and Artificial Rule Based Experts,
for creating transformational advantages to Early Warning Identification of Weather Radar Signatures ( tornadoes, macro/micro-bursts, and general summer storm phenomena ) [1993- 96].
Before Machine Learning became a buzz word, these experiences and diverse informatics tools formed the basis of Efrem’s multi-year project leadership;
a collaboration with an Artificial Intelligence consortium of academic and industrial engineering bodies, including:
Info-Magnetics Technology, a leader in Canadian Informatics Intelligence and Data-Casting;
The Center for Atmospheric Research of Environment Canada (AES);
TR Labs, an Engineering Think-Tank specializing in data communication and fault tolerant mission-critical computing, in association with both:
The U of M’s Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering, and
Academic Engineering Professionals and Research Scientists from abroad,
where Efrem was:
collaborating with his thesis instructor, who was the inventor of the technology underlying Xilinx’s FPGAs -- circuits that can be reconfigured to modify their own hardware logic function; and
?successfully programming classical computers to quickly learn how to see; self-teaching themselves how to extract abstract patterns for chasing down tornados from 3D weather radar signatures in the Canadian Prairies.
?Efrem received special recognition and a written recommendation from his Computer Engineering Thesis Examiner, Anthony Keck, the Chief Research Scientist and Director of Meteorological Research at AES's Prairie Storm Prediction Center at that time,
for engineering a unique software prototype, that delivered significant contributions to best practices for autonomous nowcasting and generation of early-warning alerts of developing tornadoes and impending severe summer storm event hazards.
specifically developing AI Prediction Algos and Hierarchical Machine Learning software from the ground up, that accelerates computations by up to 1000X, through exploiting nature’s unique property of self-organizing neural network feature maps,
The consortium’s research project later became the subject of a pilot study in Ottawa in the mid 1990’s.
Following completion of Efrem’s Thesis (332pp + working software prototype) in Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba in 1996,
Efrem was granted two U.S. patents with 27 systems and process claims (U.S. Patent : 6,035,057; 6,278,799) in the early 2000’s,
relating to Hierarchical Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Modeling of Real-Time Mission Critical Applications,
including information extraction and visualization of principal component features from high dimensional multi-source data sets,
regardless of the underlying statistical distribution -- including, but not limited to financial, atmospheric, and cryptographic data.
Leveraging unique insights into the emergent patterns of self-organizing unsupervised learning maps,
the method demonstrated an increase in the training speed of synthetic intelligence networks by up to 1000-fold, while at the same time significantly improving classification accuracy to within the order of 95%.
With a keen interest on how Efrem’s thesis contributions can be applied to capital market pricing and portfolio management, in the late 1990s, a former Acting Head, Charles Mossman, of the Accounting and Finance Department for, the now, Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba, who later also served as Associate Dean,
introduced Efrem to Paul Brockman, a leading colleague from the Chicago School of Capital Asset Pricing, who is now the Perella Chair of Finance and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research at Lehigh University.
After interacting with them in many engaging discussion and debate sessions, Efrem presented a convincing argument that forever changed Paul’s mindsets from a student of Efficient Market Theory ( EMT ) to one exploring the merits of Inefficient Markets-In-Practice.
Based on their newfound synergies, they immediately extended an invitation to collaborate with Efrem on AI-Powered stock return predictability project, which ultimately inspired Efrem to expand his business and career focus from StormTech to FinTech.
This ultimately led Efrem spending the next two decades iterating toward a more realistic investment philosophy, that overhauls the EMT and its backward-looking assumptions of how asset prices are generated; and
replacing them with a more realistic data-driven framework of stock return predictability that puts the science of human observer interactions and action-reaction feedback chains into the valuation equation.
It became clear to Efrem that this technology has innovation use cases in many disparate market verticals, for systematically gaining insight into unusual events before they come into being, with high granularity and confidence in hostile environments.
So, he then went about re-iterating these innovation frameworks for rapid application prototyping of time-relevant Information Murals (Drill-Down 3D Visualizations) of massively high-dimensional data sets – having applications that extended to other fields, such as financial forecasting, medical diagnostics, and earthquake prediction.
Efrem took notice that the non-linear, non-stationary, and muti-feedback properties of storm systems he has been studying, lend itself to financial market applications and prediction;
What you see when looking out the window or observing price action on a trading chart, is very different than the physics behind the interaction effects of particles;
whether it’s precipitation and wind patterns along a storm front or changes in human perception and behavioral biases, driving consumer purchasing trends and stock market sentiment,
the particle interactions making up the patterns, must come together to create the spectacular outputs we inevitably see and experience later – tornadoes or a violent market crashes per se.
While there are some similarities, given that relationships among emotions are abstract figments of reality, much like weather radar images of tornado-producing supercells look nothing like what you see and experience outside,
there is a vast difference; namely:
making a prediction of a storm and how you feel about the weather does not change the outcome,
whereas, market sentiment and expectations around future financial events, and how people feel about the current market action,
particularly when they have reached a consensus view,
has a profound influence on how the crowded-trade positioning going into an event can become a driving source of the market’s vulnerability to future change, coming out of it.
Efrem knows first hand through his research and development experiences in these areas, that:
Not all things or emergent trends in the world can be rendered with immediate visibility;
this is especially relevant to human-driven financial market enterprise.
Solving for this, Efrem has spent the last 25 years rethinking the way we can all start collaborating with the underlying physics of nature, for better exploiting uncertainty for competitive advantage in world capital markets.
That brings us to today, where Efrem has built an elegant mathematical framework, that Running Alpha utilizes for hunting down actionable opportunities, navigating around risk, and making sense of the global-macro inflation and growth puzzle, that is affecting your part of the world.
With particular interest in using this technology for helping retail investors and professional money managers at:
not only putting boundaries around future windows of opportunity and tail-risk events, but also:
augmenting and extending the alpha potential and shelf-life of both existing strategies and alternative data products.
With so many of today's tech disruptions and buzzwords being inappropriately applied; leading investors to be making big bets – with human and monetary capital -- on innovations and their future impact at precisely the wrong times,
?Efrem has dedicated his life's work to:
developing scientific and engineering mindsets and toolsets for unpacking uncertainty and preparing for rare, high-impact, and unexpected extreme events ( Dragon-Kings );
opening new ground for gaining foresight into emergent properties of complex adaptive multi-fractal systems, and
levering market uncertainty, momentum perception and behavioral decision-making biases, trade positioning, fundamental strategy framework inefficiencies, regulatory constraints, and market micro-structure of public exchanges and unlisted “dark” markets, for:
generating comfort-adjusted portfolios; and
keeping investors on the right side of history with actionable portfolio intelligence that is informing premium subscribers on how to enter the right assets at the right time,
while, simultaneously “Hedging-For-A-Profit” Instead-of-a-Cost in All-Volatility Environments -- inside the Alpha Trading Box?.
With a mindset bent on converting uncertainty into a competitive edge in global capital markets,
we’re the first FinTech organization in the world that harnesses Bottom-Down Analytics? and Quantum Information Intelligence in every decision we make, for providing early-warning alerts of exceptional breaking points ( aka, Exceptional Points ) in Emergent Complex Networks, specifically for:
emphasizing the importance of rare outlier events and putting bullish and bearish boundaries around them, given tomorrow's unique challenges and uncertainties that have no historical analogs for seeing disruptive change before it happens.
This is critically important in the world we live in today, because at least 100 years of global market data from all directions show that unexpected shocks, not telegraphed by the external expression of market forces, are responsible for periods of high and persistently rising inflation rates, which defines our market climate today.
That is exactly why we have fine-tuned our technology framework, and launched our market intelligence subscription service around it -- for seeing beyond our event horizon; and
Rendering visibility of the internal interaction effects among market players, from the very smallest ( quantum) to the largest scales (global-macro), before you arrive in the future.
Efrem’s Bottom-Down Intelligence? (BDI) approach ( more on this later ) offers a new lens for decoding when discordant sources of market perspectives will start leading to:
high-conviction insights that get you:
Outside the Penalty Box and
Inside the most Time-relevant alpha opportunity zones,
?specifically, when such uncertainty and ambiguity are extremely likely to generate coherent and emergent trends, with
extraordinary clarity before others will be taking a bite into your opportunity pie.
For immediate access to Running Alpha's latest market insights, fresh off Efrem's trading desk, with the?Running Alpha Trading Box.
Speculation in Equities, Futures, commodities, currency and options trading involves a substantial degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. This website provides only training and educational information. And by accessing any information of the Running Alpha Investments, Inc. site you agree to be bound by the terms of service and acknowledge the risk of trading as discussed below.
Thus, in order to comply with all applicable rules and regulations please be so kind and read the Disclaimer Below:
Running Alpha Investments, Inc. and support staff, associates, and/ or affiliates is not an investment advisory service, or a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or currencies customers should buy or sell for themselves. The analysis and employees or affiliates of this Company may hold positions in stock, currencies or industries discussed here. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities , futures, derivatives, or currencies and commodities. This company, the authors, the publisher, and all affiliates of company assume no responsibility or liability for your trading and investment results. Factual statements on the company’s website, or in its publications, are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice.
In summary, active trading is not a game. It is not recommended for inexperienced traders or for persons who do not have sufficient resources and time to devote to their trading activities. Active trading is a serious commitment that should not be undertaken unless you are able to handle high risk and high stress well, and are willing to consistently adhere to objective and disciplined trading strategies and approaches.
This is not investment advice. Although Efrem provides macro-market and equity-focused consulting services to sophisticated alternative asset managers and boutique research advisories in Canada and Abroad, Neither Efrem Hoffman nor Running Alpha is a registered investment advisor. Under no circumstances should any content from this e-Mail and/or its website link(s) be used or interpreted as a recommendation for any investment or trading approach to the markets. Trading and investing can be hazardous to your wealth. Any investment decisions must in all cases be made by the reader or by his or her registered investment advisor. This is strictly for educational and informational purposes – and only reflects the output of Running Alpha’s Market Intelligence. Mr. Hoffman and/or Running Alpha may have numerous positions within the market at any given time that are not disclosed of at the time of publication. All opinions expressed by Mr. Hoffman and/or Running Alpha are subject to change without notice, and you should always obtain current information and perform the appropriate due diligence before making any investment or trading decision.
All efforts are made to ensure that the information contained within the Running Alpha site is factual and accurate – however, neither Mr. Hoffman nor Running Alpha, under any circumstances, can guarantee its accuracy or those of its underlying sources.
For immediate access to Running Alpha's latest market insights, fresh off Efrem's trading desk, with the?Running Alpha Trading Box.
Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser
1 年Running Alpha's market intelligence service is designed for systematically identifying anomalous dimensions that tell you the regimes windows when algo and/or discretionary betting will work best for different trading strategies: Extreme Reversion; Volatility Capture; Dispersion & Momentum Crush; and Outlier trend Capture Protocols. Built by traders and research scientists for traders, Running Alpha is being used by professional and retail traders for enhancing alpha and amplifying the value of their systematic / discretionary strategies, and tail-risk mitigation protocols for: Avoiding and/or Profiting from chaotic market regimes, where algos may get tripped up during abrupt state transitions into momentum crashes. Running Alpha's Capital Market Trends & Actionable Trading Signal Service is applicable to betting and tail-risk control in market environments that diverge from what can be learned by classical AI. By embedding anomolous dimensions into our market analysis using an innovative variant of assembly time -- Inspired from complexity analysis of quantum logic circuits, we can better identify counterfactuals that cannot otherwise be extracted from historical relationships and classical real-time generative strategies.
Manager at Walmart
1 年
freelancer and book writer
1 年
Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser
1 年To access Running Alpha Premium Insights: Start Turning Financial Tornadoes into Profitable Inflation-Protected Opportunities, that are Thriving on Uncertainty; ? and making actionable time-relevant investment and capital allocation decisions, for elevating your performance with less anxiety, better foresight, and fewer human and computing resources. So … What do you do when one day you wake up and realize everything you’ve been told about the financial system is in reality a far cry from what’s actually going on behind the scenes? You start a premium subscription service, the Alpha Trading Box? ( a 2Gainα? brand, operated by Running Alpha), for: empowering yourself to go on a journey for decoding the quantum nature of markets, that are: invisible to classical strategies; explaining away why records are made to be broken and diverge from past discourse, especially as they apply to profiting from and averting the episodic fits of panic, mania, greed, fear, and despondency in world financial markets; "Creating possibilities from a place of curiosity instead of predicting elusive one-sided outcomes from a position of what is familiar."