MOMENTS IN LIFE ARE BUT MOMENTARY -Nothing lasts forever also memories stay never .

MOMENTS IN LIFE ARE BUT MOMENTARY -Nothing lasts forever also memories stay never .

Just was thinking on the truth of life and in childhood read lot of fantasy about how memories stay and stuff but from my personal experience even memories fade a bit ppl i dunno just thought you forget things and also tend to forget the happy moments or memories as tym passes .Ramayana is a base or an important aspect of the culture .So it consists of positive Gods and negtive superhumans also Gods but who joined the antagonisst side its on the net .Raavana is pronounced raavan like the sound of raa and vun added to it spoken like the word fun .so its raavun or raavan .Now raavana who is the main antagonisst of the demmn side was a superhuman who was a worshipper of Lord Shiva .He went into the heavenly abode or bhramand in hindi or cosmic space and decided to take immense effort in worshipping and pleasing the Lord .He was also proficient in different languages and wrote a devotional hymn shiv tandav stotram and which is the religious prayer of many ppl today and ot is said that there one of the most well known prayers was actually written by raavana or later modified but the base comes from his method or circumstance from his days of praying to lord shivaa .The legend goes that raavanaa was a demigod or superhuman and it is said that that time many demigods lived on earth and planets as well .Years passed and the kingdom of Raavana grew stronger and he became more effective and thus started to defeat other demigods .Now it happened that after pillaging the entire earth many tyms over ,there was no other challenger left to face raavana and thus he got bored and thought even if he passes away still by the phenomenon of rebirth he will again be sent on earth and where he has proved his soul or spirrt to be the strongest already and he has nothing to prove to anyone .He then felt the term which is known as vairaagyaa in hindi which means denunciation from worldly things and so decided to fly away into the galaxy and pray to Lord shivaa .Actually the galaxy or universe is considered as another abode of Gods or whether in it was a door or passage to the God's world of that i do not know much i dont have that much knowledge .But Raavana did reach the location where he knew that he could pray in peace and that he could be heard by Gods someday .Raavana did a penance or tapasyaa for thousands of years in isolation and dedication and Lord Shivaa appeared before him .Seeing Lord shivaa impressed ,raavana asked lord shiva for moksha or freedom from the neverending cycles of birth and rebirth and rather dissolving self in God or being one with God .Lord shivaa then granted the boon of indestructability to raavan stating that even though he has chosen the path of peace or penance but in a battle he will always remain indestructible .I must say if thought from the point of view of raavan then perhaps Lord Shiva knew something that raavana didnt .I mean from a very simplistic point of view ,if you denounce a path ,choose a different path and ask guidance to your mentor and your mentor again gifts you something that reminds you of your old ways then it is tough for it be called changing for the better .But i think Lord shivaa knew that raavana was a warrior at heart and perhaps he knew the whole story that raavana has to again get onto the earth to do what he does best ,raise hel or battle .Then Lord shivaa further directed raavana to Lord Vishnu and told raavana to pray to Lord Vishnu instead .I cant help but think that somehow the Gods neglected or kind of made fun of Raavana and did not give him what he asked for rather gave him something else and further in a normal viewpoint perhaps the confusion was increased for Raavan and again was guided somewhere else altogether and back to the start back to zero to start penance all over again for a different deity this time and also granted indestructibility further hinting that raavana will have to go back to the earth or waar from where he kind of escaped or released himself in search of peace .I must say if i was in place of raavana i would have become really frustrated and confused now after changing a way of life to meditation and further spending a huge span of years actually living like that to get redirected back again would be sad and heartbreaking .I just read an article ppl and also some of it may be right but ill just write that also it is mentioned with taking inputs from various scriptures that Raavana asked for invincibility or that he could never be taken out in battle and the Gods perhaps due to the bad reputation of raavana on earrth they refused to grant him that .Next it is said that raavana asked for complete protection from all the gods ,demmns or raakshashaas clan ,serpents or wild beasts or all living creatures in air land and water basically and Lord brahma also appeared before Raavana and granted him this .It is written that Raavan forgot to include the word humans in his boon and hence was defeated by God later who embodied the form of a human .Lord shiva along with goddess Parvati also blessed raavana with a boon that he will get defeated only by his own will if he wanted to himself get conquered if at all he felt tired of raging batttles or thkught of renouncing it .I was confused as to then how did in ramayana , ravana passed at the hands of lord raama or raam and then i read further that Goddess parvati basically reversed this boon when lord raam worshipped her before his battle with raavana and this pujaa or prayer is carried out till date today in west bengal by the name akaal bodhan which means untimely praying because lord raama prayed at a time which was not taken as the time for praying because the starting time of battl with raavana was to happen and so lord raama prayed and hence the word akaal or untimely is there .Lord raama worshipped goddess Durga which is an avatar or iteration of Goddess parvati and hence goddess parvati granted lord rama the boon with which he defeated raavana .Such is written basically .Now ppl i dont know this story sounds correct or it is not or half correct or that all its not my prerogative or its out of my knowledge as to what would have happened because various books vedaas upanishads from various scriptures have to be read in order to link the story .But from a normal perspective i want to ask that if we take this version to be true , then i wanna say why would raavan ask for something like invincibility which will enable him to go back to the warring earth from where he came in the first place ?And also if we say that he wanted to fighht or secretly harboured the intention to take the boon go back on earth and defeat kings but my question is defeat whom ppl ???I say this because it is written that all other gods and demigods and living creatures were already defeated by raavan even without the boon previously so what did he think he had to prove to anyone ?Also it is said in another scripture that raavana forgot to name humans in his boon but i wanna say that the one who has such a high mind control to mould his life ways so sternly and was proficient and prowessed in multifaceted traits its on the net ,one of them was he knew the vedas upanishads huge scriptures verses byheart and could recite them at will ,so this means while performing pooja he never would have taken any books infront of him and read from it ,so i feel if he could memorise entire books in his mind then how could he forget a word in the boon that he already had planned to ask God and he must be knowing already that when God will appear before him he will grant him something after being impressed and he must have thought about what to ask in well in advance .Due to this literary superiority of raavana he was termed and it is mentioned in scriptures he was called vedon ke mahaapandit ,meaning the mentor superior to all the mentors or the most revered mentor of all and also as ved vishaarad or skilled in the knowledge of vedaas .So how could he simply forget the word humans ?Also suppose we take it to be true then i must say Gods are all knowing beings , so how could they not remind raavan and include the word humans also in the boon along with all creatures ?So is it that bymistakenly both the sides forgot and the boon was given or perhaps i guess they knew raavana might use the boon for something wrng and hence gave only half of it and kept a way or an option or a condition open with which if in the future if raavana would go out of hand then he could be handled .i am sorry for my very basic terms but i wanna focus on my inquisitive questions and not my proficiency of knowledge and unnecessarily try to make an impression .Also the condition of not involving humans or raavana asking invulnerability safety from gods and dmmns all alike brings me to my immediate next point that if this is true , then it proves that raavana was plotting for an attck on the beings of earth and universe .Now ppl i wanna ask if this was the case ,then it is that raavana actually spent thousands of years praying for the Gods ,now he in a way took out a huge chunk of his life and let years centuries pass which in a way in modern times if you see then he changed his entire lifestyle for living in or walking on a chosen different path .Now ppl according to the information if he was so interested in battls and defeating all the living creatures on earth and abodes of gods ,then why would he leave all that and his kingdom ? Even if praying or worshipping lord shiva ,raavana could have still have done it from earth itself isnt it not ???I mean on one side he would have waged battls and on the other he would be meditating and since as i have listened to and attended readings of scriptures in childhood i know that there are numerous mentions of demigod or god kings who along with handling the worldly issues still were ardent devotees of their chosen Gods and there are instances that many a tyms the Gods descended on earth as appreciation to god kings or humans even in ramayana or mahabharata many tyms boons were given by Gods coming on earth .In mahabharata also there is a mention that Lord Indra granted karna a weapn as a boon with which he defeated warrior Ghatotkacha and many such instances are there .So now my question why did raavana leave the life on earth or his kingdom in a way and went to medidate in isolation i mean why would somebody do that ?Living and liking earthly life in kingdoms and leaving it and closing oneself to the entire world only to come back in kingdom and to do what he was doing previously once again ?Also if raavana wanted to get free from the birth rebirth life and deah cycle then why would he ask for something with which he would never pass and would always remain alive ??Also if he wanted invincibility to stay in the life deah cycle then rather than going afar for penance raavan would have just allowed himself to be taken out in some battl and left the earth and again would have taken a human form and would have come again rather than going out of sight completely for like thousands of years .I dunno what to say i guess anyways .So Lord shiva was pleased with raavana and granted him the weapn called as chandrahaaas meaning the crescent of the moon which was a huge half circular bllad attached to a spear or it was a swwrd in the shape of a crescent of moon in the metal part ahead that i do not know properly but it had the shape of the moon's crescent .So wanna talk about a power that raavan had ppl i think it would be cool .Now raavana had ten lives and not in the normal way , meaning he did not get taken out and got going stood again but instead he had an ability to regenerate his head and his body also rebuilt lost body part .So when he was behhded his head again appeared and taken out again and appeared again amd this happened ten times over hence he had ten lives .I have shared a video in hindi as to how did raavan acquire ten heads .In one legend it is said that when ravana was performing penance for lord shiva ,he took out his hea after every thousand years as a sign to keep track or remembrance of the time passed and after ten thousand years and ten heads removed Lord brahma appeared .In the video that i shared a different angle is given like basically raavana had the qualities both of a saint and also of a demn because his father was a sage and mother was a demn and ravana had the calling to get back or resurrect the demn clan or asuraas clan back to efficiency .recently saw the image at 53 sec mark and was fasinated by it it shows ravana's earlier years doing penance standing on one leg in space element in a bid to impress lord shiva .It is mentioned in the video that the ten heads of raavana were ten reflections basically as a result of a gemstone which raavan acquired which had a big refractive index such that whatever was directed on it or when it absorbed something the gemstone reflected it many tyms over and magnified and projected it .Hence this gave raavana the power to bring out and display ten heads all of a sudden in the battlfield as a weapn of intimidtion so that he could confuse and instill feaar among the ppl in the battlfld so that when they see raavana they would not be able to decipher what kind of creature he is and not looking human but moving and talking like human would shock them .And also it is shown that when warriors attackd with weapns they went straight through and nothing happened because they were reflections and so could not be hjarmed .I think if any of the stories is true ,but seeing either one head spawning slowly on a hedless body or just ten heads appearing all of a sudden i think any of them would equally be very scary and would give raavana the edge or mental advantage in the field for sure .but the video is cool and nice effort .I just thought as to how it would have looked in todays times and sharing a scene from the movie supperman vs battman and when they along with wondder woman try to defeat the main character in the movie the monster called as doommsday .Now what happens is whenever attacked by any energy or any weapn , human made or godly ,doommsday had the power of heat retention meaning in case of attac he took in the miissile or godly wepn in himself and when it exploded inside him it generated immense heat .Now though this gave a jerk to the monster it has been shown wonderfully in the hollywood cinema that the bbllaasst is so immense that it gives a jerk to dooommsday but it is seen that he absorbs the attack and does a gesture or an action of actually swaallowin the impact .Now what happens is not only dooomsday takes it in but also now the magnified heat further ends in powering making him stronger .In the first video of the fight actually superman and batman and wonder woman first come to know of doooomsday through different mediums and till the time superman has already engaged him and batman is on his way in his flying craft and wonder women sees it and decides to arrive seeing it is a monster and can cause hrm to the areas .Then the initial glimpse of doomsday's regeneration power is shown wherein he takes out some humn units and gets hit and then it is shown in his body the heat accumulates and he reverts it back to the area and it feels like his body becomes full of energy and that which is extra he repels it through a dangerous shockwave .Its shown in a cool way at the 3.10 min mark when dooomsday is about to wield his power and flies above in an instant and it feels like he flew but later its shown that superman is pushing him from behind amd carrying him into the skies because even if doooomsday sends a shockwave in the sky the buildings in the area the cities would not get affected and dooomsday cannot fly he can only jump and travel huge distances so superman takes him out of his turf basically to be able to defeat him and a good scene at the 3.28 min mark where general and president talk and its decided to nukke ddooomsday into the galaxy and they say nukke them with no cassualty and a very good line which is that it is not that after nukking there will be no casualty because superman is carrying dooomsday close so the misssil will hit superman too and so they say there can be a single casualty .meaning they say that superman is putting his life on line to save other beings and so his life is as important as many even one soldr is important and even his casuualty or something if happend to him or her even that is as grave as if happened to number of ppl .hence the dialogue -launch the misil with no casualty ,then followed by -but superman is the casualty and it makes good impact .Superman takes him higher and the components of the misil rocket launch it above the earth's atmosphere and superman engages doomsday but even though he cannot fly he still gives it back with courage and still hits superman repeatedly down and keeps him behind without the fear of falling straight several thousands of miles down on the surface .The misil hits and a huge spectacle is visible to all the humans from earth even in daytime it is visible since it is a seriously huge explsion and superman is hit and its like he is gone and they lost him .in the second part of the scene in the second video they see a huge fiery meteor coming down fast and hard on earth and everyone is tracking dpooms day as a projectile and superman as another projectile and they say only a single projectile has returned and that was dooomsday so superman could not make it .So the lifeles body of doomsday falls back down on earth's surface with force and takes the form of an asteroid coming down its nicely shown his cells structure is so strong even breaking a lot of gravitational pulls and being emboldened in flmes he makes it to the surface .Now his cells start regenerating and attaching combining with each other and organs of doomsday start forming again and after completion of the entire structure and his brain he opens his eyes becomes aware and he actuallly sheds off his skin which has burrnt and become solid due to the change in atmosphere and the explosn and literally dusts off parts of his skin as if he is being reborn again and a new skin appears from the inside and raavana had this power but what dooomsday does is that he gets bigger i mean its nicely shown that literally his fingers start to grow again and hands grow and immediately it gives him strength too and he checks it by punchinn the ground hard and also grows in size so its like the power enables him to grow into an adult from a baby version in seconds actually .Superman goes into a dormant state like his lif is scked out from his body and he is floating in space lifless .I really wondered as to if in such a case what or who will defeat the bad god or supehuman because any god if attacked ravana as well he resurrected that part of his hand or leg if was cut and so for this the good gods came with a strategy of aiming for the heead and then ravana had many heads already in place for that as well !!!That came one after the other now what to do in such a case .Batman decides to aim for doomsday but doomsday has got a heat beam vision or attck which he uses right from where he is standing only moving his head in the direction of batman .Batman explains that dooomsday is an old times rival of superman and both used to fight when they were on their planet known as krypton before coming to earth so a type of crystalline material found on planet crypton weakens cryptonites or ppl living there and it weakens superman and so batman says that it must work the same for doomsday also and that there is a spear at the end of which the crystal is attached but in the confusion its misplaced and has to be found in the city .Now since the kryptonite spear is a weakness of superman as well so superman despite of the feeling to save humanity still cannot enter the battl cuz if he comes near the stone his power starts diminishing and it like weakens all his powers slowly like he cannot fly and starts to become physically weak .Now the responsibilty to defeat doomsday thus falls on the shoulders of batman and wonderwoman and they have to take the fight on behalf of or for superman instead .takin an opponent out kf the way gives dooomsday an added advantage already so they all realise that they all can only engage dooomsday for some time by comin at him but only a kryptonite stone can defeat him .While wonder woman is arriving batman requests the military to keep firin at doomsday from all sides but miss him and not hit him as whatever hits him he absorbs and gets stronger so the aim is only to distract or keep dooomsday busy till batman flies fast to the city limits and searches for the spear and the military fires all around him to make him look everywhere just to contain him and his destrction radius in that area itself .Now even superman is shown to have a regenrative ability but with the power of a very strong source and when he is more near to it than the earth ,the light source makes superman alive again and he becomes young literally and gets awakened .Meanwhile dooomsday also has higher intellectual capacity and he feels something is wrong since batman is supposed to attack him but is running from him and not attackin him and he instead tries to follow batman to be able to get him .Now this strategy of doomsday is actually dangerous and turns out good for batman because dooomsday does not know that where batman is going ,the weapon to take him out is there so he thinks batman is just running away and also incidentally for batman it becomes a good thing cuz he has in a way lured doomssday nearer to the weaapon so he now just has to find it and rather than flying with it back and lose time he rather has to hit doomsday there itself with it .But in the process the other cities and areas are in prblm cuz doommsday cant fly and so while jumping from place to place he bumps into things destrys and also the beams vision he has got he aims it almost anywhere and if he misses batman he hits the skyscrapers so total mayhem happens .So batman is cornered and doomsday unleashes a beam but just then wonder woman reaches in time and saves him my God all of them look good henry cavill dons the hairstyle of superman really well and suits him and sometimes i saw in comics he took a slight hair frilled it down his forehead but while flying i guess itll not be there due to the wind and batman actor also i think he is ben affleck has got a nice clearly defined jawline which always in old comics of batman is very visible and gal gadot looks tough .Batman has developed a grenaade launcher which is equipped with bullletts made of molecules of gas made from the same crystalline substance of crypton .So it blows like a smoke grrennade after hittin the eneemy .Good music and wonder woman tries to cuut off the legs of doomsday but he regenerates almost instantly and on the other end superman's ladylove actually tries to fetch the spear from a place but she is human and superman decides to go for it knowing that the stone can hrm him too and before his powers diminish too much he musters all the power left and goes near it and fetches the spear and quickly moves towards dooomsday because he knows if he loses tym he is getting weaker by the second and so tries to reach dooomsday as fast as possible and lay down a good strike before he loses strength and his punches go weak .Wonderwoman meanwhile successfully chhops the hand of doomsday but doomsday this tym does not reform his hand he instead knows now the enemiees are many and he restructures it molecularly or cellularly to form a spear out of his hand instead of his palm and fingers .Wonder woman bounds a leash on doomsday and batman hits him as well and superman risks his lif and hits doomsday with the spear and doomsday putts a spear of gigantic proportions in him and superman amd doomsday both pass awy .Superman actually becomes alive in the last scene but they had set it for the sequel and just to add completion to the experience have shared the last scene of the movie actually its shown in a very unique way meaning superman passes, they attend the funral bury him and then where he is buried the particles of mud start floating on the gravve at the 58 sec mark suggests that supernnatural things are happening once again and the particles around the superhero are getting charged or filled with superhuman energy and hence are defying gravity or different things happening again .Although its a movie but i felt visually as in powers viewpoint dooomsday is like raavana and there are also villains in the comics universe and i want to tell the readers reading this that do search for yourselves on a villaain named darkseid and his powers actually darkseid also has regenrative power but his power is like a mix of dooomsday and superman both in a way meaning dooomsday gets formed all by himself and superman gets energy from source but darkseid kind of squeezes lif out of his enemiies and the power that is squeezed out of them enters into darkseid so in a way he literally drinks their bld or life force so search if you want .Darkseid looks like the modern version of dooomsday like he has got this robotic uniform and gadget headgear and armour like he has technological prowess by his side but is cool and so devours or eats his opponnts and if the opponnts is strong then he got more food that day in terms of the body of the opponnt so darkseid's ways are more stonehearted in a way he is like a monster who eatts supeheroes when hungry or for fun .Superman takes doomsday to the firre to collide with a industrial unit but a thing he doesnt realize is that dooomsday actually feeds on the very same element of firre and has inturn gotten stronger although he loses time in the process of again regenerating which the superheroes utilize to plan strategy .Also sharing another video about raavana when he worshipped Lord and the poem derived from it ,the base is said to be taken from the battl or those curcumstances amd after learning about personality amd ways of raavana .The vid is from animated movie but i must say gives an impact and where raavana does a pooja or offers prayers while chanting a poem called as kara charana kritamvaa .It is sort of a forgiveness prayer and its like ravana sang it before battle to ask for forgiveness for taking out many individuals in advance to God since he was hard determined and could not budge on taking out anyone or sparing anyone instead he asked for forgiveness beforehand and said he is going to do what he is going to do and if possible gods please forgive his actions if they get considered as sins basically .So in confidence and grit he said his decisions are made with or without any other superatural beings supporting him and even gods if they bless its fyn and if they say no ravana will still go ahead with his plans .Perhaps might be looked as overconfidence in a way that he was doing wrong and glorifying it but if you read the scripture raavana was defending the turf and ofcourse some things were wrong but i guess the kritamva stanzas are written to convey that raavana was a man of a resolute mind .after reading the poem and have shared the stanzas ahead , i cant help but wonder what kind of a different thought process ravana must be having in behaving like this showing authority in a way to supreme god but it could be like ravana loved the gods truly and he knew them well and had worshipped them and so in affection got angry on them and perhaps had total belief on quality of his penance and its like the teacher's favourite student or the class monitor whose job is to maintain silence in classroom and report about boys and girls talking more to the teacher when she is looking down on the desk doing some work and the monitor or called cr in later colege or class representative monitors and sometimes gets a lot of other facilities like coming late to school or they know in advance as to what is gonna come on the notice board through teachers telling it to them ahead of it so they know the times of distributions of study material or exams or tests or functions before other students .So similarly it might be that banking on his thousands of years long penance ,ravana felt no other god or aasuraa might have worshipped gods like him and hence ravana intimidated even gods and said it was clear what he wanted and he was clear what he was gonna do .Also in childhood saw a vid where ravana's son indrajeet used to perform a havankund or offered offerings in a pyre while chanting mantras before each battle and his boon was something very smart what he had asked for was whenever he performed this puja before battle he would be granted invincibility .Months passed years passed using this technique indrajeet always prayed time ahead before going into battl thus remained undefeated in battle .One day lord hanuman breached his place and disturbed him as indrajeet used to do the puja in a very fortified place and battle happened between indrajit and lord hanuman before the big battle and indrajit could not complete the puja and that also took away his confidence and still went for it and got defeated .Sharing a small gist of the starting stanzas which are in sanskrit the literal meaning of the mantra batttlefield prayer chant and it is like 'o lord forgive all my siins i have committed consciously or unconciously I urge you to forgive the sinful deeds committed by my hands and feet, or arising out of my words or deeds done by me. Please forgive the siinnful acts committed by my senses, such as the ear and the eye, or the siiennful thoughts that arise in my head .Please forgive me for all the sieins I have committed i am committin or goin to commit in what i believe is but mere performance of my duties, as well as for the actions that are not clearly prescribed. Please forgive me for all my sins. Glory to you, Mahadev, Shambho, you are the ocean of compassion ' -Raavana .So it shows whether consciously or unconsciously whether in real or thought ravana said if he is hurted or going to cause destrctn inadvertently then forgive him in advance and shows he was hell bent determined on doing the stuff he felt necessary .and actions not defined meaning if the world thinks its wrong and somehow thats the only way and it needs to be done or where the lines between right or wrong are very thin and if ravana still decides to go by it then may god bless him either before or after ravana gets into action .and raavana praises the god and says that he knws that god will bless him in the end since god is the ocean of compassion and benevolence .Too much daring i must say !Shared a hindi translation of the hymn of ravana . 

?????? ??? ?? , 

???? ??? ?? ????? ?? , 

?????? ??? ??????? ??? ,

??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ,

?? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ,

?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ,

???? ?????????? ?????? ?????, ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ,

???? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ,

?? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ,

???? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ,

?????? ????? ???????? ??? ,

??? ????? ??????????? ???? ???? ?? ,

?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? 

?? ????? ?? ???? ????????? ?????? ???? 

???? ??? ?? ????? ?????

???? ?? ?????? | 


(the last words mean that the beginning is always the most enormous part of the task or the decision making and taking a step and i have started already ,and i am on my way ) 

-???? . 

Shared two episodes from superhero series shaktimaan where also the energy concept is shown actually i would have loved to explain each episode in detail but someday i will .

In episode 304 basically near the 19 20 mins the villain scientist actually derives a technology to harness brightness energy and mixes this with magnetic energy or magnets and reflects it and magnifies it with the help of dishes and fuses it into another villain or individual and he gets powers to remove energy from the opponent which he does with shaktimaan in the next episode .In the next episode 305 they are at a party and the villain arrives and increases his brightness so much he blinds and shocks everyone .Shaktimaan says that taking his attacks the heat energy inside him is also increasing .In the way doomsday's body developed cracks to show that additional energy is spilling or wants to come out and its not getting any outlet so he sends heavy shockwaves to release it similarly the heat increase inside shaktimaan is shown where heat beams start coming out from his eyes basically shows his body is full so extra beams he releases through eyesight but he gets attcked again and the quantity stemming from succesive attcks is very much more than shaktimaan can release and soon falters or gets overloaded because of massive brightness energy .But he saves himself in style actually overpowers the villain and says meditation religious chants and prays to Gods and then he is granted the ability of absorbing infinite energy and as much brightness comes he soaks it all .Its like as brightness is coming at shaktimaan God is collecting it from a side thus keeping shaktimaan good and then afterwards shaktimaan as a token of gratitude goes into space and prays and gives the brightness to sun god quite a nice traditional and religious way of ending a superhero episode like this where he in a way by praying to the sun god and giving him light shows that sun god is bigger than all beings and even bigger than shaktimaan so he prayed and then gave brightness showing that if anybody rightfully deserves brightness energy and who will use it responsibly ,then it is the sun god .Went to titwala Lord Ganesha temple and i go there since childhood its like 15 20 mins to our farm place .Right near to it like one minute walk is the Vitthal mandir or God Vitthal temple who is said to be an avatar of God sent to enlighten humans or when someone did tough penance and they could see God Vitthal .In this temple is a mystical thing ppl i have added its photo what is there is there is a pipe opening near the main area or altar where the idols of Lord Vitthal and Goddess Rukmini is instated amd its allowed to go near the altar and listen through the open end of the pipe and to our surprise a sound comes from inside it !!!No one knows how this happens and ppl do come here but i must describe for my readers that i feel the sound is like humming and its like few people are in some deep room underground and slow chanting the holy words either Om or Ram or a holy word consisting of the word m because the sound of ma or in hindi ? sound is there it comes i guess when i put my ear to it and listened i felt that way .Next tym i will ask the people there as to where exactly the other end of the pipe is and from where the sound comes .I must say it could be that the other end is in an open space and the sounds of the people or environment get inside it like the open compressor unit of an ac which is outside the house to take air inside from where it gets cooled moving through cold copper tubes in the ac and gets released in the house .But my question is even if this is the case and its an outside open sound coming and then further reverberations or vibrations are added due to the metal of the pipe when the sound travels through before coming inside and out through the other end in the temple , but suppose if this is the case then how do the voices or sounds not fluctuate or change when i hear it ??? Like if the pipe is in an open space then the sound of ppl passing from there will change cuz different ppl pass from there or even if its in some silent area where trees or forests is there still when birds fly near the opening of the pipe then that sound should also come along with different rain sounds through the pipe inside the temple .But that does not happen ppl ! What happens is one uniform sound comes which has the same tone or wavelength or the same bass or the same scale like some sage or ascetic is reciting scriptures or chanting in a very soft voice but then the words should change while reading and chants should change and that still does not happen ppl .There is surely something mystical about it its like someone repeating the words om om om om om om like continuously or some words spoken very softly that they are inaudible but said with a slow pace like that of chanting of mantraas .Next tym you come to the famous titwala temple and the lake near it where ppl cool off a bit in afternoons or evenings ,do come to vitthal temple just a minute in reverse direction outwards near the other side of mainroad its not on the mainroad hence is not seen but there is no line here since few ppl come so directly you can sit and take darshan or pray ,after coming inside theres a hall and the idol direct after entering the door .Also in one of the pics what you see above me is the huge beautiful portrait of a beautiful moment of sant tukaaraam or sage Tukaaraam who transmitted the scripture of God to the normal people and he was a poet like he could compose stanzas and make it rhyme and keep it in religious awakening context for better understanding of simple people and wrote religious complex things in the form of simplified rhymes which now centuries later proved that it served dual advantage because since a majority of ppl were simple they could understand the explanatory rhyming stanzas well and also since they were small stanzas the ppl automatically memorised it and remembered it and hence till date many of the stanzas are in rememberance .Other sages also previously to sage tukaaraam used it as well and it had humour also relating to daily lives of ppl sp ppl could talk or joke about it and share a happy moment and in a way through jokes also the stanzas and in a way through them religious directions reached the future ppl as they kept telling them .I think it all helped in making the rhymes immortal in a way .Many such rhymes are there but for the people to see a good example i have posted one and explained after this desc .If you like it do get a book on his stanzas or find them on the net its called Tukaaraamaanchya ovi or the poetic leaflets of Sage Tukaaraam or Tukaaraamanchi gaathaa or the sayings of sage tukaaraam and the rhyming stanzas are called as abhang in hindi and marathi .The portrait in the temple is of sage tukaaraam sitting on a huge bird now basically this imag comes from a story related to him actually what used to happen was when sages used to arrive and preach for a number of years and sometimes they were signalled by God or they themselves felt that their work was done so they called the Gods themselves to take them to the heavens and this was called as samaadhi .So after many years for sage tukaaraam God sent a huge flying bird to take him back to vaikunth in hindi or heavens .Hence in this temple the portrait of that instance is there .Now its in scriptures as to what happened is when Sage tukaaraam was on the bird , God asked him that if he wants to take his wife too to heavens he can and sage tukaaram told his wife to accompany him but she was a practicle woman and refused stating that who will take care of the kids if she also comes with him .I wonder if being a modern day guy if i have to decipher this then something very basic and intrinsic in every family is taught in this nice age old instance ppl .In a way it is shown that women cannot neglect the duties or their work towards nurturing of their children and they give it utmost importance and hence even the wife of a sage by whom God became impressed and sent a magical bird for , even staying in religious ways she said no to going straight to heaven and becoming a Godly being just because she wanted to ensure her kids get taken care of and hence chose to live earthly life among the humans with her kids and that women care for their kids more than anything else .I dnt know much about how sage tukaaraam passed but its written that the bird came and their wealth of knowledge i guess is important .Shared a video from an old movie where the instance is shown and actually in it a flying rath in hindi or beautiful carriage is shown which had come to take sage tukaaraam .Also it is a coincidence or what i do not know but along with sage tukaaraam whose painting is here ,God vitthal of whom this temple is dedicated to also is a God who is associated with magic .Firstly he is very dark complexion so not human above human superhuman just like Goddess chandi maataaraani who is the demmoonnic avatar of the Goddess but she slays or takes out bad ddmns basically so they are superhuman fierce gods .Now most of the places ,God vitthal is shown to be standing on one brick and i must say theres a story behind this and what happens is once a devotee named Pundalik began worshipping God and God vishnu became pleased at his penance and took a form or sent his avatar Lord Vitthal or also known as Paandurang (hence sage tukaaram always chanted or wrote at the end of each abhang or rhyming stanzas he wrote the word paandurang paandurang ) who came to the earth to meet him in person but Pundalik was serving food to the people in his house his parents brothers and sisters and friends and so he was so serious about that he told God to wait for sometime and as it was the day of monsoon and rains were setting in pundalik gave God a brick to stand on so that God Vitthals feet would not get muddy .When he came out he asked for forgiveness from the Lord but Lord vitthal instead got impressed and ordered one version or form of him to stand like that and that a temple be built around it .Hence in majority of the temples Lord Vitthal is shown to be standing on a brick do search on net as a symbol of utmost dedication of Pundalik who attended to lives' responsibilities first and he came to be known as bhakt pundalik or devotee pundalik .Also i think its a symbol of God's patience where instead of getting angry he understood his devotee and instead chose to wait for him .I think something nice is implied here .I feel its implied in a way and God also supports it that in life if you are in a role of any household responsibities ,then complete the task give priority to it and then also you can worship the Lord .It is not like you have to hurt people leave house and always go into isolation somewhere in order to worship so living a materialistic life also you can find or devote tym to worship and remember God .It is said that God vitthal is standing on the brick to this day in a way reminding the devottees that the wordly things are important too and since you have been given a human body or arrived in a human form on earth ,people are dependant on you and you must not neglect duties and you also need to pay the dues to the whole world meaning get involved in the society and worldly things and other humans and spread good things and complete responsibilities .Sharing the abhang of sage tukaaraam and their meaning which i think it is as follows below . 

?? ?? ????? ?????? 

?????? ????? ?? ????? 

???? ???? ?????? 

??? ?????? ?????? . 

Means that which is old and rusty ,he who calls them his own ,let it be known that he is the saint ,know that God resides there .perhaps it means person who prefers life basic or whose needs or necessities are not there or who is detached from worldly desires is a sage it has different meanings even i am confused it could also be that old and rusty means downtrodden and he who hails them is a good man or sage .The second one which coincidentally i found and i think its fantastic is as follows below : 

???? ???? ?? ???????? ,??? ??????? ????? .

???? ?????? ????? , ????? ?????? ???. 

????? ???? ?? ?????? ,?????????? ????????? .

????????? ?????? , ???? ????? ???? ??? . 

Meaning the colours of life you are colored in ,hey , you have forgotten flag of god (or you have got busy in material world and forgot temple flag meaning you have forgotten God) .

The body you have to keep and go ,you have kept desire .(this body is material and youll have to let it go someday , but still you have a longing for something in life or get attached to things) .

The world is not your family ,the moments momentary .(meaning everyone has come on earth for a short tym so dont take anybody as a bond and the cherishable little moments of happiness are also for a short span of tym they dont stay or nothing stays forever )

Companion of your ending moments ,tukaa says , hold vithu .(in the final years or in deah ,tukaram says that the true companion is lord vitthal or God and if you want to have something permanent in life or a permanent relation then you should hold on to him or get attached to God in life because God will be there for you even aftr deah basically so hold God close ) .

Do visit the temple and when i was a kid we didnt go to the lake sometimes quickly we had to go and it wasnt developed that way but now they have made it nicely and also the full fledged reataurants above bit so even if coming from afar without having lunch or breakfast and many kms beautiful rural roads still you have good place to eat there so no issues .Along with marathi a lot of non marathi people from that area or nearby ulhasnagar and far off places also come there and i always see hindi ppl more there and hence the ganesh temple at titwala is full all the times of the day but do go to the vitthal mandir just next to it and listen with your ear very close touched to the pipe the next tym youre here .Added pics of myself standing at vitthal temple and it has got a good structure looks as if there is a line but inside its pretty direct and nice i have not posted pics of idols actually i have them and i had taken permission prior basically and kind of them perhaps they gave me out of humanity and that afternoon tym no one was in temple like only handful devotees who came as i was goin and they did not anticipate that i might posst on scl mdia they would have thought ill keep it for myself hence ill not pst and also no board or signage was there which said phhotography prohibtd because in ganpati temple titwala next to it literally metal boards are there whivh say inside phottographhy not allowed but outside the door you can but in the vitthal temple actually i guess the crowd is not much hence outside it looks like big or busy place but inside is very simple so i think boards are not there or it must have been there or i didnt see it actually normal temples on the streets i visit and i click pics of idols and have psted them previously but this temple is pretty well known i suppose they might be having a trust or ppl lookin after its operations i guess so i better not mess but do search type in lord vitthal and you can see the God standing on the brick and now you know the story atleast little bit according to my broken explaining ability but if you like do research full on net its better available .and as far as the magic pipe goes ,i have posted only a close shot so the idols are above on it and the pipe comes out from the same marble platform from the right bottom side so its like a marble box on which idols are instated and pipe opening is from inside it its like you bow your head and touch it on the marble platform above and its like God speaks or makes sound from inside it and immediately you can put your ear to it and hear it from right next to it .someday will ask them where is the other end but even if normal phenomenon but still quite a unique thing i must say and its cool .the sound comes from afar somewhere according to me but its good listening to chants in vibrations and i can feel the sound travelling its like someone calling from afar its cool .Next tym you come do come here ,this magic is different ,you cant see it ,but you can hear ,and if possible do listen .Peace love and respect for all each and everyone who found the time to read this thank you so much to all . (Explanation for the shaktimaan and kingsman video -Here just ill explain in short in the start actually what happens is that the villan devices a system wherein if a set frequency is tuned to be listened by the brain like i shared the pipe pic but uts religious frequency similarly in this frequency is set but for other purpose and this is further established in places where footfall is more or more ppl come like the clinics or so and when the person comes he is made to listen to it and since old times before shaktimaan as well in comics this is mentioned and also this concept is nicely shown in the hollywood movie kingsman the young ones must be knowing the movie was like a more tech powered trendy and youth oriented playful version of james bond its what i think i may be wrong but my friend saw it and he recommended it and i saw kingsman on tv .So in it also the vilan samuel jackson sets this frequency on the earphones of ppl and which cmpls them to figh its a very famous scene basically .Only in shaktimaan vid what they have done is they added the infrastructure also to it and made it involved meaning as soon as yhe frequency hits , the apparatus in the clinic also displays the mission or words which further enhance the feelins and also the frequency is put in cassettes and given to ppl they think its music and when they try to play it the frequency sound comes and then again mayhem happens such is shown in the shaktimaan in the starting part .i cant help but post the hollywood scene of movie kingsman it shows frequency play and and tuning when tuned to the mind how deaadly it can be .So the guy in specs in actually the agent and samuel jackson is the inventer of frequency so he goes into a church and calls ppl there and everyone has gathered yo pray and suddenly samuel jackson switches the sound system to a set frequency and ppl start to behave erratically and then tells the agent to carry on with the missio and wait till yhe ppl start fightn each other and the frequency increases and ppl now start to grab each other and taking advantage of this confusion the agent takes out ppl and then says that they took each other out or to cover himself .So a clever thing is shown actually samuel jackson manupulates and after this scene you can search on net samuel jackson comes to inspecct the scene and yhe agent thinks he will get rewarded but samuel jackson inturn takes the agent also out in order to leave no proof that such a highly advance thing happened since the technology is new and no one knows about so ppl will think some normal guy took many out or the ppl themselves someone fought and other ppl joined and they themselves took them out and even if someone who was there or escaped and tried to tell that a frequency played in such churc nobody would believe him because no one has heard it in church before .This scene is shhot with full music in the background ppl and engaging music on one end and total mayhem on the other side by side makes it a bit unique .i still watch james bond i think its pretty adult and has some decent amount of jokes but when i saw kingsman i like the effort its good some more quirky gadgets are shown for the young generation i suppose and glammour is added in some scenes like the endin scene of this movie search it if you want actually where the heroine is trapped and the agent goes to release her from behind bars and she says that just defeat samuel jackson and then they can have some fun in the cage instead and the hero at yhe end grabs a bottle of champgne from the vilain's refrigerator and gets in with her in the cage itself rather than freeing her and furst going to a safe place its shown actually that the agent and his heroine both figgh or take out ppl like its everyday breakfast and hence its a part of their daily lives and they treat such risky missions as very normal like going out to buy grocery like its habitual and hence they are able to stay calm and hang around in fun in such a situation .also see the sequel that came out ppl i am yet to see it .James bond also has fun ppl but his ways are a bit subtle like in case of heroine he approaches calmly and also in terms of fight after coming out or escaping an explosn he just smoothly unbuttons his parachut after gettin off from it on the ground while walking normally as done in the last scene in spectre and in skyfall also villan classy javier barderm did it and also after gettin off from a machinery which explodd he just buttons his coat or shirt or flips back folds his shirt from the wrists or buttoning it or adjusts his look or outfit shkwing that survivin explsions is like everyday breakfast for james bond .)


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