Momentum into 2016
Instead of waiting until 2016 to begin the journey of making a change, why don’t you start RIGHT NOW and have that momentum carry over into the New Year? I have always been the one to put something off until Monday or that next week. For example, it’s Wednesday and I don’t want to start my meal prep plan until Monday. Though it makes sense to want to start it on the beginning of a fresh week, why put it off? If today is all we got, why delay what we could start in the NOW? Just something to think with the New Year approaching at a rapid pace. Make the end of 2015 your launching pad so you can spring into 2016 with momentum. If you need someone to share ideas with or just talk, don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting people who want to be/are world changers.
Have a blessed New Year!
Michael Ford