When you reach the SOLUTION that is MOMENTOUS. Big or small, it is a moment different from the moments working on the SOLUTION.
Yesterday I solved a puzzle in a puzzle book and the SOLUTION was the quote "The true test of character is how you behave when you don't know what to do" -- I don't remember so much about the clues in the puzzle along the way but I remember the moment of revealing the quote.
Perhaps if we recognized more of our moments as MOMENTOUS the pattern would give us MOMENTUM.
And we really could consider many moments as MOMENTOUS, even if they seem routine to us. Consider the physician performing a minor surgery.
With our work for DynaMed Plus, where we process so much medical research and guidance for rapid interpretation at the point of care, it could seem like we are summarizing minor considerations at times. But when those minor information bits are the information a clinician is seeking to inform patient care, the result is MOMENTOUS.