Moments that matter
This month I'm focusing on a few 'moments' that can bring meaning.
Moments of learning, moments of happiness, moments of silence, and moments of personal - social - impact.
I would love to hear from you if you resonate with any of these!
Career puzzles
If you work in an objective-focused workplace, this is usually the time of year (if not earlier!) when you set some personal development goals.
I like to think about learning opportunities at different levels (these don't always need to be goals you set at work, they can be goals outside of work too). Some examples:
When I say micro-learning , I really mean micro, like I discovered in a cafe I sometimes go to in Den Haag (Netherlands).
Media corner
This month I've changed the name of 'reading corner' to 'media corner' because there's a real mix in the type of content I'm enjoying and finding helpful at the moment.
After a successful year co-hosting a book club, we recently started a podcast club; same vibe, but with podcasts!
The first one we listened to and discussed was 'The Happiness Lab', which aims to reveal the science of being happier. The two episodes we listened to were 'The secret to making friends as an adult' and 'the happiness of silence'.
One standout from the episode on friendship was how we benefit from different levels of connection; close friends, relational connections, collective connections. Listen to the episode for more of the science behind that!
In the episode about silence I enjoyed the advice to take small windows of opportunity within each day to enjoy a moment of silence in amongst the noise and distraction that often surrounds us.
I also recently visited the far north of Norway, the coldest and snowiest place I've ever been (see the photo for this month's newsletter!) and it definitely gave me a new appreciation of the power of such moments as well.
This is a really fun and often relatable read - and I'm only part way through!
Self-confessed introvert Jessica challenges herself to various activities (including talking to strangers, making friends online, and presenting at a storytelling night in the chapters I've read so far) to find out what happens when you act extroverted.
Highly recommend!
Social impact inspiration
Social impact inspiration this month is also focused on the small moments - a sign I saw in a shop window that reminded me of how each individual is able to make a difference in unique ways.
Thank you for reading to the end of this edition and see you again next month.
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